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体现中国传统文化的英语作文(五分钟,有中文翻译) 有关中国剪纸的英语作文


s one culture without interruption. Generally speaking, it has not changed much.National Characteristic.More or less,it has changed in different historical periods.China.Extensive and Profound.“Extensive” refers to Chinese traditional culturs traditional culture )
1.From Generation to Generation. China试译如下;“Profound”means Chinese traditional culturs depth—unfathomable,but on the whole it.
2;s breadth—rich and colorful;s traditional culture is unique to China,which is different from other nations.
3.A Long History.It has 5000 years of history.
Chinese traditional culture(or Chinas traditional culture has been interrupted in some short historical periods
and continue from generation to generation. "And", said the Chinese traditional culture is the breadth - rich and colorful.
2 and national characteristics. Chinese traditional culture is unique to China, and other ethnic cultures in the world.
3, has a long history. Five thousand years of history.
4 and profound. Chinas traditional culture in some brief period in history has interrupt, in different historical periods of more or less change, but generally without interruption, overall, "intensive&quot
1. Passing on from generation to generation. Chinese traditional culture may be interruppted in certain transient period,more or less changed during different historical periods, but on the whole, China maintained its cultural tradition without letup or obvious change.
2.National indentity. Chinese traditional culture is unique, different from other cultures in the world.
3.A long history. With five thousand years of history
4.Extensive and profound. Extensive is the breadth of Chinese culture---rich and varied, profound is the depth of Chinese culture---unfathomable


Let the Chinese traditional culture is profound, deep is far stream long. Today, I want to introduce the traditional culture is the paper-cut! There are many kinds of paper-cut, such as: the window, like flowers, fireworks, shoes, flowers, door raft, bay state cloth, measures of worship, the paper-cut, QiFan paper-cut, the paper-cut characters, the paper-cut, pictures, etc. My times just introduce paper-cut pictures and characters and paper-cut QiFan paper-cut. Paper-cut picture is on a piece of paper cut out a picture. You see first that "scholar", one is carrying on the reading a book, Mr. He is a scholar of the way, Look at this picture again, show peony "phoenix" is a phoenix on playing on a peony, like a child playing...

Paper-cut characters is first, and then take out a piece of paper on top of some Chinese cut out, still can cut art words! I have cut, very beautiful, not letter, you try! You look nice would say, because this is the prequel down? I have done QiFan paper-cut, according to their way (is) I first took a 1 FenMi stick, grab a piece of paper, it into a triangular shape between yourself and see this cut (how) the final paper is stuck up again. Would you try and made! China still has a lot of traditional culture, such as calligraphy, embroidery, etc. How, we Chinese have many traditional culture?

咱们的中国传统文化博大精深,渊远流长。今天,我要向大家介绍的就是传统文化——剪纸啦!    剪纸的种类有很多,比如:窗花、喜花、礼花、鞋花、门筏、湾州布影、斗香花、剪纸团花、剪纸旗幡、剪纸汉字、剪纸图画等等。我次就只介绍介绍剪纸图画、剪纸汉字和剪纸旗幡。    剪纸图画就是在一张纸上剪出一副画来。你先看看这幅“书生”,上面有一位正在拿着书在读的先生,一看他的样子就是一位书生;再看看这幅“凤凰戏牡丹”,上面有一只凤凰在一朵牡丹上玩耍,活像一个小孩在玩耍……  

 剪纸汉字也是先拿出一张纸,然后在上面剪出一些汉字,还可以剪艺术字呢!我也曾经剪过,非常的漂亮,不信,你自己试试!你看了准会说很好看,因为这是以前传下来的吗!    剪纸旗幡我也做过,(是照自己的方式做的)我先拿来一条1分米的棍子,再拿来一张纸,吧之间成一个三角形的形状,(自己看一下该剪多大)最后再把纸粘上去。就做成了,你试试吧!    中国还有很多传统文化,比如:书法、刺绣等等。怎么样,咱们中国是不是有很多传统文化?


The Dragon Boat Festival for the annual lunar may fifth day, say again DuanYangJie, afternoon day festival, WuYueJie, five days festival, elliott DuanWu, ChongWu section,,, summer quarter, afternoon, was originally a ward of summer holiday. Plague Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival of the han people in China, this day indispensable activity gradually evolved into eating zongzi, boat racing, hanging moxa HaoCao, ` calamus cangzhu, a. dahurica have perfumed, drink realgar wine. Reportedly, eating zongzi and dragon boat racing, is to commemorate qu yuan, the Dragon Boat Festival, so liberation was named as "poet festival", in memory of qu yuan. As for hanging moxa calamus, have perfumed, drink realgar wine cangzhu), a. dahurica in order to ward off evil spirits, it is said to be. "The Chinese Dragon Boat Festival" as one of national holidays and are listed as world non-material cultural heritage list. Past dynasties have lots of poetry, word, songs, fu and other literature works were handed down.


