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2023届高考英语复习巧练:完形填空(15空)解题技巧做完形填空题时必须遵循“整体-分解-整体”的“三位一体”的步骤,要充分体现先“完义”后“完形”的特点。注重整合,把握上下文相关信息的摄取、筛选与比较等方法。具体解题方法如下:(1)通过主旨大意解题在完形填空题中,理解主旨大意十分重要,正确把握主旨大意有助于考生对文章细节的正确理解,特别是长难句的分析和突破可以帮助考生提高解题的正确率。完形填空题的第一句往往不设空,这句话一般是文章的主题句,考生在解题时要重视首句的内容。(2)通过文化背景解题完形填空的语篇信息常渗透着各类相关的文化背景知识。有些选项的设置与文化背景相关,这就要求考生有较宽的知识面,同时要具备一定的文化意识,特别是要有对英语国家文化的敏感性和鉴别力,只有这样才能既快速又准确地解题。(3)通过瞻前信息解题该解法要求考生重点联系空前的信息。文章内容展开之后,这时前文已经含有丰富的语境信息,它们可能和后面的设空处有逻辑或语境方面的联系,这样空前的信息就成为解题的依据。解题时一定要善于捕捉这些重要的信息。(4)通过顾后信息解题完形填空在命题的过程中,上下文情节的发展都会有一定的联系,这些联系是解题的重要根据,考生需要依据空格后的相关信息选出答案。(5)通过复现词解题这类题多为同义词、近义词和反义词的复现或同义词、近义词和反义词的异形的复现。这类试题主要是考查考生的整体篇章意识和对上下文的推断能力。(6)通过逻辑关系解题逻辑连接词在文中起着衔接与连贯的重要作用,可以表达文中的因果、转折等逻辑关系。这种题型是高考中的难点,因为它需要考生有较强的逻辑判断能力以及对文章的整体把握能力。(7)通过固定搭配解题在英语学习中,掌握词组和短语的用法十分重要。高考完形填空的命题中,通常会涉及固定短语的搭配,如动词短语、介词短语等,考生需要运用所学词汇知识,结合综合语言能力对相关试题进行突破。(8)通过生活常识解题完形填空题所选的文章多是具有一定故事情节和教育意义的记叙文,这些文章贴近考生的生活,这样就会涉及对生活常识的考查,所以在解题时,考生需要根据生活常识选出答案。(9)通过语法分析解题对语法基础知识的考查也是完形填空题的重要命题角度。对于这种题,要有针对性地对语法结构、句式特点、句子成分等进行分析,从而迅速解决问题。一、What would happen if a human brain was connected to a powerful computer That is what Kevin Warwick, a professor at the University of Reading, U. K., 1 to find out. "I want to have a go at exploring what it means to 2," he says.Soon he will have an 3 A glass tube will be placed around a group of nerves in his arm. Inside the tube there will be tiny computer circuits. These will 4 messages being sent to the brain and send them to a computer."Pain provides a clear electronic signal on the nervous system as it moves from its 5 of origin to the brain. We want to find out what happens if that signal is sent to the computer and then played back again. Will I feel the 6 pain " says Kevin Warwick.It is not just about 7. The human nervous system sends a wide variety of other messages to the brain, which could have many different 8. The computer could provide the eyes for a blind person. Anxious or depressed people are often given drugs to make them feel 9. But what if they could download feelings of happiness directly into their minds Imagine you are thousands of miles away from your loved ones. You love them and 10 to be back with them. Then you store these 11 on a computer and send them to your family as an e-mail.Professor Warwick believes that the success of his new experiment could benefit human beings in many ways. A human will be one 12 to use the memory and mathematical power of the computer. He or she will be able to communicate thoughts and feelings 13 across the planet using the Internet. Human have used their intelligence to create increasingly intelligent 14. Has the time now come for the two to 15 together 1.A.manages B.helps C.intends D.tends2.A.advances B.humans C.rights D.competitions3.A.operation B.adjustment C.assessment D.examination4.A.give off B.turn into C.make up D.pick up5.A.level B.space C.moment D.point6.A.awful B.usual C.same D.slight7.A.signals B.pain C.brain D.messages8.A.explanationsB.applications C.systems D.problems9.A.better B.stronger C.wiser D.worse10.A.prefer B.agree C.longD.refuse11.A.feelings B.greetings C.requests D.memories12.A.able B.willing C.born D.afraid13.A.indirectly B.separately C.directly D.purposelessly14.A.worlds B.machines C.websites D.bodies15.A.learn B.meet C.developD.join二、I fell in love with Yosemite National Park the first time I saw it. My parents took us there for camping. On the way out, I asked them to wait while I ran up to El Capitain, a1rock of 3,300 feet straight up. I touched that giant rock and knew2I wanted to climb it. That has been my life's passion(热爱) ever since—3the rocks and mountains of Yosemite. I've long made Yosemite my4.About 15 years ago I started seeing