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楼上的没看过法国的那部吧同学一场,自己翻译。A little boy Julien met a girl called Sophie, Sophie is a girl just came from Polska, she was bullying by local children. Julien said that he liked Sophie. Sophie asked him to show her how much he loved her. By the time that the bus driver was not in the car,Julien let the car ran down the slope.So they became friends. The game called “dare” was always played by them,they never stoped to play the game.From school,both animal things done out. Twenty years of time nor play boring.but  just couldnt admit they love each other.Is this hell a game,or love?Would Two personal relationship with endure a once runaway gambling? Finally, they  realized that it was a kind of dangerous game. At the end of story, it shows that it they admitted they loved each other,they would live together forever.