A. Nice weather ,isnt it? 今天天气真好. It sure was hot last week. 上星期好热呀! B. Im glad it is getting cooler as we are into autumn now. 真高兴现在是秋天, 凉快一点儿了. Today is Mid-Autumn Festival. 今天是中秋节? A. Whats that? 什么是中秋节? B. It is a traditional Chinese holiday. It falls on the 15th day of the eighth moon according to the lunar calendar. 是一个传统中国节日, 农历的八月十五日. A. What do you do on Moon Festival ? 中秋节做什么呢? B. Its a time for family reunion. 58英语,简单学习 是全家团圆的日子. A. Any traditional food ?(Any special food?) 有没有什么传统的(或特别的) 食物? B. Yes, we eat moon cake for dessert. 有, 我们吃月饼当甜点.




  我的家乡 我的家乡是一座海滨城市--汕头。 汕头,地处祖国东南沿海,有着独特的自然和人文环境。 它是一个桥乡,游子的丝丝情愫,是鱼儿对海的依恋。 汕头更是个文化之都,文学渊源流长,内容丰富。它哺育了一代又一代的潮汕人民,其文化永垂不朽。 汕头也是个美食之都,它有多种多样的美味小吃,潮汕工夫茶更是闻名天下。 再加之,汕头优美的环境,吸引着无数游人来这旅游。 而且,进入“十一五”规划后,汕头更是朝着现代化海滨城市的目标不屑努力。 汕头,我可爱的家乡,它是个美丽的神化。我爱它! My hometown is a seashore city - - Shantou. Shantou, lands place motherland southeast coastal, have unique natural and humanity environment. It is a bridge town, swim the silk feelings of son Su, is fish for sea love. Shantou is also a culture city , literature origin flows out length , has rich content. It have fed a tide of acting another generation people, its culture is immortal. Shantou is also beautiful meal Zhi , it has the varied snack of delicious food, tide Shan congou is more famous world. Again besides, Shan the environment with graceful head, since attracting countless visitor this travel. after entering the program of " 115 " Shan head is more dynasty the goal of modern seashore city disdain with great efforts.

关于中国传统物品的英语文章 求解!

Chinese Tea

China is the homeland of tea. It is believed that China has tea-shrubs as early as five to six thousand years ago, and human cultivation of teaplants dates back two thousand years. Tea from China, along with her silk and porcelain, began to be known the world over more than a thousand years ago and has since always been an important Chinese export. At present more than forty countries in the world grow tea with Asian countries producing 90% of the worlds total output. All tea trees in other countries have their origin directly or indirectly in China. The word for tea leaves or tea as a drink in many countries are derivatives from the Chinese character "cha." The Russians call it "chai", which sounds like "chaye" (tea leaves) as it is pronounced in northern China, and the English word "tea" sounds similar to the pronunciation of its counterpart in Xiamen (Amoy). The Japanese character for tea is written exactly the same as it is in Chinese, though pronounced with a slight difference. The habit of tea drinking spread to Japan in the 6th century, but it was not introduced to Europe and America till the 17th and 18th centuries. Now the number of tea drinkers in the world is legion and is still on the increase.


山西位于太行山之西,黄河以东。春秋时期,大部分地区为晋国所有,所以简称“晋”;山西的土特产品种类繁多。杏 花村汾酒是我国古老的历史名酒,色如水晶美玉,清香纯正,味美无穷,畅销内外;山西老陈醋甜绵酸香,不仅调味上佳,还可消食、美容、杀菌;有国家重点风景名胜区五台山、恒山、黄河壶口瀑布、北武当山、五老峰等。欢迎大家来山西旅游观光。我为我是山西人而感到骄傲!


Shanxi is located west of the Taihang Mountains, east of the Yellow River. Spring and Autumn Period, most of all for Jin, therefore referred to as "Jin"; Shanxi, a wide range of native products. Xinghuacun fen ancient history of our wines, the color of Crystal Jade, fragrance pure, delicious infinite, best-selling domestic and foreign; Shanxi mature vinegar sour sweet and fragrant cotton is not only a good flavor, but also digestion, beauty and sterilization; a national key scenic spots Wutai, Hengshan, the Yellow River Hukou Waterfall, North Wudang, Wu Laofeng so. Welcome to Shanxi tourism. I am proud that I was from Shanxi!



The Spring Festival
Far and away the most important holiday in China is Spring Festival, also known as the Chinese New Year. To the Chinese people it is as important as Christmas to people in the West. The dates for this annual celebration are determined by the lunar calendar rather than the Gregorian calendar, so the timing of the holiday varies from late January to early February.
To the ordinary Chinese, the festival actually begins on the eve of the lunar New Years Day and ends on the fifth day of the first month of the lunar calendar. But the 15th of the first month, which normally is called the Lantern Festival, means the official end of the Spring Festival in many parts of the country. 2
Spring Festival is the most importantand popular festival in China.Before Spring Festival ,the people usually clean and decorate their houses.And they go to the Flower Fairs to buy some flowers.During Spring Festival ,the adults usually give lucky money to children.People often get together and have a big meal.Some people eat dumpling for dinner.
