
Free Digital Signature

Digital Signature FAQ How do digital signatures work?

Digital signatures are based on cryptography algorithms that protect documents from unauthorized changes. DigiSigner uses them to ensure your documents were not altered in transit or afterward.

How are digital signatures verified?

Digital signatures can be easily verified by different tools, for example, Adobe Acrobat Reader or any similar PDF viewers.

How do I verify a digital signature?

To verify a digital signature in your PDF document open it using Adobe Acrobat Reader and select the “Signature Panel” at the top. The verification results appear on the left side.

Do digital signatures provide confidentiality?

No, a digital signature doesn’t provide confidentiality. It guarantees the identity of the signer and the fact that the document hasn’t been modified since the signature was applied.

What is the purpose of a digital signature?

The purpose of a digital signature is to ensure the integrity of the signed document and guarantee the identity of the signer.

Are digitally signed documents legal?

Yes, digitally signed documents are legally binding. Additionally, if a digital signature applied to the document is valid, you can be sure that this document has been modified since this signature was created.

How do I create a digital signature?

Upload your document to DigiSigner by dropping it in the blue area above. Click on the document, select the type of the signature you want to apply, create your signature and add it to the document. Select “DONE” to save your changes and download your signed document.

How do I do a digital signature in Word file?

With DigiSigner, you can create a digital signature not only in PDF but also in many other types of documents including Word. Just upload your Word file to DigiSigner, sign it, and download the completed document.

Do I need a digital certificate to create a digital signature?

No, you don’t need your personal digital certificate. DigiSigner has its own digital certificate and will use it to create a digital signature for you.

Do I need to download DigiSigner to create a digital signature?

No, DigiSigner works online, you don’t need to download it to digitally sign your documents.
