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2022托福写作万能素材:竞争与合作2021-12-08 10:06:49来源:新东方在线托福 【动态】2019托福考试日期托福考试报名费用报名入口考点大全考试指南转考退考【推荐】托福资料箱2019美国节假日安排托福考位2019托福考试改革深度解析发布会【直播】学托福就上新东方在线!11.18-11.27,和我一起学!【申请】2019美国大学TOP100申请截止日期【备考指导】托福听力备考全攻略最新世界大学排名新托福阅读背景知识《托福年度报告》



While cooperation is the antithesis of competition, the need or desire to compete with others is a common impetus that motivates individuals to organize into a group and cooperate with each other in order to form a stronger competitive force. Cooperation in many areas such as farming and housing may be in the form of a cooperative or alternately, in the form of a conventional business.

Many people resort to this because they may cooperate by trading with each other or by altruistic sharing.

Certain forms of cooperation are illegal in some jurisdictions because they alter the nature of access by others to economic or other resources. Thus, cooperation in the form of cartels or price-fixing may be illegal.
