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以my troublesome apartment为题的英语作文 经验是最好的老师 英语演讲稿

以my troublesome apartment为题的英语作文

I rented an apartment when I was studying at my university. It was a very annoying apartment.
First, My roomates were a party animal. They hold parties every night after they drank at the bar. They were loudly chatting at the living room, and they were disrupting my sleeping. Moreover, My roomates were not likely to clean up the mess after they hold a party. The apartment was look like a pigsty as a result the landlord was very angry and kicked my roomates out of the apartment.
Second, my apartment dint have a fridge and washing machine. It made me very difficult to clean up my clothes and cook the food. Therefore, I had to wash my clothes by hand, and I had to eat out every day.
Right now, I have my own apartment. I have learnt lots of lessons from my troublesome apartment, and made my place a nice and clean apartment.

经验是最好的老师 英语演讲稿

Experience— the best teacher
We gain knowledge in different ways. We gain it from books or by doing something. The knowledge gained by doing something, is experience. What we learn through experience is more lasting than that acquired through reading. It is accurate, complete and permanent. It is first-hand knowledge.
We can learn through our own experience and partly through other peoples experience. A child does not stop playing with fire till he burns his fingers. He learns from his own experience. So, experience is the best teacher.