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韩国研发出会跳舞的机器人 SKoreas dancing robot can also tackle the chores South Korean researchers said Monday they have developed a robot which can dance and get emotional when its not tackling the chores. Mahru can move its lips, eyebrows and even pupils freely to make faces and can emit two kinds of fragrances to match its emotions. It can move upper body parts freely while walking on its legs. The robot was developed by a research team at the state-funded Korea Institute of Science and Technology. "Mahru, which can dance while walking on its legs, was developed as a humanoid robot capable of working in place of a human," team leader You Bum-Jae said in a statement. "It will open the way for the commercial use of humanoid robots doing housework." Mahru is programmed to follow various human movements through an advanced motion capture system, he said, adding it can move its hands freely to cope with any interference or obstacles. You said his team has also developed a variant Mahru-M robot with sensors which can differentiate faces and objects and deliver things to humans on request. However, Mahru-M uses a tricycle wheel system to move about. 韩国研究人员于本周一称,日前他们研制出了一种在做家务之余还会跳舞和“闹情绪”的新型机器人。 这个名叫Mahru的机器人能动嘴唇、眉毛和眼球来做出各种表情,并能根据它的心情变化释放出两种不同的香味。而且它在行走时还能够灵活地移动上肢。 这款机器人是由韩国国立科技学院的一个研究小组研发出来的。 研究小组负责人You Bum-Jae在一份声明中说:“Mahru是一款具有人类特点的机器人,它会跳舞、能走路,是被开发用来代替人从事一些工作的。” “它的问世将为人型家务机器人的商业应用开辟道路。” 据介绍,Mahru在一个高级动作捕捉系统的远程控制下,能够做出人的各种动作,而且能灵活地运用双手来应对障碍和干扰。 You Bum-Jae以及研究小组还研发出了一款 Mahru-M型机器人,这款机器人带有传感器,能够识别人脸和物体,并能根据人的要求传递物品。 不过,Mahru-M型机器人只能借助一个三轮装置移动身体。




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