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科技是不起会让人更加懒惰 英语作文 如何处理父母与孩子之间的关系英语作文

科技是不起会让人更加懒惰 英语作文

The power released by science and technology is unparalleled, but most of the energy is used to improve peoples lives, rather than the progress of human society.

When people are tired of dishwashing after a good meal, they invent dishwasher, disinfector and detergent. When people are fed up with preparing food three times a day, they have to come out with convenience food, microwave oven and refrigerator. And people do not want to do it yourself climate, based on Internet technology takeout, express, online stores have emerged.
When a new technology is created in the laboratory, people no longer consider how to promote the overall progress of civilization, but how to meet peoples lazy hope as the first starting point.
Originally, science and technology is a tool to improve peoples lives and promote social progress. However, the creator is convinced by its powerful power, and has been addicted to the beautiful life brought by science and technology.
People have long realized that laziness is a deep-rooted part of human nature and can not be eradicated. Therefore, it is listed as one of the "seven crimes" to remind people to be vigilant. But as long as there is a chance, the idea of laziness will occupy peoples heart.
One day in the future, people may lie in bed motionless, and technology has done everything for them, so that this human can live a meaningless life comfortably. Its very similar to the real destiny of human beings in the matrix - living as the source of matrix energy; Dead, discarded like garbage.


Now, most of my classmates are not willing to communicate with their parents or share their inner thoughts with their parents. Therefore, it is difficult to seek their support and suggestions. The reason is that they feel that their status is not equal.

Parents attach too much importance to their childrens learning. The parent-child relationship should be a relationship full of love, care and understanding. Parents and children are equal, respect each other and have free communication Flow, to establish this relationship, parents should become childrens friends, and children should trust their teachers more, and tell their inner feelings frankly.

Only in this way can we enjoy a warm parent-child relationship.


Mcfly - The Heart Never Lies lyrics
Some people laugh, 有些人笑
And some people cry, 有些人哭
And some people live, 有些人活着
And some people die, 有些人死去
And some people run, 有些人奔跑
Right into the fire, 冲进烈焰
And some people hide, 有些人隐藏
Their every desire他们的每个需求
But we are the lovers, 但是我们是情侣
If you dont believe me, 如果你不相信我
Then just look into my eyes,只需要看着我的眼睛
Cause the heart never lies因为内心不会撒谎
And some people fight, 一些人奋斗
And some people fall, 一些人堕落
Others pretend, 其他一些假装
They dont care at all, 他们不在乎一切事物
If you wanna fight, 如果你想要奋斗
Ill stand right beside you, 我将站在你的一边
The day that you fall, 当你堕落的那一天
Ill be right behind you, 我将在你身后
To pick up the pieces, 为你收拾残局
If you dont believe me, 如果你不相信我
Then just look into my eyes, 只需要看着我的眼睛
Cause the heart never lies因为内心从不撒谎
Another year over, 又一年过去了
And were still together, 我们仍然在一起
Its not always easy, 并不一直那么简单
But Im here forever, 但是我始终在这里
Yeah, we are the lovers, 也~我们是情侣
I know you believe me, 我知道你相信我
When you look into my eyes, 当你看着我的眼睛
Cause the heart never lies,因为内心决不撒谎
Cause the heart never lies, yeah,因为内心决不会撒谎
Cause the heart never lies因为内心决不会撒谎
