首页 >  东京医科大学篡改考生成绩丑闻  > 东京医科大学为了不录取女生篡改成绩


A Japanese medical university has systematically discriminated against female applicants because women tend to quit as doctors after starting families, media reports have alleged.媒体曝出,日本一家医科大学有计划地排除女考生,理由是女性在成家后大多会放弃从医。The Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper said Tokyo Medical University had manipulated the entrance exam results of women since about 2011 to keep the female student population low.《读卖新闻》报道称,大约从2011年开始,东京医科大学就一直篡改女生入学考试成绩来限制学医女生的数量。Quoting unidentified sources, it said the manipulation started after the proportion of successful applicants who were women reached 38% in 2010.《读卖新闻》援引身份不明的消息人士的话称,自从该校录取的女生在2010年占比达到38%之后,校方就开始篡改考生成绩。Other Japanese media, including NHK and Kyodo News, also reported claims of exam manipulation. Quoting unnamed sources, NHK said female applicants' scores were slashed by about 10% in some years.包括日本放送协会和共同社在内的其他日本媒体也曾对学校篡改考试成绩进行过报道。日本放送协会援引匿名的消息来源称,近些年来,女考生的成绩被削减了约10%。The allegation surfaced during the university's investigation of a separate scandal in which its former director was accused of granting admission to the son of a senior education bureaucrat in exchange for a favour.这一指控是在东京医科大学调查另外一起丑闻时浮出水面的。在这起丑闻中,前校长被指控为了做人情招收了一位教育部高级官员的儿子入学。The school's public affairs department said officials were surprised by the Yomiuri Shimbun report and had no knowledge of the reported manipulation. It promised to look into the matter.该校的公共事务部称,大家听闻《读卖新闻》的报道后都很吃惊,并表示对所谓的篡改成绩并不知情。不过他们承诺将会调查此事。

Yoshiko Maeda, the head of the Japan Medical Women's Association, said it was astonishing that women were being stripped of their right to seek entry to the medical profession.日本女医师协会会长前田佳子表示,女性居然被剥夺了学医的权利,这非常令人震惊。"Instead of worrying about women quitting jobs, they should do more to create an environment where women can keep working," Maeda said in a statement on the association's Facebook page. "And we need working-style reform, which is not just to prevent overwork deaths but to create a workplace where everyone can perform to the best of their ability regardless of gender."在该协会的脸谱网页面上,前田在一则