a lot of5, like beer cans, empty boxes, around the area. It's beyond me why visitors started respecting the place6and treated such a beautiful home-like place this way.I tried7trash(垃圾) myself, but the job was too big. I would8an hour or two on the job, only to find the area trashed all over again weeks later. Finally, I got so tired of it that I decided something had to change.In 2004, together with some climbers, I set a date for a9. On that day, more than 300 people10. Over three days we collected about 6,000 pounds of trash. It was amazing how much we were able to11. I couldn't believe the12we made—the park looked clean!Each year volunteers come for the cleanup from everywhere. In 2007 alone, 2,945 people picked up 42,330 pounds of trash.I often hear people13about their surroundings. If you are one of them, I would say the only way to change things is by14rather than complaining. We need to teach by15.1.A. distant B. huge C. narrow D. loose2.A. immediately B. finally C. gradually D. recently3.A. imagining B. painting C. describing D. climbing4.A. garden B. home C. lab D. palace5.A. material B. resources C. waste D. goods6.A. more B. most C. less D. least7.A. throwing away B. picking up C. breaking down D. digging out8.A. kill B. save C. wait D. spend9.A. cleanup B. party C. picnic D. concert10.A. dropped out B. showed up C. looked around D. called back11.A. demand B. receive C. achieve D. overcome12.A. plan B. visit C. contact D. difference13.A. talk B. complain C. argue D. quarrel14.A. doing B. thinking C. questioning D. watching15.A. method B. explanation C. example D. research三、It has been five years. No one's quite sure how Sasha, the 6-year-old black cat, 1 it from Portland to New Mexico after five years. But apparently it isn't uncommon for cats—who are known for their 2 character—to go hitchhiking (搭便车)."It's like he never left. He's so 3," said its owner Usov. "I guess he was on a great American 4. "When Sasha disappeared in 2014, Usov thought the cat might have 5 wolves. But not every cat that disappears 6 a bad end. "It's very common for a cat to 7 on a train or the back of a truck, but for a cat to travel 1,200 miles and then go back to its owner That 8 happens.,"Sasha's fur was matted(乱成一团的) when he was found 9 the streets by workers of the Santa Fe Animal Shelter this month. They set out to find his owner. "Sasha didn't miss a meal," Kirdar, a worker at the shelter, said.The shelter reunites families with their 10 pets every day, 11 this is the first time Kirdar has done an in-person delivery. Sasha's 12 would not have been possible had he not been microchipped(植入微芯片). The microchip is the best form of 13," said Kirdar. However, just getting your pet microchipped isn't enough. It's important to 14 the microchip's producer if there is a 15 in your contact information.1.A.hated B.made C.received D.learnt2.A.complex B.popular C.independent D.weak3.A.happy B.annoying C.pitiful D.helpful4.A.adventure B.farm C.island D.holiday5.A.teamed with B.fallen victim to C.made friends with D.fought against6.A.brings B.demands C.meets D.expects7.A.biteB.live C.sleep D.jump8.A.actually B.rarely C.normally D.hopefully9.A.clearing B.blocking C.wandering D.checking10.A.thrilled B.unlucky C.missing D.crazy11.A.and B.but C.because D.though12.A.return B.illness C.disappearance D.movement13.A.technology B.civilization C.identification D.explanation14.A.download B.record C.copy D.update15.A.fact B.number C.name D.change四、Advertising is about creating images, and this is especially true when advertising food and drinks. What the 1 looks like is more important than what it tastes like. If companies hope to sell food successfully, the food