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img – image

ⓘ img – image # T

Theimgelement represents an image.

Permitted contents #

empty (void element)

Permitted attributes #

global attributes& src★& alt & height & width & usemap & ismap & border

ⓘglobal attributesAny attributes permitted globally. ⓘsrc =non-empty URL potentially surrounded by spaces #A URL referencing a non-interactive, optionallyanimated, image that is neither paged nor scripted. ⓘalt =any value #Equivalent content for those who cannot process images or whohave image loading disabled. ⓘheight =non-negative integer #The height of the image, in CSS pixels. ⓘwidth =non-negative integer #The width of the image, in CSS pixels. ⓘusemap =hash-name reference #Ahash-name referenceto amapelement with which to associate the image. ⓘismap = "ismap" or "" (empty string) or empty #Specifies that itsimgelement provides access to a server-side image map. ⓘborder =zero OBSOLETE#Specifies that itsimgelement represents a borderless image. The literal string"0".Additional constraints and admonitions #An img element must have analt attribute, except under certainconditions. For details, consult guidance onproviding text alternatives for images. The element imgwith the attribute usemap must notappear as a descendant of the a element.The element imgwith the attribute usemap must notappear as a descendant of the button element. The img element with the ismap attribute set must have an ancestor a element with the href attribute. The longdesc attribute on the img element is obsolete.Use a regular a element to link to the description.The name attribute on the img element is obsolete.Use the id attribute instead. The align attribute on the img element is obsolete.Use CSS instead. The hspace attribute on the img element is obsolete.Use CSS instead.The vspace attribute on the img element is obsolete.Use CSS instead.The border attribute on the img element is obsolete.Use CSS instead. The border attribute on the img element is obsolete.Consider specifying “img { border: 0; }“ in CSS instead. Tag omission #

Theimgelement is a void element.An imgelement must have astart tagbut must not have anend tag.

Permitted parent elements #

any element that can containphrasing elements

DOM interface #[NamedConstructor=Image(), NamedConstructor=Image(unsigned long width), NamedConstructor=Image(unsigned long width, unsigned long height)]interface HTMLImageElement : HTMLElement {attribute DOMString alt;attribute DOMString src;attribute DOMString crossOrigin;attribute DOMString useMap;attribute boolean isMap;attribute unsigned long width;attribute unsigned long height; readonly attribute unsigned long naturalWidth; readonly attribute unsigned long naturalHeight; readonly attribute boolean complete;}; Typical default display properties #img {display: inline-block; }
