从现在开始,格外珍惜时间,让生活充实起来 From now on, cherish time extraordinarily, make life substantial
请安静下来,想想什么是你真正想要的 Please calm down, and think about what is you really want
从现在开始,只吃健康食物 From now on, just eat healthy food
从现在开始,把已经做了一半的工作统统完成 From now on, wholly finish work which is half-done
从现在开始,改变说话的方式 From now on, change the way of speaking
从现在开始,感受深呼吸的美丽 From now on, feel beauty of deep breath
妈妈的手,你握过吗? Have you shake your mother's hand
从现在开始,对不了解的领域做一番探索和研究 From now on, make some exploration and research on the fields not know
在家里挂一个小黑板 Hang a small blackboard at home
从现在开始,运动起来 From now on, let's exercise
享受一次香香的、热腾腾的泡泡浴 Enjoy a spicy and reeky bubble bath
买个零钱罐,存点零花钱 Buy a penny bank, save some pocket money
和一个小孩一起度过一天 Accompany a child to play one day
清理你的衣橱 Clean up your wardrobe
请朋友来家里看一张DVD Invite friends to come to your house to watch DVD
每个礼拜拿一天只吃素 Being a vegetarian one day per week
到一个离你很近但从没有去过的小街或者胡同转一转 Go for a walk in a lane or alleyway nearby that you'd ever been to
从今天开始,忘掉某个长久以来一直困扰你的人或者事 From today, forget a person or something that troubles you for a long time
为一个特别想买的东西设立一个新账户 Open a new account for something you want to buy
用钢笔,给某个特别的人写一封信 Write a letter for a special person with pen
自己动手,画一张画,装裱起来 Draw a picture yourself, and mount it
做一个梦境日记 Keep a diary of dream
想过做义工吗?行动吧! Do you want to be a luntary worker? let's do it
来一次彻底改头换面 Make a big change to yourself
在马桶边放一本小小的笑话书 Put a small joke book beside toilet
策划一个读书会怎么样 How about plan a reading party
和父亲去散散步 Go for a walk with father
给你将来的孩子写一封长信 Write a long letter for your future children
为爱学做饭 Learn to cook for love
今天去开怀畅饮一杯 Have a booze-up
开始减肥 Begin to lose weight
开始写个小说,然后去寻求出版 Begin to write a novel, and then publish
去寻找一个失去联络的朋友 Find a friend that lose contact
带个帐篷,露营去 Go camping with a tent
清理你的冰箱 Clean your fridge
别出心裁,自己设计一张贺卡 Design a card by yourself
就你自己,和月亮相对 You and the moon, face to face
在出国旅行前,看完一本介绍这个国度的书 Finish reading an introduction book before go for a trip to a foreign country
看一本艺术普及书 Read an all-pervading art book
到录音棚唱歌去 Sing in a recording stadio
找个机会,帮朋友搭一根红线 Try to be a matchmaker to your friends
去游乐园尽情地耍一耍 Enjoy one day in amusement park
去拜访一位老朋友 Visit an old friend
学习品茶 Learn to taste tea
搬动家具,重新摆设它们 Move furnitures and rearrange them
在黑暗中坐一会 Sit for a while in the dark
在白天去电影院,看一场使你流泪的电影 Watch a movie that can make you cry during the day
取下手表,关掉手机,安静度过一天 Take down the watch, turn off the TV, spend whole day quietly
买个雅致的笔记本,写写日记 Buy an elegent notebook, keep a diary
定期做个体检 Take a regular health examination
找个时间,修补某件旧物 Find a time to fix old materials
整理你的照片 Sort out your photoes
种植一棵新鲜的植物 Grow a fresh plant
好好设计一下你的办公桌 Design your desk carefully
参加一个你感兴趣的课程 Attend a class that you are interested in
干点体力活 Do some labors
开展一次没有目的的旅行 Take a trip without destination
去参观博物馆 Visit the museum
多看几部纪录片 Watch several documentaries
有问题,上维基百科 Have questions, search on Wikepedia
逛逛旧货市场 Shopping in a flea market
观察一朵花开的过程 Observe the course of bloom
睡前看一本书 Read a book before go to bed
在冬天来临前,织一条围巾 Knit a scarf before winter comes
乘船远行,到海的中央去 Go for a long journey by boat, to the center of the sea
如果无聊,何不学一门乐器? If feel boring why not study a musical instrument
找个寺院,听法师讲话 Find a temple and listen to the master's speech
听一听老歌 Listen to the old songs
睡个午觉 Take a nap
和一位老人聊聊天 Talk with an old man
发挥创意,参加化装舞会 Get creative, take part in a masquerade
爱好烘焙的都是好心人 Baking lovers are kindhearted
去飞机场,度过犹豫不决的时间 Kill your hesitating time at the airport
每年献一次血 Donate blood once a year
涂鸦 Doodle
搭火车,去旅行 Have a travel, by train
从内到外,清理你的电脑 Clean up your computer from inside to outside
信奉简朴生活的人,不看电视 People who believe in simple life never watch TV
现在开始,慎重选择生命中的访客 From now on, choose visitors cautiously in your life
为自己安排规律的作息 Plan a regular rest for yourself
现在起,温柔地对待他人 From now on, treat others gently