must 2 appetizing.Television advertising of food often uses 3. Apparently, food looks especially appetizing if it moves. Chocolate sauce looks much more 4 when you see it being poured over ice cream than it does just sitting in a jar.5 effects also help to sell food: sausages sizzling(咝咝响) in a frying pan are mouth-watering. A TV 6 for a brand of coffee had the sound of coffee percolating (过滤) in the background. The commercial was so 7 that it lasted five years.The 8 of food and its packaging is also very important. If the colour looks 9, people won't eat it. Nobody would normally eat blue bread or drink blue beer. Other 10 food colours are purple, grey, and in some cases, white.How people expect something to taste often influences how it 11 does taste. Researchers gave some mineral water to two groups of people. They told one group that the water was mineral water, and almost all people said, "It tastes 12." Then the researchers told the other group that the water was tap water. This group said the water tasted a little funny. The word "tap" created a(n) 13 image of chlorine (氯).It is the same with 14. A food manufacturer gave a group of people the same 15 in a glass jar and in a can and asked them to taste it. They all claimed that the product in the glass jar tasted better.So it seems to be true. Image is everything.1.A.company B.food C.image D.milk2.A.look B.taste C.sound D.smell3.A.sound B.sense C.movement D.imagination4.A.beautiful B.natural C.clean D.delicious5.A.Action B.Television C.Music D.Sound6.A.advertisement B.programme C.show D.speech7.A.noisy B.expensive C.successful D.long8.A.price B.name C.brand D.colour9.A.right B.great C.interestingD.wrong10.A.unknown B.unpopular C.practical D.famous11.A.actually B.especially C.elegantly D.seriously12.A.strange B.funny C.good D.salty13.A.perfect B.unusual C.unpleasant D.unbelievable14.A.advertising B.packaging C.producing D.tasting15.A.product B.water C.meat D.coffee五、For thousands of years, people have known that the best way to understand a concept is to explain it to others. "While we teach, we 1," said Roman philosopher Seneca. Now scientists are bringing this ancient wisdom up-to-date. They're 2 why teaching is such a fruitful way to learn.Researchers have found that students who teach others work harder to 3 the material, and apply it more 4. Student teachers score higher on tests than pupils who're learning only for themselves. But how can children, 5 learning themselves, teach others One answer: They can teach younger kids. Some studies have found that first-born children are more 6 than their later-born siblings (兄弟姐妹). This suggests their higher IQs result from the time they spend teaching their siblings.Now educators are experimenting with ways to 7 this model to schoolwork. They engage college undergraduates to teach computer science to high school students, who then 8 instruct middle school students on the topic. But the most cutting-edge tool is the "teachable agent"—a computerized character who learns, tries, makes mistakes and asks questions just like a real-world puter scientists have created an animated(动画的) figure called Betty's Brain, who has been "taught" about science by middle school students. Student teachers are motivated to help Betty 10 certain materials. While preparing to teach, they organize their knowledge and improve their understanding. And as they explain the information to it, they identify problems in their own 11.Feedback from the teachable agent 12 improves the teachers' learning. The agents' questions drive student teachers to think and explain the materials in different 13 , and watching the agent solve problems allows the emotions one experiences into action. 