This browser-based utility recolors a digital signature. For example, if you have a black-and-white signature, you can turn it blue (as if it was drawn with a blue pen), red, green, or any other color. Similarly, you can do the reverse operation and turn a colorful signature into a black-and-white signature. The digital signature image file usually has a PNG format as it has a transparent background color, which makes it easy to use to sign electronic documents. If your signature is still opaque, you can make it transparent with our Transparent PNG Signature Maker tool. Once you paste a PNG signature into the input field, the program will change its color to the new one. By default, the program assumes that the original signature is black. If it's not, you can specify the actual signature color name in the "Original Signature Color" option. Alternatively, you can click on the signature in the input field and this color will be selected. The signature's output color can be entered in the "New Signature Color" option or selected from the color palette. If you see that some pixels of the signature have not been recolored, it means that these pixels have a slightly different color tone, and to recolor them, you have to increase the percentage value in the "Color Tone Matching" option. You can also use the option to smooth the edges of the signature by setting the desired pixel smoothing radius. The converted signature will appear in the output field. Before you download the updated signature, you can verify if all the colors were replaced via the black-and-white filter that can be enabled via the "Show Changed Colors" option. Png-abulous!
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