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加州大学圣地亚哥分校 陈政教授 9月10日上午学术报告

报告人:陈政 教授(加州大学 圣地亚哥分校)

报告题目:Towards Resilient and Sustainable Li-ion Batteries

报告时间:2024年9月10日 上午9:00




The development of next-generation energy storage devices and systems relies on materials with significantly improved performance and lower cost. The objectives of our research are to enhance energy storage performance (e.g., energy capacity, power density, stability, safety) and to reduce the cost of batteries. In this talk, I will mainly discuss two topics: (1) Electrolyte designs to achieve high-energy density and stable cycling performance in wide temperature range. I will first demonstrate the holistic design of dual-ion batteries, which circumvent the sluggish ion desolvation process found in typical lithium-ion batteries during discharge. These batteries are enabled by a novel ester electrolyte, which simultaneously provided high electrochemical stability and ionic conductivity at low temperature that can enable high-performance Li-ion batteries. (2) Design of energy-efficient recycling and regeneration process for spent batteries. The increasing amount of lithium-ion battery consumption will result in the resource shortage and price increase of lithium and precious transition metals (Co, Ni etc.). In addition, the wastes generated from disposal of used batteries can cause severe environment pollution. This talk will introduce an effective strategy to recycle, and regenerate spent batteries using a “non-destructive” approach, which will lead to new electrode materials that can show the same level of performance as the native materials.

个人简介 :


陈政,加州大学圣地亚哥分校纳米工程教授,2007年本科毕业于天津大学化学工程专业;博士师从加州大学洛杉矶分校卢云峰教授,随后在斯坦福大学化学工程系与材料科学与工程系从事博士后研究工作(导师:鲍哲南教授,崔屹教授);2016年加入加州大学圣地亚哥分校。长期从事储能与催化材料的研究和开发,超低温电池,锂离子电池回收以及电池安全设计。至今已经获得了NASA的2018早期职业教师奖,2018年的LG Chem全球电池创新大赛(BIC)奖以及2018 ACF PRF新研究者奖。以通讯作者或第一作者身份在Science,Nature Energy, Nature Nanotechnology, Joule, Nature Communications, Advanced Materials, Advanced Energy Materials, Nano Letters 等学术刊物上发表研究论文100余篇,引用1万余次。