14 , it's the emotions one experiences in teaching that help learning. Student teachers feel 15 when their teachable agents fail, but happy when these pupils succeed as they gain pride and satisfaction from someone else's achievement.(1)A.learn B.doubt C.grow D.practice(2)A.valuing B.proving C.questioning D.assuming(3)A.prepare B.preserve C.exchange D.understand(4)A.officially B.effectively C.fluently D.carefully(5)A.still B.even C.though D.once(6)A.curious B.energetic C.independent D.academic(7)A.add B.apply C.offer D.show(8)A.as well B.at once C.in turn D.of course(9)A.teacher B.parent C.sibling D.pupil(10)A.arrange B.mark C.master D.link(11)A.thinking B.reading C.inspiration D.guidance(12)A.shortly B.hardly C.rather D.further(13)A.ways B.cases C.places D.orders(14)A.In all B.After all C.Above all D.For all(15)A.satisfied B.sick C.pleased D.upset六、Dressed in a pretty long robe (袍服), stylist Xiao Hang walks across the busy Beijing metro, attracting curious glances.China has been 1 by Western fashion in recent decades, but many young people like Xiao are looking to the 2 for their choices of clothing and wearing traditional hanfu. These historic costumes of the Han ethnic group are 3 a renaissance(复兴) in part because the government is promoting traditional culture to boost patriotism (爱国主义) and national 4. Period dramas have also contributed to the 5 in interest in traditional Chinese clothing — The Story of Minglan, a TV series set in the Song Dynasty 6 more than 400 million viewers in three days.There is no 7 definition of what counts as hanfu since each dynasty has its own style, but the clothes are 8 by loose, flowing robes, with sleeves that hang down to the knees. "When we were little, we would drape(披) sheets and blankets to 9 we were wearing beautiful clothes," Xiao said."Two-thirds of my wardrobe is hanfu," said Yang Jiaming, a high school student dressed in a Tang-style robe and black boots at a hanfu gathering. He wears hanfu under his uniform at school and his classmates and teachers have been 10 of his style.The support of the government for Chinese culture has given the hanfu community a(n) 11. In April 2019, the Communist Youth League of China 12 a two-day conference on traditional Chinese clothing, including hanfu.Clothes are the "13 of culture", said Jiang Xue, a member of Beijing-based hanfu club Mowutianxia, which has received 14 from the Communist Youth League of China. "If we do not even 15 our traditional clothes or don't wear them, how can we talk about other essential parts of our culture " she said.1.A.praised B.welcomed C.influenced D.greeted2.A.future B.present C.past D.moment3.A.suffering B.experiencing C.refusing D.stopping4.A.approval B.acknowledgement C.confirmation D.identity5.A.revolution B.decline C.increase D.stability6.A.inspired B.attracted C.encouraged D.accepted7.A.uniform B.identical C.casual D.simple8.A.specialized B.characterized C.impressed D.decorated9.A.show B.prove C.pretend D.declare10.A.afraid B.scared C.ashamed D.supportive11.A.start B.end C.boost D.lift12.A.promoted B.addressed C.attended D.held13.A.protection B.signal C.reproduction D.symbol14.A.criticism B.funding C.gifts D.invitations15.A.dislike B.realize C.understand D.ignore七、The sun was shining brightly over our heads and sweat (汗水) was pouring off our backs and faces. We stood still without1any noise, all hot and tired. But everyone kept standing as straight as trees.It was2most high schools give to new Senior One students—military training. We3four days in a closed environment. Although we couldn't go home at night and the training was4and difficult, our humorous young drill sergeant (教官) with a