首页 >  你还有什么要问我吗面试官最后一问21个最佳反问问题  > “你还有什么问题?”面试官这个灵魂拷问,究竟怎么答?


“你还有什么问题?”面试官这个灵魂拷问,究竟怎么答? How to Respond to "Do You Have Any Questions for Me?"

中国日报双语新闻2020-11-30 09:12

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北方各地初雪都下了一阵了,应届生们关心的秋招也接近尾声。经历了重重面试的人大多都被问到过一个问题:“你对我们公司/这个岗位还有什么问题吗”( Do you have any questions for us? )多数人可能就说“暂时想不到 /没有了”。Reddit网友也发现基本没人反过来问招聘官问题。



Interviewers have often told me almost no one asks questions during interviews.面试官们经常跟我提到说面试时几乎没有面试者提问。


Remember, at a job interview, YOU are also interviewing the company.要记住,工作面试时,你同样也在面试这家公司。

An interview is a two-way street. The interviewer asks questions to learn about you, while you prepare questions to ask the interviewer about the position, the company and potential development within the company in order to make sure the position is a good fit for you.一场面试是一个双向的通道。面试官通过提问来
