“谁领导谁跟随?中美企业投资的跨境同行效应”, Warren B. Bailey,曹夏平,杨祯奕和周思力,即将发表于《国际经济杂志》(Journal of International Economics)。“股市集中化为何对经济不利?”,Kee-Hong Bae,Warren B. Bailey 和 Jisok Kang,发表于《金融经济学杂志》(Journal of Financial Economics),2020年,第140卷,第2期,第436-459页。“关于预期收益假设对总收益-收益关联性难题的解释”,Warren Bailey 和 Huiwen Lai,发表于《金融与定量分析杂志》(Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis),2019年,第55卷,第8期,第2732-2763页。Bailey, Warren; Lai, Huiwen. "On the Expected Earnings Hypothesis Explanation of the Aggregate Returns-Earnings Association Puzzle"Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. 55.8 (2020): 2732-2763Bailey, Warren; Huang, Wei; Yang, Zhishu. "Bank Loans with Chinese Characteristics: Some Evidence on Inside Debt in a State-Controlled Banking System"Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. 46.6 (2011): 1795-1830Bailey, Warren; Kumar, Alok; Ng, David. "Behavioral Biases of Mutual Fund Investors"Journal of Financial Economics. 102.1 (2011): 1-27Bailey, Warren; Zheng, Lin. "Banks, Bears, and the Financial Crisis"Journal of Financial Services Research. 44.1 (2013): 1-1
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Crises and the Interbank Market Puzzle 复旦大学国际金融 > Bailey, Warren