funny accent was a real5of our days. We laughed at his jokes, sat in rows singing different songs and6him telling true stories about his life. He gave us the feeling that7and sweat were not the only things that military training8.After this journey, we were more9than we had imagined and we were much braver than we had10. Girls who looked pale rested for a little while, then right away came back to the team. Boys who were being punished11to the playground at once and began to run. Sweat flowed down our faces when we thought about how to shout12than other classes.Military training taught us perseverance (坚持不懈) and determination. On the last day of our training, the confidence could be13on our faces. We shouted so loud that our14could be heard across the heavens. With eyes like burning torches (火炬), we walked into the future. Now the sun is 15at all of us.1.A. crying B. making C. sending D. telling2.A. nothing B. anything C. something D. everything3.A. wasted B. spent C. kept D. took4.A. strict B. curious C. interesting D. normal5.A. success B. pleasure C. worry D. wonder6.A. referred to B. devoted to C. turned to D. listened to7.A. sunlight B. wealth C. desire D. health8.A. received B. helped C. offered D. happened9.A. concerned B. determined C. interested D. surprised10.A. expected B. expressed C. disliked D. rescued11.A. escaped B. moved C. rode D. rushed12.A. larger B. stronger C. louder D. lower13.A. seen B. heard C. smelt D. touched14.A. thoughts B. feelings C. opinions D. voices15.A. travelling B. falling C. setting D. smiling八、The best and most amazing thing about life is that no matter what happens or how hard it may get, or how useless you feel, stay 1.All you need to 2 is to do good, even if it may be the smallest thing, like greeting someone with a smile. It can 3 someone's day, and you will have made the smallest 4 biggest difference to their life. It all starts with your small but sincere smile!I learned patience the hard 5. I have been trying to rush through life, always 6 myself to my friends and family and wondering when my life would change. I was too busy trying to speed things up, but things just weren't 7, so I finally gave up. However, when I continued to help people and do little things I could every day to make a difference, life 8 me back. Therefore, keep your 9 realistic, no matter how unjust people are towards you. I believe you will be successful, 10 everything has its own special time when everything goes well, and yours is definitely coming. You just need to 11 a little longer.I 12 met someone worth it all, so kind and sweet, always trying to surprise me in the most 13 ways. Now, every day is something bigger and better, and that 14 is amazing, and then you realize it's because of all the good things you keep doing in your life.Even if you have been doing bad things until now, you can change it all and make it all better. Believe me, it always gets better. It's not easy, but it will. I know, because I have been 15 with it and I finally feel better.1.A.curious B.patient C.serious D.generous2.A.reflect on B.set about C.take upD.focus on3.A.speed up B.go up C.brighten up D.turn up4.A.yet B.and C.or D.so5.A.way B.time C.point D.problem6.A.adapting B.adjusting C.comparing D.applying7.A.speeding B.changing C.moving D.succeeding8.A.gives B.pays C.gets D.brings9.A.intentions B.minds C.hearts D.feelings10.A.if B.when C.until D.because11.A.work B.wait C.operate D.stay12.A.eventually B.occasionally C.abruptly D.instantly13.A.normal B.unusual C.common D.unexpected14.A.thought B.view C.feeling D.idea15.A.hunting B.struggling C.searching D.exploring九、Meals on Wheels delivery service is for those facing life-threatening