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英语完型填空和阅读理解是要考察什么? 英语句子中逗号后面动词形式的问题~~谢谢!~


完型 主要考你对词汇以及主旨大意的理解、有比较深的完型 一般是夹叙夹议的那种,考察主旨大意,以考察你对文章深层含义的挖掘 。而阅读理解则重点考察词汇量以及文章理解 ,其实做阅读你只要理解意思就行了 难得还是完型


1. I got up early in the morning,put my clothes,made my bed and went to school.
2. Children entered the room, running and laughing.
至于是Ing 还是 ed,这要看主动还是被动。这里run和laugh肯定是孩子的主动状态。也有被动状态,比如这个句子。
A child entered the room in tears, pushed hard by another behind him.


答案看多了,抄袭可能会养成习惯 会对以后的学习产生不良的影响,在网上是问不到答案的哈
现在就养成勤于思考的习惯 好好学习,即使自己答案错了至少能加深印象

a large quantity of+可数名词复数 后面的谓语动词用单数还是复数

如果是a quantity of,动词就用第三人称单数,
如果是quantities of,动词就用复数形式。
the quantity of 后面用单数
a quantity of 后面的动词根据名词的单复数判断
quantities of 后面的动词用复数。
a large quantity of 后接单数还是复数动词要根据前面的名词作判断---这一点比较统一
the quantity of 不管后面是名词的复数形式还是不可数名词,都把主语当成一个主体,后接动词单数形式,这也是比较统一的认识。
但quantities of 后接动词的单数还是复数形式,不同语法书就有不同的认识。有的认为不管怎样都用复数形式,有的认为
quantities of +不可数名词+单数动词
+ 复数名词+复数动词
Joe 发表于 2007-5-1 12:04:00
湖北省黄冈市英山一中 马保国
主谓一致是高中英语考试的重要考点之一,其中不乏难题,尤其是带有限定词的名词短语作主语时,最难选择谓语的单复数形式。例如,“a quantity of +名词”作主语时,谓语是用单数还是用复数就让广大考生困惑不已,因为目前的教辅读物中众说纷纭,矛盾重重,让人莫衷一是,到底是用单数还是用复数呢?且看下文:
(P74) a large quantity of 不管后面跟可数名词还是不可数名词,都要用单数动词,比较:
Large quantities of money have been sent there.
A large quantity of books has been offered to us.
A (large) quantity of 修饰可数或不可数名词,其短语作主语时,谓语动词用单数。
例如:A large quantity of people is needed here.
(large) quantities of修饰可数或不可数名词,其短语作主语时,谓语动词用复数。
例如:Quantities of food (nuts) were on the table.
3.English Weekly
1. 徐广联在《大学英语语法讲座与测试》(华东理工大学出版社)中表示,a quantity of 只能修饰不可数名词,谓语动词用单数。A quantity of 间或也可以修饰可数名词,例如,A quantity of baskets were on sale.
2. 张怀信在《英语高考活用图解辞典》(延边大学出版社)中讲到,a large/small quantity of 大量的/少量的(可以修饰可数名词或不可数名词),例如,I need a large quantity of oil (apples). quantities of 大批的,大量的,例如,Large quantities of polluted water are flowing into the sea. 该书所附〈语法祥解篇---主谓一致〉还明确指出“在以上(a lot of, lots of, plenty of, a large quantity of + 名词)的词组后面的名词是中心词,谓语动词根据后面的名词的数而定”。
3.顾南华在《中高级英语考试指南》(华中工学院出版社)中说,a quantity of, quantities of可跟可数名词与不可数名词,并举有三例:There is a large quantity of milk. Great quantities of fish are caught on the high sea. Large quantities of water are needed for cooling purposes.在452页讲到“a quantity of + 不可数名词”,谓语只用单数,“quantities of + 可数与不可数名词”,谓语要用复数。
4.章振邦在《新编英语语法》(上海译文出版社)212页中讲到,a quantity of既可用于复数可数名词,也可用于不可数名词。例如, A large quantity of flowers were heaped on the martyr’s tomb. A large quantity of beer was consumed. Quantities of food were on the table.
5. 刘锐诚在《学生使用英语高考必备》(中国青年出版社)中认为,a quantity of +名词[C,U][+单或复数动词],quantities of +名词[C,U] [+复数动词]。
6. 张鑫友在《英语语法难题新探(句法篇)》(中国地质大学出版社)529页中说,在…a large quantity of…等短语后既可接复数可数名词,亦可接不可数名词。在它们分别和其后的名词构成短语作主语时,其谓语动词通常跟of后名词的具体情况而采用单数或复数形式。
1.a quantity of后既可接复数可数名词,亦可接不可数名词。在它们分别和其后的名词构成短语作主语时,其谓语动词通常看of后名词的具体情况而采用单数或复数形式。如果是接不可数名词,则谓语用单数形式,如果是接复数可数名词,则谓语通常要采用复数形式(※偶而接单数式谓语,属非规范用法,宜慎用。)
2.quantities of后既可接复数可数名词,亦可接不可数名词,后面的谓语都用复数形式。
1. On January 18, a large quantity of coloured photopaper, dried seafood, canned abalone, audio equipment and antibiotics worth HH$16million were found in four 40-foot containers, bound for… ( In brief--- China Daily, HK Edition, 20050122, P2)
2. Besides, a large quantity of mail bags were found. (US nationals arrested for DVD piracy---China Daily, 20040731, P1)
3. An undetermined quantity of weapons and ammunition were also seized, the spokesman said. (Raid in karbala and shots fired in Baghdad---China Daily, 2003102, P1)
4. …and a small quantity of dangerous drugs were seized. (Travel scheme causes concern in HK---China Daily, 20030822, P2)A
5. A quantity of fake certificates and official stamps were also seized. (Police seize 59 in major gang smash, 20030403)
※ 6. “…and a large quantity of drugs is reading different segments of society.” Wang said. (Zzzicit drug dealers executed----China Daily, 20030627, P2)




