Much of AppleCommander and it's tooling should be reusable and can be included in other projects.
AppleCommanderThe AppleCommander libraries are available as a dependency.
net.sf.applecommander AppleCommander 1.9.0Gradle:
implementation 'net.sf.applecommander:AppleCommander:1.9.0'Note that as of 1.4.0, the Shrinkit library is now a separate project.
ShrinkitThe Shrinkit library is available as a separate dependency.
net.sf.applecommander ShrinkItArchive 1.2.2Gradle:
implementation 'net.sf.applecommander:ShrinkItArchive:1.2.2'AppleSingleThe AppleSingle support is available in a dedicated API.
net.sf.applecommander applesingle-api 1.2.2Gradle:
implementation 'net.sf.applecommander:applesingle-api:1.2.2'BASICThe BASIC tooling is available in the bastools API.
net.sf.applecommander bastools-api 0.4.0Gradle:
implementation 'net.sf.applecommander:bastools-api:0.4.0'AppleCommander disassemblerThe AppleCommander disassembler tooling is available in the acdasm API.
implementation 'net.sf.applecommander:acdasm:0.5.0'Final NotesThis is a manual release process, so it may take a bit of time (and possibly some prodding).
There are no plans to change from net.sf.applecommander in the GAV. (It should have been com.webcodepro.applecommander, however, that domain was given up long ago.)The Java packages will remain com.webcodepro.applecommander as everyone depends on that package scheme.The versions listed here are modified by hand, so don't hesitate to check them. Note that the version should match was is in the GitHub release page for each of the subprojects.