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随着科学技术的发展用英语怎么表达 “随着社会的进步和科技的发展”用英语怎么说?


随着科学技术的发展的英文:In the wake of developments in science and technology
development 读法  英 [dɪveləpm(ə)nt]  美 [dɪvɛləpmənt] 
n. 发展;开发;发育;住宅小区(专指由同一开发商开发的);[摄] 显影
1、software development 软体开发
2、development zone 开发区
3、business development 商业开发
4、market development 市场发展;市场开发
5、development tendency 发展趋势

1、development的基本意思是“发展,发达,开发”,指某人或某事〔物〕的抽象的进展; 还可指其具体的进展情况,即“新阶段,新发明”。development有时还可指“新开发地”或一个可能影响一个地区局势的事件或新闻。
development, evolution这组词都有“发展”的意思,其区别是:
1、development 强调通过一系列自然过程或人工方法使某物潜在或隐藏的可能性显露出来,得以实现。
2、evolution 侧重指事物由简到繁,由低级到高级的连续发展,强调变化或演变。


“随着社会的进步和科技的发展”英语翻译成:"With the progress of society and the development of science and technology"。


With the progress of society and the development of science and technology
[词典] develop; growth; expand;
Languages are always developing.
[词典] (科学技术) science and technology;
This engine uses all the most modern technology

科技是不起会让人更加懒惰 英语作文

The power released by science and technology is unparalleled, but most of the energy is used to improve peoples lives, rather than the progress of human society.

When people are tired of dishwashing after a good meal, they invent dishwasher, disinfector and detergent. When people are fed up with preparing food three times a day, they have to come out with convenience food, microwave oven and refrigerator. And people do not want to do it yourself climate, based on Internet technology takeout, express, online stores have emerged.
When a new technology is created in the laboratory, people no longer consider how to promote the overall progress of civilization, but how to meet peoples lazy hope as the first starting point.
Originally, science and technology is a tool to improve peoples lives and promote social progress. However, the creator is convinced by its powerful power, and has been addicted to the beautiful life brought by science and technology.
People have long realized that laziness is a deep-rooted part of human nature and can not be eradicated. Therefore, it is listed as one of the "seven crimes" to remind people to be vigilant. But as long as there is a chance, the idea of laziness will occupy peoples heart.
One day in the future, people may lie in bed motionless, and technology has done everything for them, so that this human can live a meaningless life comfortably. Its very similar to the real destiny of human beings in the matrix - living as the source of matrix energy; Dead, discarded like garbage.


The twentieth century saw greater change than any century before,especially modern technology.
Technology has made big advances that have benefited us in nearly every part of life.for example.In the past,If we want to visit our relatives who are in other city.We may spend a few days,but now you just spend a few hours.
However,on the other hand,modern technology make our world worse,now you could see water polluction in every area.


With the development of science and technology and the progress of
society, artificial intelligence, a new term, is born. Artificial
intelligence not only provides convenience for people, but also brings a
group of useless groups.

These people, who have been replaced by
machines, have been given the title of useless. Recently, Alibabas
development of unmanned supermarket has once again aroused peoples
enthusiasm. Does the promotion of machine intelligence bring benefits to
Technology makes the past fantasy become reality. The rapid spread of
information technology makes people ignore the existence of distance.
Artificial intelligence has gradually entered our lives. Unmanned
supermarkets, machines with children, intelligent furniture...
These new
technologies have really brought us great convenience, but the social
problems caused by them have to make us reflect, Reexamine this trend of
artificial intelligence.
What artificial intelligence provokes is social stability. In terms of
the current social situation, the technical and efficient industry will
have higher and higher requirements on peoples personal quality and
ability. The rapid development of society has gradually evolved into a
rapid development. Such a pace of development will inevitably make many
drops of knowledge fall behind the people.
So nowadays, people are often highly educated, but there are only a few
people who can receive high-level knowledge education. If society
develops at the level of these few parts, it is bound to ignore the
The development of artificial intelligence comes from a technical
team and is replaced by artificial intelligence. It is the people who
are struggling at the bottom of the society, And unable to keep up, over
time will inevitably produce a rebellious mood, a great threat to the
stability of the whole society.




the rapid advancement of the techonology is unbelieveable.