illnesses like Borden did back in 2012. She had just finished a Master's program in1when she was diagnosed(诊断) with cancer called Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. Soon, her mother was diagnosed with cancer. Borden moved to Grand Rapids, Michigan to take care of herself while2her mother."It's a3time in your life when you have great need for nutrition but you can't provide healthy4for yourself," Borden said. "Having a Master's in Nutrition, I knew how5nourishment was during my cancer treatment and recovery."She started Revive and Thrive while going through treatment, 6out to local hospitals and kitchens to get the organization off the ground. Soon she was7meals for patients referred to her by social workers, nurses and doctors in the area.She8each patient to get a sense of what their nutrition needs are and how long they'll need help. Then, she gets to9."Serving meals to patients is equally important as teaching them to cook healthy foods, to10job skills, life skills and the joy of being able to11others in their community," Borden says.She works with a head chef who12the nutrient-rich meals and makes sure each meal contains the essential vitamins and proteins that a person fighting a life-threatening illness13."When you're14and dealing with cancer by yourself, it can cause you more depression. Knowing somebody cares about what you eat is15," she said.1.A.medicine B.education C.economics D.nutrition2.A.nursing B.teaching C.guiding D.training3.A.dangerous B.hard C.common D.valuable4.A.lifestyles B.spirit C.meals D.sleep5.A.rare B.adequate C.comfortable D.important6.A.going B.calling C.reaching D.speaking7.A.enjoying B.preparing C.checking D.comparing8.A.tells B.cures C.exams D.meets9.A.rest B.work C.school D.bed10.A.learn B.show C.require D.test11.A.judge B.serve C.gather D.relax12.A.eats B.expects C.creates D.proves13.A.needs B.makes C.shares D.provides14.A.alone B.wise C.old D.free15.A.interesting B.amusing C.amazing D.inspiring十、This happened when I was ten. On a normal Sunday, I went to the barber shop where I always went. That day, along with the barber there was an assistant, who had recently1the shop.I sat for the haircut. The uncle asked me how2I wanted it. I answered, "Just do as my dad had3 you the last time."He smiled. Before starting the4 , he added, "What if I keep it long "I5he was joking. So I joked too. I said, "I can't6what would happen to your shop then!"The moment I said it, the assistant7from behind. "How dare you say that! Who are you to take our shop down, eh "I admit I was too8at that moment and the uncle standing beside me was giving me an9look.From that day on, I10stopped joking about anyone's profession and work. It is one of the most11incidents in my life, which taught me to12the profession and work of a person, no matter how13they are.I'm14that the assistant responded in a way that made me rethink the power of my words. Words do make a15 .1. A. left B. opened C. joined D. visited2. A. much B. long C. often D. soon3. A. instructed B. invited C. promised D. convinced4. A. discussion B. journey C. training D. haircut5. A. agreed B. heard C. hoped D. knew6. A. forget B. tolerate C. guarantee D. understand7. A. urged B. shouted C. laughed D. helped8. A. angry B. proud C. scared D. curious9. A. anxious B. appealing C. encouraging D. awkward10. A. suddenly B. completely C. temporarily D. regularly11. A. important B. exciting C. strange D. interesting12. A. learn B. enter C. change D. respect13. A. hard B. small C. good D. complex14. A. sorry B. confident C. grateful D. embarrassed15. A. difference B. mistake C. choice D. joke答案以及解析一、答案:1-5.CBADD; 6-10.CBBAC; 11-15.AACBD解析:1.