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Android Open Source Project

Android is an open source operating system for mobile devices and acorresponding open source project led by Google. This site and theAndroid Open Source Project (AOSP) repository offer the information andsource code needed to create custom variants of the Android OS, portdevices and accessories to the Android platform, and ensure devices meetthe compatibility requirements that keep the Android ecosystem a healthyand stable environment for millions of users.

As an open source project, Android's goal is to avoid any central pointof failure in which one industry player can restrict or control theinnovations of any other player. To that end, Android is a full,production-quality operating system for consumer products, complete withcustomizable source code that can be ported to nearly any device andpublic documentation that is available to everyone (in English atsource.android.com and inSimplified Chinese atsource.android.google.cn).

Just as you can contribute code toAOSP, you can also contribute to AOSP documentation—and wewant your input! Android's flexibility and ever-changing codebase meansthis site needs your feedback to keep content fresh, accurate, andrelevant to Android implementors. We encourage you to check thechangelogfor details on recent AOSP updates and to report bugs or offersuggestions using theSiteFeedback at the bottom of every page (or by visitingg.co/androidsourceissue).
