As long as you don’t have any content on your WordPress site yet, the easiest way to make your theme look like the demo is to import your theme’s demo content. Be aware that this will overwrite any content you have already added to your site.
You can usually find the demo content from the same place where you downloaded your theme – look for an option to download a “demo site”.
Here’s how to import it:
From your WordPress dashboard, navigate to “Tools”, then “Import”, then “WordPress”.Click “Install Now” to set up the importer plugin – this will enable you to import demo content. Via WordPressLook through the demo site content you downloaded for an XML file. Upload that to WordPress.Your site should now have the same settings as the theme demo. You can delete or repurpose the actual demo pages.If you already have content on your site, try navigating to the theme options panel and reviewing the theme options. Consult your theme’s documentation to identify what each option does, and adjust your sliders accordingly until your theme displays like the demo.
If this doesn’t help, your theme may have a homepage page template that needs to be set up in your staging site. Your theme’s documentation will tell you if you need to follow these steps:
Create a new page. Title it “Homepage” for your reference and leave the content blank.On the right hand side, select “Homepage” under “Page Templates”. Publish the page.Hover over “Settings” and click on “Reading”.Check the box for “A static page”.Under “Front Page”, select the blank “Homepage” page you just published from the dropdown menu.Save your changes.