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英语短语造句 英语 用方位词造句


1:Toothpastes are used for cleaning your teeth.
These cups are used for alcohol.
TVs are used for watching movies and programmes.
2:I use rag to clean the table.
I use mop to clean the floor.
I use these people to get myself a higher position in the company.
3:I finished the homework with the help of my father.
I won this competition with the help of my teacher.
I finished this project with the help of my coworkers.
4:I always like to get in the way of their practice.
His social life gets in the way of his studies.
Dont let emotion get in the way.
5:Please be serious about this matter!
I will be serious about your studies.
He is always serious about his efficiency.

英语 用方位词造句

1、on:My books are on that table.我的书在那张桌子上。
2、in:What is in the box?盒子里有什么?
3、under:My book is under the chair.我的书在椅子下面。
4、inside:I am inside the house now.我正在房子里。
5、beside:You sat beside me.你在我身旁坐下。
6、near:The ball is near the door.球在门旁边。

7、in front of:There are some big trees in front of our classroom.我们教室前面有几棵大树。
8、behind:The broom is behind the door.笤帚在门后。
9、middle:Your finger should be under the middle of the line .你的手指应当放在一行中间的下方。
10、east:I go east.我去东方。
11、south:All the houses there face south.那里所有的房子都朝南。
12、west:So what can the West do?那么西方能做些什么呢?
13、north:Go north on this road.沿着这条路往北走。


1.respond: [ rispɔnd ] v. 回答,回报,反应 responded是respond的过去分词 vt.以...回答[+that] 造句:1.The government has responded to pressure and dropped the proposal. 2.He responded no to the first question. 2.远的;久远的;远离的[(+from)]; 非近亲的,远亲的 造句:1.The sun is distant from the earth. 2.He is my distant relative. 3.(痛苦,负担等的)缓和,减轻;解除[U][S1][(+of/from/on)] 轻松,宽心,慰藉[U][S1] 造句:1.The pills gave her some relief. 2.Hearing the news, he breathed a sigh of relief. 4.欣赏,赏识 感谢,感激 造句:1.Her talent for music was not appreciated. 2.They deeply appreciated his kindness. 5.成功,办妥;获得成效[(+in)] 继任;继承[(+to)] 造句:1.He succeeded in getting the job. 2.The millionaires eldest son will succeed to his estate.








英语造句: take.....for granted 5个 谢谢啦

1.  We should take nothing for granted.
2. He took for granted that the invitation included himself.他认为他自己一定是在被邀请之列。
3. A teacher cannot take it for granted that students always do their homework.老师不能假定学生们一定会做家庭作业。
4. I take it for granted that he will come.我认为他当然会来的。
5. We take it for granted that they would consent.我们认为他们一定会同意的。
6.  Dont take other peoples help for granted.  不要认为被人帮助你是理所当然的
希望可以帮到你 望采纳 谢谢


The snack bars in the basement. 快餐部在地下室。 They poured themselves out a glass of beer each. 他们给自己各倒了—杯啤酒。 Please forgive me for being impolite. 请原谅我的失礼。 My little sister was crying noisily. 我的小妹妹在大声哭嚷。 It is not polite to interrupt when someone is talking. 在别人讲话时插嘴是不礼貌的 Ive gone through the elbows of my sweater. 我的毛衣的肘部都磨破了. The child eats with a spoon. 这孩子用调羹吃。 The mother taught the child to handle a knife and fork. 母亲教孩子用刀叉。 She is still awkward with chopsticks. 她用筷子还不熟练。 We shall turn this piece of barren land into wheat fields. 我们要把这块不毛之地变为麦田。


It was Mary who/that met an old beggar in the street yesterday. (强调主语) It was an old beggar whom/that Mary met in the street yesterday.(强调宾语) It was yesterday that Mary met an old beggar in the street.(强调时间状语) It was in the street that Mary met an old beggar yesterday.(强调地点状语)


I wonder how to do it.
I wonder where to get it.