已有 15517 次阅读 2019-2-21 11:05|个人分类:科技论文写作、搜索经验集锦|系统分类:科研笔记
1.添加宏包,即\usepackage[margins,adjustmargins]{trackchanges}, 完事后,进行编译,便会发现,原来的pdf文档已变成两栏,其中右侧栏为空,该空栏为批注提供空间;
(3)\remove{A}: 删除内容A;
(4) \annote{A}{B}: 为内容A添加侧边批注内容B,同时,内容A标注下划线
I have used the changes package in the past and I find it very useful. It has a key=value system so most of the things are customizable. You can define different authors and the changes are tracked depending on the id; here is a simple example (mostly from the manual).
\usepackage{lipsum}% IP: 58.223.192.*