3. 为了写出一篇精彩的summary,学生们应该避免改述或直接重复原文,一定要用自己的话来写。然而,同学们依然可以使用关键词:倘若原文主题是 aviation,那提到 “aviation”, ” space engineers ” 或 ” aircraft ” 等相关词汇是正常的,可是千万不要拘泥于细节。
4. 有必要的话,可以改变原始作品关键点阐述顺序。例如,有时候论文的主要思想在结论才展开,在这种情况下最好从论文尾开始讲,也就是说,将原文主要观点写在summary的开头里,接下来渐渐提供支持性论据。
5. 需要将原文的第一人称(即 «I»)替换为第三人称(即作者的姓名、”the writer/author” 或 “she/he”)。 在看到作者直接提到第二人称(即«you»)就可以替换为第三人称(即«people» 或«reader»)。
6. 在每篇summary开头里必须提到作者以及文献主题,包括作者姓名、作品名称以及来源。Summary首段也最好展开原文的主要观点。为了保证论述的完整性和连贯性一定要学会使用关联词,下面是关于关联手段用法的信息。
In ” David Copperfield,” Charles Dickens explains …
Charles Dickens, in ” David Copperfield,” explains …
According to Charles Dickens in ” David Copperfield” …
As Charles Dickens vividly illustrates in his great novel ” David Copperfield” …
Charles Dickens claims in his novel ” David Copperfield” that …
According to John Halt in “School is Bad for Children”, traditional education systems ruin children’s emotional and intellectual development, and suggests various improvements.
Halt states …
According to Halt’s perspective …
Dickens criticizes…
As Johnson implies in the article about …
In conclusion, Halt elaborates about …
没必要提到作者的学位或称号,例如Dr., Professor, or Mr. and Mrs.,可是有时候可以指明作者的资历深度,这样就可以强调作者在某领域的权威性:
Stanford University professor of medicine Dr. Jay Bhattacharya claims that …
Richard Jordan, a frequent critic of county government, stated at Tuesday evening’s Board of Commissioners meeting that…
此外,同学们不妨插入author tags/作者标签(又称reporting verbs/报告动词),就是引入间接引语的动词,尽可能避免动词的重复。请大家查看一下下面的动词。表格中的author tag可以帮助您调整summary的语调,所以请注意每个动词的含义:
In “Doctors Say Kids Should Lay Off Juice” (HEALTH JOURNAL, 09.08.2004), James Johnson discusses the dangers of giving juice to babies and young children and states that contrary to what many people believe, juice is actually almost as bad for children as Pepsi or Coke. The author explains that juice has a lot of sugar and a lot of calories which makes it easy for children to gain weight. In addition, he presents the latest scientific evidence and proves that juice consumptionis linked with increased insulin resistance and diabetes risk. Johnson suggests that instead, children be taught to drink water and eat fresh fruits most of the time, which have no calories and are absolutely healthy.
In “Doctors Say Kids Should Lay Off Juice” (HEALTH JOURNAL, 09.08.2004), James Johnson discusses the dangers of giving juice to babies and young children and states that contrary to what many people believe, juice is actually almost as bad for children as Pepsi or Coke.
原文标题是“Doctors Say Kids Should Lay Off Juice”;在HEALTH JOURNAL杂志中发表;发表日期09.08.2004;作者姓名James Johnson.原文讨论the dangers of giving juice to babies and young children,而且作者指出果汁和百事可乐或可口可乐一样损害小孩的身体健康。值得一提的是,在第一句话作者是第一次被提到的,所以一定要介绍他的姓名。这里也可以看到author tags/作者标签,即discusses与states。
The author explains that juice has a lot of sugar and a lot of calories which makes it easy for children to gain weight.
In addition, he presents the latest scientific evidence and proves that juice consumptionis linked with increased insulin resistance and diabetes risk. Johnson suggests that instead, children be taught to drink water and eat fresh fruits most of the time, which have no calories and are absolutely healthy.
需要注意的是,总结作者论据的时候,需要省略不必要的信息并扼要地列出原文的关键论点。这是第二次我们提到作者的name,所以没有必要写他的全名。本部分两句都有author tags,即presents、proves与suggests。
LEARNING FROM MISTAKES:总结写作中最普遍的错误在学习过程当中犯错误是一种正常的现象,因此在进行summary写作的时候写出太长的句子或者忘记提到作者名字也是普遍的问题。meeloun(www.lxws.net)写出该文章的原因就是让大家意识到一个道理:在犯错误的同时,我们也得到珍贵的经验。下面我们来看一下同学们在写summary的过程中最常遇见的问题:
原文:I think that juice is actually almost as bad for children as Pepsi or Coke, because it has a lot of sugar and a lot of calories which makes it easy for children to gain weight.
同学写出:Johnson thinks that juice is actually almost as bad for children as Pepsi or Coke, because it has a lot of sugar and a lot of calories which makes it easy for children to gain weight.
大家有没有听过 “Five little monkeys”这首儿歌?如果我们对它进行summary写作,那这种summary格式应该如下:
Five little monkeys were jumping on the bed. One of them fell off and bumped his head. Their mother called the doctor and he said that monkeys should not jump on the bed. But little monkeys didn’t listen to doctor’s advice and all of them got injured. After that doctor suggested that mother should put them to bed.
Five silly monkeys were jumping on the bed. One of them fell off and bumped his dumb head. Even when the doctor said that they shouldn’t jump on the bed, because it’s dangerous, they were still doing that! Finally, all of them got injured due to their irresponsible actions!
Let’s eat sister!
Let’s eat, sister!
为了避免陷入标点符号的陷阱,复习一下comma splicing, introductory phrase,coordinating conjunction等语法特点。返回搜狐,查看