根据上文中的What would happen if a human brain was connected to a powerful computer 及下文内容可知,这里表示凯文·沃里克教授打算弄清楚这个问题的答案。intend意为“打算”,符合语境。manage意为“设法做成”;help意为“帮助”;tend意为“往往会;趋向于”。2.根据上文中的What would happen if a human brain was connected to a powerful computer 可知,凯文·沃里克想探索让人脑与电脑相连对人类来说会有什么样的意义。human意为“人类”,符合语境。advance意为“进展”;right意为“权利”;competition意为“比赛”。3.根据设空处后的A glass tube will be placed around a group of nerves in his arm.可知,此处指他将做一台手术。operation意为“手术”,符合语境。adjustment意为“调整”;assessment意为“评价”;examination意为“检查”。4.根据设空处后的messages being sent to the brain and send them to a computer 可知,此处表示接收发送至大脑的信息,然后再将这些信息发送到电脑上。pick up意为“接收(信号、声音等)”,符合语境。give off意为“发出(气味、热、光等)”;turn into意为“变成”;make up意为“组成”。5.根据语境可知,此处表示当疼痛从其源头转移到大脑时,它就在神经系统上产生了一个清晰的电子信号。the point of origin意为“起点;原点”,符合语境。level意为“水平”;space意为“场所”;moment意为“某一时刻”。6.根据上文中的Pain provides a clear electronic signal on the nervous system as it moves from... to the brain 及 what happens if that signal is sent to the computer and then...可知,此处是沃里克猜测自己在不同情况下能否感受到相同的疼痛。same意为“相同的”,符合语境。awful意为“可怕的”;usual意为“通常的”;slight意为“稍微的”。7.根据上文中的Pain provides a clear electronic signal on the nervous system... to the brain及下文的The human nervous system sends a wide variety of other messages to the brain可知,人类神经系统向大脑发送各种各样的其他信息,疼痛只是其中的一种。pain意为“疼痛”,符合语境。signal意为“信号”;brain意为“智力;脑力”;message意为“信息”。8.根据下文的The computer could provide the eyes for a blind person. Anxious or depressed people...可知,人类神经系统向大脑发送各种各样的信息的功能可以有许多不同(方面)的应用。application意为“应用”,符合语境。explanation意为“解释”;system意为“系统”;problem意为“问题”。9.根据设空处前的Anxious or depressed people are often given drugs to make them feel 可知,此处是指给焦虑或抑郁的人药物以缓解他们的焦虑或抑郁,即让他们感觉更好些。better意为“更好的”,符合语境。stronger意为“更强壮的”;wiser意为“更明智的”;worse意为“更糟糕的”。10.根据上文的Imagine you are thousands of miles away from your loved ones.可知,此处表示你渴望回到远方所爱之人的身边。long意为“渴望”,符合语境。prefer意为“更喜欢”;agree意为“同意”;refuse意为“拒绝”。11.根据上文的You love them and _______ to be back with them.及设空处所在句中的store these _______ on a computer可知,此处指的是把这些感觉储存在一台电脑上,并以电子邮件的形式发送给家人。feeling意为“感觉”,符合语境。greeting意为“问候”;request意为“请求”;memory意为“回忆”。12.根据上文中的benefit human beings 以及下文的He or she will be able to communicate thoughts and feelings...可知,此处指人类将能够使用计算机的存储能力和数学(计算)能力。able意为“能……的”,符合语境。willing意为“乐意的”;born意为“天生的”;afraid意为“害怕的”。13.根据上文及语境可知,人脑与电脑相连,人与人之间就可以直接交流思想和感情了,故此处表示人们将能够通过使用互联网在地球上直接交流思想和感情。directly意为“直接地”符合语境。indirectly意为“间接地”;separately意为“单独地”;purposelessly意为“无目的地”。14.根据语境可知,此处表示人们用他们的智慧创造出越来越智能的机器。machine意为“机器”,符合语境。world意为“世界”;website意为“网站”;body意为“身体”。15.根据文章首句What would happen if a human brain was connected to a powerful computer 可知,此处与开头相呼应,反问现在是将人脑和电脑连接起来的时候吗 join意为“连接”,符合语境。learn意为“学习”;meet意为“遇见”;develop意为“发展”。二、答案:1-5 BADBC 6-10 CBDAB 11-15 CDBAC解析:1.根据空后的of 3,300 feet straight up以及下一句中的giant rock可知, 酋长巨石是一块巨大的(huge)岩石。故选B项。2.根据下一句中的That has been my life's passion可知, 作者钟爱攀岩, 由此可知, 作者站在巨大的岩石面前便立刻想攀登上去。故选A项。3.解析见上一题, climb意为"攀登", 符合语境。故选D项。4.根据第二段中的such a beautiful home-like place可知, 作者长期以来把约塞米蒂国家公园当作自己的家。故选B项。5.根据空后的like beer cans, empty boxes和下文中的I tried _____ trash myself可知, 此处指的是垃圾。故选C项。6.上文提到游客在如此美丽的地方丢弃大量的垃圾, 也就是说游客们开始不尊重这个像家一样美丽的地方。故选C项。7.根据第五段的picked up可知, 此处指作者尽力自己去捡拾垃圾。throw away意为"扔掉"; pick up意为"捡起"; break down意为"使分解"; dig out意为"挖出"。故选B项。8.根据上文的but the job was too big可知, 此处指捡垃圾的工作量很大, 作者在清理垃圾时往往要花费一两个小时, kill time意为"消磨时光"。故选D项。9.根据下文Over three days we collected about 6,000 pounds of trash.可知, 此处应指"垃圾清理活动"。cleanup意为"清扫; 清理", 作名词。故选A项。10.根据语境可知, 有三百多人来参加此次垃圾清理活动。drop out意为"退出"; show up意为"露面; 出现"; look around意为"四下看"; call back意为"回电话"。故选B项。11.根据本句及下文的I couldn't believe the _____ we made—the park looked clean!可知, 此处是说作者对自己和志愿者们取得的成就感到惊奇。achieve意为"实现; (尤指经过努力)取得", 符合语境, 故选C项。12.根据语境可知, 作者与志愿者们付出了努力, 他们的努力对公园的面貌产生了影响。make a difference意为"有影响; 起作用"。故选D项。13.