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描写人外貌的英语单词。求多。 描写母亲外貌的英语单词


漂亮的,英俊的,可爱的,丑陋的,黑头发,金色头发,黑色眼睛,蓝眼睛,白皮肤,黑皮肤,黄皮肤,高鼻梁,小巧的嘴唇,高挑的,矮小的,肥胖的,瘦弱的,健壮的…… beautiful, handsome, lovely, ugly, black hair, blonde hair, black eyes, blue eyes, white skin, black skin, yellow skin, high nose, small lips, tall, short, fat, thin , robust ... ...


如果是形容老母亲 the worn face,deep furrows lined her brow都可以.
这句很美-Years may wrinkle her skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.
名句 Nobody grows old by merely living a number of year, People grow old only by deserting their ideals. Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up interest wrinkles the soul.
-- Douglas MacArthur
如果是中年母亲 My Mum is clean-look with some gray hair. She has freckles, dark brown eye with wrinkle and high cheeck brones.
