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考研复试英语口语常见话题:遇见家庭概况类问题怎么回答? 考研复试问题What qualifications have you obtained?请给出回答例子谢谢~



考研复试问题What qualifications have you obtained?请给出回答例子谢谢~

Our schools research requirement is very simple: through cet 4, dont fail, the top of the achievement, with no punishment. If meet these requirements, it has confirmed to grind




Hello, my professors. Its a fine day today, I am glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce myself to you. My name is xxx, 24 years old. I come from xxxx,which is in the costal city of jiangsu Province. I major in Project Management ,and do some research work during my study years. I hope to have a further study and continue to do my research work if I succeed in obtaining the access of postgraduate.
I am open-mind ,quick in thought and very fond of history.In my spare time,I have broad interests like many other youngers.I like reading books, especially those about computer appliance.
Four years university education gives me a lot of things to learn,a lot of chances to try,and a lot of practices to improve myself.It teaches me not only what to study and how to think,but also to see the importance of practical ability. I was once in charge of the school network, which help me improve my study and research ability.
Above all, i choose the major in order to broad my view in Management science and enhance my research ability. I will do my best to join the new group and be good at postgraduate study.



  What’s the koch’s postulate?
  Would you please describe the roles of microorganisms in nitrogen and sulfur cycle? Would you please describe the roles of microorganisms in the environmental protection? How many methods are used to bio treat waste water?
  How could E.coli degrade glucose completely into CO2 and H2O?
  Explain how the Gram stain works to distinguish between the Gram-positive and Gram-negative cell wall?
  Give the reason that chemoautotrophic bacteria grow very slowly?
  What are the characteristic features of bacterial respiration compared with that of eukaryotes? How to use bacterial growth curve to instruct your researchers or industry fermentation? Describe the main steps of gene engineering?
  What’s the difference of fermentation and respiration?
  How many groups of microorganisms are classified according to growth temperature/ How do you think about the diversities of microorganism metabolism? How many methods are there to measure the microorganism growth?
  Gram-negative bacteria are generally more resistant to disinfectants and antiseptics than Gram-positive bacteria. Why?
  How many types of horizontal gene transfer are there in bacteria? Give the examples of application of DNA recombination in agriculture. What’s the southern blot? What’s the northern blot? What’s the western blot? What’s the shuttle vector?
  Why are endospores highly resistant to heat?
  What are the advantages of bioremediation compared with the chemical and physical remediation of polluted soil?
  How many groups are microorganisms classified according to their carbon and energy source? How do you think about diversities of microorganisms? Describe the roles of microorganisms in agriculture.
  Describe the process of compost pile and roles microorganisms take. How to detect the bacteria inoculated into soil?




自我介绍 Hello, my professors. Its a fine day today, I am glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce myself to you. My name is xxx, 24 years old. I come from xxxx,which is in the costal city of jiangsu Province. I major in Project Management ,and do some research work during my study years. I hope to have a further study and continue to do my research work if I succeed in obtaining the access of postgraduate. I am open-mind ,quick in thought and very fond of history.In my spare time,I have broad interests like many other youngers.I like reading books, especially those about computer appliance. Four years university education gives me a lot of things to learn,a lot of chances to try,and a lot of practices to improve myself.It teaches me not only what to study and how to think,but also to see the importance of practical ability. I was once in charge of the school network, which help me improve my study and research ability. Above all, i choose the major in order to broad my view in Management science and enhance my research ability. I will do my best to join the new group and be good at postgraduate study.


你好 面试中很多问题都是讲究答法~,我写了十个常见的例子,LZ你根据这个思维自己去延伸其他的问题答案出来,祝你工作顺利~!~!~! 1.你希望5年后有什么成就? 答:未来的事谁都难预测,但从希望来看我希望能把自己从执行层提升到管理层面(一方面让人觉得回答沉稳,一方面显示自己有一个大的方向和目标) 2.你找工作主要考虑因素有哪几个? 答:从注重性高往低的顺序排列我认为是:一、发展空间 二、工作氛围 三、薪资待遇(既回答了问题 又表明了自己对一份好工作的看待角度!) 3.你喜欢什么样的领导或单位? 答:我前面讲到了我的目标是5年以后把自己提升到管理层人员,那么在这之前我觉得要学会管人,用人,首先要学会怎样为人所用,所以领导和单位没有喜不喜欢只有适不适合,我相信我的选择我一定不会后悔,我选择了贵公司,我必定对贵公司的情况有所了解,没有十足把握我不会来面试的!(这个问题实际上算半个陷进,每个人都有自己喜欢的对象,但是回答又是另外一回事,这个和前面自己的理想串联起来,然后表明自己对管理的悟性,说不定就直接让你上管理岗位了 呵呵~!) 4.这工作与你的专业不对口,你会适应吗?你该怎么办? 答:呵呵,这个就要看与我的职业规划冲突有多大了,我只能说我会坚持自己的原则!(简短有力,说会适应都是虚的,谁知道 是不是!) 5.你能接受别人的批评吗?特别是受了冤枉。你该怎么办? 答:有了反面言语,首先要做到自己心里先有底,对于上级的批评无论对与错我觉得先要做的是虚心接受,就算是冤枉也可以理解上级的管人心切的心态,对于自己也是一个很好的反面教材,呵呵,但我有我自己的原则,对于冤枉我的底限是必须澄清! 6.赚钱与发展空间,哪个更重要?你还有什么补充吗?你还有什么要了解吗?你还有什么要求吗? 答:总的来说一辈子工作就为了赚钱养家糊口,但是赚钱也有技巧,一昧的去贪图眼前小利而忽视了长远的稳定和发展,肯定是错误的,所以有人赚钱少有人赚钱多,我当然想做那个赚钱多的人!7.你如果来公司,你准备做多久?答:这个主要由自身情况和公司情况结合来决定,就现在的情况而言3-5年是我预想之内!8.你能当几年工人? 答:就我年龄而言我还可以做20年工人,呵呵,但是我还是希望我最迟在5年之内能冲刺到管理层人员! 9.你的组长文凭没你高,他又没有你能力强,你能服从他吗? 答:文凭没我高,其实我一点都不会觉得是优势,但是如果我的上级能力不如我,我更担心的是他能不能成功带领我们团队往前奋斗,会不会绕弯路,甚至对公司有没有影响,如果这些都不会,那么看来他真正的能力我们没看见,我更得向他学习,这方面说不定我就缺乏,但是如果他确实不适合该岗位,不论站在公司角度还是我个人发展角度,我都会争取一试! 10.一个月500元不加薪水,又干很累,有别的公司薪水又高招收你,你会去吗?1个月给你1200你会觉得太高吗?自己要求一个月800元,不是太低吗?怎么开支? 答:但说加薪来说 我改变我的选择可能性还是较低,除非自身别的原因,我要求的800实际也不完全就是我想要的,当然我也想要1200甚至更高,但是我在这之前我要确认我自己是否有这个价值,确认我有这个价值之后,我相信公司会给我应的的薪资,800是个过渡选择了~~! / 企动中国