1. 两空常填连词
表原因:now that;
表让步:even if / even though
表方式:as if / as though / just as
表目的:so that / in case
表结果:so that
定语从句中:介词 + which
表条件:what if
表除了:except when/that
2. 三空常填连词
表目的:in order that / for fear that
表时间:as soon as
表条件:as/so long as / on condition that
特别注意:no matter how + adj./ no matter what + n.
3. 两空常填介词
表原因:because of/ due to/ owing to/
表让步:regardless of
表递进:apart from
表相反:instead of/ rather than
表除了:except for / other than
4. 三空常填介词
表让步:in spite of
表递进:in addition to
5. 两空常填情态动词
have to / had better / wouldrather / ought to / may/might (as) well



A:Hey,guy.Whats going on?
B:I am so coufused of something.Actually,Im in trouble now.
A:What happen to you?I remember you were just fine this moring.Tell something about it.Maybe I can help you.
B:Well,you know,I am a sophomore now and I will be a junior soon--just only in two month.But I have never had my goal so far.
A:Your goal?What goal?Arent you studying with us for our major,you can be a lawer,or you may be a good counselor in a bank,or you can... you can do many things...
B:I know,but.. to tell you the truth,I dont love my major at all.I want to be a businessman.
A:Fine,that sounds great.If you like it,just do it.You have a goal,and this its goal,isnt it?I will support you,you can make it.
B:Really,dont you think its a bad idea,I am a school student now?
A:Of course not,a dream of your own is most valuable than any other thing.Dont worry about it,but first of all,before you make up your mind,you should consider one thing that if you can do your best to achieve your dream.
B:Kidding?Of course I will.
A:a...uh,,,well,good job.Now you know how to do now?
B:Absolutely yes.Thank you very much.


Teacher wang,这个叫法呢,是在你和另一个人谈论王老师的时候,或者写日记的时候丫,这么称呼。
叫 Sir,
或者 Mr 王
叫 Madam,
或者 miss 王
或者只叫miss 也可以
Mrs 王
或者只叫miss ,Madam 也可以
