Use this calculator to project what your GPA (grade point average) and BAL (grade point balance) would be, depending on the grades you receive for current/future course work.
Disclaimer: For advising purposes onlyInformation calculated is projected based on current GPA and BAL values and projected grades and/or units entered.Additional factors (such as repeat rules/limitations) may affect actual grade point or balance point values.
Grade Point Average (GPA)
The University uses the 4.0 system for GPA calculation, in which each letter grade earns a specified number of grade points. For each unit of course worktaken for a grade, grade points and balance points are assigned. The University requires that a student maintain a grade point average of 2.00 (C) to remainin good standing. If a student's GPA for any given term (or their overall GPA) falls below a 2.00 (C) average, the student may be subject to academic probation.
At the end of each term, when a letter grade is assigned to a course, the number of grade points earned for that grade is multiplied by the number of units forthe course. For example, if a student receives a grade of B- in a 5 unit course, 13.5 grade points are earned for that course (5 units x 2.7 grade points per unit).The grade point average (GPA) is calculated using the following formula: grade points earned divided by units attempted for a letter grade.
A student's UC GPA includes only those courses taken for a letter grade at the University of California. This includes work undertaken at all campuses of theUniversity in regular terms and in summer sessions. Transfer work from any other college or university is not included in the UC GPA. Courses taken on aPassed/Not Passed basis are not involved in any grade point or balance point calculations.
Balance Points (BAL)Balance points, also referred to as the grade point balance, is used primarily as a reference point for students on academic probation. Balance points indicatevariance from the required 2.00. When the balance is 0 (zero), the GPA is exactly 2.0. If the balance is a negative number, the GPA is below 2.0 and the studentis on academic probation.
The formula for computing the grade point balance for undergraduates is: Grade points - (units attempted x 2) = balance.For example: a B+ in a 4 unit course will provide +5.2 balance points above a C (0.0 balance); a D+ in a 3 unit course will deduct -2.1 from a C (0.0 balance).
The formula for computing the grade point balance for graduates is: Grade points - (units attempted x 3) = balance.For example: a B+ in a 4 unit course will provide +1.2 balance points above a C (0.0 balance); a D+ in a 3 unit course will deduct -6.8 from a C (0.0 balance).
The balance is a convenient "flag" for students on academic probation as well as a precise measure of how far the GPA is below 2.0. A negative balance is oftenreferred to as a "grade point deficit."
RepeatsA student may repeat a course, in which they earned a low grade, once to improve their GPA. Degree credit for a repeated course will be given only once. Incomputing the GPA of students who have repeated a course, only the most recently earned grade for each course and corresponding grade points will be used, upto a maximum of 16 units (undergraduates) or 3 courses (graduates) for all courses repeated. After the repeat unit maximum is reached, the GPA shall be based onall grades assigned and total units attempted.
Repeating a course more than once requires approval by the appropriate college dean. Students will receive unit and grade point credit for the third enrollment.
Undergraduate students may only repeat courses in which they received a D, F.
Graduate students may only repeat courses in which they received a C, D, F.