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学习语言学概论的心得 英语作文 online communication 100词左右


1)关于《语言学概论》的一点学习心得 《语言学概论》这本书主要介绍语言学的基础理论,了解语言的性质、功能以及它的结构。掌握语言的现状、变化以及一般的发展规律。它是一门多边缘、多层次的立体性学科。它和社会科学、自然科学、思维科学都有着紧密的联系。在交叉科学日益发展的今天,语言学显得越发重要。 通过读书,以及自己原有的一些观念,我对语言现在是这样认识的:语言是一种社会现象,它是我们人类特有的。语言与我们的思维有着密切的关系。语言是最重要的交际工具。 以前,一直以为语言是与生俱来的,是平常生活中看似最简单不过的现象。通过这本书的学习发现,其实不然,原来越是简单的事越是有大奥妙。说话、写文章都要遵循语法规律。从婴儿时期的呀呀学语,到长大成人规范地使用语言,在不同的场合说不同的语言,人们互相学习各种不同的语言,学习一定的语言学知识,可以更好地帮助我们理性地认识它,并且更好地掌握它,更好地为以后的学习、工作、生活服务。 2)《英语语言学概论》学习心得 当我第一次翻开《英语语言学概论》的教材书时,心里“咯噔”一下,真的是挺吓人的一本书,满眼都是生疏的单词,还有各种不知所云的图表。当时真的很怀疑自己这么多年的英语是不是白学了。但当我静下心,并结合历年真题试卷细细分析了一下,其实英语语言学概论中的单词只是更偏重于学术性而已,并且有很多的单词我们完全可以通过已经识记的一些词根词缀猜出大概的意思,记忆起来并不是很难。我觉得,首先,我们应该克服对于偏于学术的英语的胆怯心理,这样才能在以后的学习中更有动力 在英语语言学概论这门科目的学习中,我特别推荐给我们上课的支老师和王老师主编的苏州大学出版社出版的《英语语言学概论自学指导》。这本书是对于英文教材中的重点知识用中文进行了归纳,方便我们对于课本进行更为透彻的理解。当然,这本书始终只是辅导教材,大家万万不可将其作为重点,而抛弃了英文原教材。这本书只是帮助理解、防止发生理解错误的,我们一定要勇于去阅读全英文的书,这样对于培养英语思维有非常大的益处。 下面就具体讲讲我是怎么准备英语语言学概论的考试的。 起初,对于英语语言学的知识积累不多,开始时接触的知识都是似懂非懂,没有非常切实的体会。于是我采取了一个笨方法,就是“死记硬背”。我的“死记硬背”是通过不断地重复实现的,我将刚才提到的《自学指导》的单元课后练习用铅笔做,做完后对照答案修改,错误的题目擦去,重点记忆后下次再做,再改。就在不断重复中,我不仅记住了生词,还一遍又一遍的加深了对知识的理解。现在看来,这个阶段在我的英语语言学的学习过程中起到了非常重要的基础作用。通过记忆将知识内化,之后再反复揣摩、理解,为以后的学习培养了“语言学的语感”。 在此,我想提醒一下大家,通过我的实践并向老师进行了求证,《自学指导》中的一些练习题由于是选自高校考研真题,对于我们本科段的学生而言偏难,遇到这样的题目大家不用太过沮丧或浪费太多时间,可以适当跳过。 语言学这门课真的没有什么捷径可走,有的要记忆的东西一定要保质保量的准确记忆。例如,第三章中的英语辅音和元音的分类表,是非常重要的知识点,要牢牢记住,并且很多的知识点都可以借助这两张表来掌握。 此外,我建议大家参加第二专业学历教育的课程。语言学这门课相对来说比较学术,和以前我们接受的英语教育相比有很大不同,有了老师的引导可以少走很多弯路。 最后,我有一句话和大家共勉:不要追逐成功,做到卓越,成功自然会在不经意间追上你。在语言学的学习中不要只关注考试分数,试着去体会其中的乐趣,你会发现这也是一门很有趣的课,那分数一定不会和你作对。

英语作文 online communication 100词左右

The Internet has created a means for people to come closer together. Rather than spending money on phone services, people in different states or even different countries can hop on messenger services, social networking or email to communicate. The Internet allows people to find old friends, classmates, and family members, or meet new people.With the growing popularity of the Internet more and more people are communicating via email. This fast and efficient method of communication is perhaps the preferred method of online communication at the present with thousands upon thousands of emails being sent each day. The many uses of email are what make it so appealing and so versatile. Whether you are sending a greeting to a grandparent or sending files to a coworker, you can easily utilize email to do so. Email has come quite a long way since its introduction, yet it is still used for many of the same reasons. Basic electronic communication has essentially evolved into a more resourceful tool as one has the ability to do much more now then they once could. Along with the usual sending of files and text messages through email, one can send greeting cards, manage their emails by assigning them to folders or classifying them as junk and even organize and manage their daily tasks on some email servers. This wonderful tool is not without its downside however. Some people choose to send worms and viruses via email and in the process infect and damage quite a lot of computers. A virus email can often be very difficult to detect, especially to someone with very little knowledge of computer viruses and how they work. If you notice that you have an anonymous email or an email with a name foreign to you then you may not want to open this email as may likely be a viruses and the mere act of opening the email makes your computer susceptible to infection. Along with the abovementioned problems privacy has also become an issue with email activity. Virtually every email that you send has to go through a number of computers before it reaches the inbox of the intended receiver and along the way there exists a distinct possibility that an individual could hack into your email and read it. Thus it is imperative that you have a bullet proof password. Online communication does not allow users to see one another or speak face-to-face. Though the use of video chat can allow users to speak face-to-face virtually, chat programs and email do not always allow it. An online friendship does not have the same contact as a physical one, such as meeting up in person, contacting over the telephone, and having a conversation, nor does it allow you the physical experience and comfort of having a friend by your side.

统计学中 双尾和单尾检验有什么区别?要求举例说明

1、研究目的是想判断两个数据的均值是否不同, 需要用双尾检验。
2、研究目的是仅仅想知道一个数据的均值是不是高于(或低于)另一个数据, 则可以采用单尾检验。

1、如果问题是:中学生中,男女生的身高是否存在性别差异, 因为实际的差异可能是男生平均身高比女生高,也可能是男生平均比女生矮。这两种情况都属于存在性别差异。需要用双尾检验。





int main()


int  d[10]={0},i,j,t;//数组d存放10个学生的成绩



for(i=0;i<9;i++)//排序 for(j=i+1;j<10;j++) if(d[i]<d[j]) {




printf("%d  ",d[i]);


return 0;

