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如何预防疾病,保持健康的英语作文 关于饮食健康的英语作文以建议信为形式


英语期中考试优秀作文:《How to stay healthy》Every people want to keep healehy.But a lot of people are unhealthy because they dont have a good diet and they dont have enough sleep.If you want to stay healthy,you should not eat too much fried food.You should eat some vegetables instead.And you should go to bed early and get up early.The most important ting is to exercise rugularly.But I dont have enough exercise,so I should exercise every day.In this way,I can stay healthy. 参考: /


Good reasonably healthy diet is an important aspect of health care, it can make the body healthy growth, development; poor diet can lead to the bodys normal physiological function disorders and infectious diseases. On the contrary, the proper diet for the treatment of diseases will play a role in helping the body to restore health. In todays society, it has become a very popular topic


Every one wants to keep healthy today, especailly our students. But we don’t pay attention to our health. Some of them go to school without breakfast in the morning. Some students and pupils play computer games or watch TV all day, espacially at the weekends. Many boys think it is cool to drink or smoke.
It is important for us to have good habbits. We should eat breakfast every morning. We can watch TV or play games for a short time, then have a rest. We also can take part in some clubs. I think it is necessary for us to keep healthy.请采纳我吧
或者Now everybody wants to keep healthy .But how can we keep healthy? We should watch less television and wear more clothes .And at least we must have three meals a day .We also exercise about three times a week .Do these things , I think we can keep healthy easily.(


黄桃罐头 Canned yellow peach
爆米花 popcorn
巧克力布丁 Chocolate pudding
干酪饼干 cheese biscuit
熏肉 bacon
薯条 potato chips
披萨 pizza
薄煎饼 pancake
香肠 sausage
三明治 sandwich
There are a lot of unhealthy food around us. Candies are unhealthy because they hurt our teeth. Fast food is delicious; however, they are unhealthy as well because it has a lot of fat in it. A lot of snacks are unhealthy. For example, potato chips have a lot of sugar and fat. Furthermore, fried chicken is unhealthy because of the high calories and fat.

关于健康饮食习惯英语作文 60个单词左右

Though my daily life is extremely monotonous, I try hard to adapt myself to it. Why? Because I intend to be a good student. I wish to render service to my country.   I get up at six oclock every day. After I wash my face and brush my teeth, I begin to re


Personally speaking, I think we should pay more attention to the food safety. The government must make some necessary laws. Whats more, some businessmen shouldnt be only interested in making money. They must care about peoples health. Wed better not eat anything in dirty places though some food is delicious, because eating unhealthy food does harm to our health。
  Finally, I hope the family in the accident will get better soon。


As the saying goes: "Hunger breeds discontent." Todays society, many of the hotel where they stand, rush from a variety of cuisine, in Fujian, Sichuan, Guangdong, Shandong ...... dishes outside of Italy, French, Japanese cuisine, Korean food and so on. We all know that health is to do anything for money, health is closely connected with the food. Today, we take a look at the food on the table now. Food is divided into many kinds of vegetables and fruit, beans, meat, cereals, dairy categories, such as fat. Combination of these categories into a food pyramid, all affect our health. Therefore, in order to achieve a reasonable meals with more vegetables, fruits, less meat, fat category. Cereals-based food, may be an appropriate increase in beans, dairy products category, and we have to remember that eating only eight full meals, not being choosy food anorexia, can not be overeating, eating clean food is most important. In food, contain a peoples health play an important role in the elements - vitamins. Vitamins are divided into A, B, C, D. Different vitamins have different functions. Vitamin A is usually in red, black, more food, such as carrots, black beans and so on. Its main function is to protect the eyes, can be used to protect their eyesight, the treatment of night blindness and other evidence of vitamin C in fruits and vegetables often, it is conducive to the treatment of scurvy, skin diseases. The discovery also has a story: a ship adrift at sea for several days, many sailors have had scurvy, one of a very serious disease, abandoned on a desert island. This after a number of sailors to eat lemons, did not expect that scurvy disappeared. The news of a spread of 100. Lemon after scientists found a large quantity of vitamin C, used to treat disease scurvy. Vitamin B, D and there are many functions, not in this more. Of course, we should pay attention: do not mix in some food to eat, in order to avoid danger. Such as shrimp and vitamin C at the same time can not eat, crabs can not eat persimmons with ...... 快抄下来昂`


一篇关于家乡饮食的英语作文,注重介绍家乡的饮食特色,又快又好的加悬赏。 其实就是你们平时的饮食习惯 把你们平时吃饭以及逢年过节的一些风俗写出来就