根据后文的rather than complaining可知, 作者经常听见人们抱怨(complain)他们周围的环境。故选B项。14.根据前文的I would say the only way to change things可知, 作者指出要改变不尽如人意的地方, 应该通过行动(doing)而不是通过抱怨。故选A项。15.根据语境可知, 此处是说我们需要以身作则。by example意为"以身作则", 故选C项。三、答案:1-5.BCAAB; 6-10.CDBCC; 11-15.BACDD解析:1.句意:已经五年了,没人知道这只6岁的黑猫萨沙是如何在5年后从波特兰来到新墨西哥州的。make it实现,成功。故选B。2.句意:但显然,猫这种以个性独立著称的动物搭便车旅行并不少见。complex复杂的;popular受欢迎的;independent独立的;weak虚弱的。故选C。3.句意:他好像从来没有离开过。他是如此开心。根据上一句"It's like he never left."此处指猫很“开心”。happy高兴的;annoying使烦恼的;pitiful可怜的;helpful有帮助的,愿意帮忙的。故选A。4.句意:我猜他是在进行一次伟大的美洲冒险。根据第1空后的"from Portland to New Mexico after five years"可知,他来美洲“冒险”。故选A。5.解析了句意:2014年萨沙失踪时,乌索夫认为这只猫可能成为了狼的牺牲品。team with 与……合作;fall victim to成为……的牺牲品;make friends with与……交朋友;fight against与……对抗。故选B。6.句意:但并不是所有丢失的猫都会有不好的结局。根据第6空后的"a bad end"可知,此处指“遭遇不好的结局”。bring 拿来,带来;demand需求;meet遇见;expect期待。故选C。7.句意:猫跳上火车或卡车车斗是很常见的事,但猫跑了1200英里后又回到主人身边,这种情况很少发生,故选D。8.句意见上。根据上文中的"It's very common"以及"but"转折可知,这事是“罕见的”。actually事实上;rarely罕见地;normally正常地;hopefully充满希望地。故选B。9.句意:本月,毛已经乱作一团的萨沙在街上游荡时被圣菲动物收容所的工作人员发现。根据常识可知,丢失的动物在被收容所抓住之前应该是在街上游荡。clear清理;block阻挡;wander游荡;check核对。故选C。10.句意:这家收容所每天都能让失踪的宠物和家人团聚,但这是科达第一次亲自递送。根据reunites(团聚)可知应是“丢失的”宠物。thrilled非常兴奋的;unlucky不幸的;missing丢失的;crazy疯狂的。故选C。11.根据前后语境可知,此处表示“但是”。故选B。12.句意:如果不是植入了微芯片,萨沙的回归是不可能的。return返回;illness疾病;disappearance消失;movement移动。故选A。13.句意:微芯片是最好的身份证明。technology科技;civilization文明;identification身份证明;explanation解释。故选C。14.句意:如果你的联系信息有变化,向微芯片的制造商提供最新信息是很重要的。download下载;record记录;copy复制,抄写。update向……提供最新信息。故选D。15.句意见上。这里是指如果联系方式有变化应向徵芯片制造商提供最新信息。故选D。四、答案:1-5.BACDD; 6-10.ACDDB; 11-15.ACCBA解析:1.根据空前句中的this is especially true when advertising food and drinks和空后的what it tastes like可知,当给食物和饮料打广告时更是如此。由此可知,此处指食物看起来如何比吃起来如何更重要。food意为“食物”,符合语境。company意为“公司;陪伴”;image意为“图像”;milk意为“牛奶”。2.根据空格前一句可知,食物看起来如何比吃起来如何更重要。由此可知,此处想要表达的是公司想要成功卖出食物,食物必须得看起来有食欲。look意为“看起来”符合语境。taste意为“尝起来”;sound意为“听起来”;smell意为“闻起来”。3.根据空格后一句Apparently, food looks especially appetizing if it moves可知,很显然,食物在移动时看起来更诱人。由此可知,此处指电视上的食物广告通常使用动态的形式。movement意为“移动,运动”,符合语境。sound意为“声音”;sense意为“感觉”;imagination意为“想象力”。4.根据空格前一句的叙述可知,食物在移动的时候更让人有食欲。由此可以推知,此处指把巧克力酱倒在冰激凌上比放在罐子里看起来更美味。delicious意为“美味的”,符合语境,和前文的appetizing相呼应。beautiful意为“漂亮的”;natural意为“自然的”;clean意为“干净的”。5.根据空后的sausages sizzling in a frying pan are mouth-watering可知,香肠在煎锅中的咝咝声令人垂涎欲滴。由此可以推知,此处指音效也有助于食品的销售。sound意为“声音”,符合语境。action意为“动作”;television意为“电视”;music意为“音乐”。6.根据文章的内容可知,这篇文章主要介绍的是用电视为食品打广告。由此可以推知,此处指一个品牌咖啡的电视广告背景是咖啡过滤的声音。advertisement意为“广告”,符合语境。programme意为“节目;计划,项目”;show意为“演出,表演”;speech意为“演讲”。7.根据空后的it lasted five years可知,这个广告持续了五年。由此可以推知,广告连续五年都是如此,说明它很成功。successful意为“成功的”,符合语境。noisy意为“嘈杂的”;expensive意为“昂贵的”;long意为“长的”。8.根据空格后一句中的If the colour looks可以推知,此处指食物的颜色和包装也很重要。colour意为“颜色”,符合语境。price意为“价格”;name意为“名字”;brand意为“品牌”。9.根据空格后一句Nobody would normally eat blue bread or drink blue beer可知,通常情况下,没有人会吃蓝色的面包或者喝蓝色的啤酒。由此可以推知,此处指如果食物颜色看起来不对,人们不会去吃。wrong意为“错误的,不对的”,符合语境。right意为“正确的”;great意为“极好的”;interesting意为“有趣的”。10.根据空前的Other和空后列举的purple, grey, and in some cases, white可知,此处指的是其他不受欢迎的食物颜色。unpopular意为“不受欢迎的”,符合语境。unknown意为“未知的”;practical意为“实际的,实用的”;famous意为“著名的”。11.根据本段所举例子可知,此处指人们对某种东西味道的期望往往会影响它的实际味道。actually意为“实际上”,符合语境。especially意为“尤其是”;elegantly意为“优雅地”;seriously意为“严肃地,认真地”。12.根据空前的They told one group that the water was mineral water可以推知,这组人被告知水是矿泉水,所以几乎所有人都认为这水尝起来很好。good意为“好的”,符合语境。strange意为“奇怪的”;funny意为“滑稽的,可笑的”;salty意为“咸的”。13.根据空格前两句Then the researchers told the other group that the water was tap water. This group said the water tasted a little funny可知,研究人员告诉另一组人这是自来水,这组人就说这水尝起来有点儿怪。由此可以推知,此处指当人们一想到自来水,就会想到氯那令人不快的形象。unpleasant意为“令人不愉快的”,符合语境。perfect意为“完美的”;unusual意为“不同寻常的”;unbelievable意为“难以置信的”。14.根据本段最后一句They all claimed that the product in the glass jar tasted better可知,他们都说装在玻璃罐里的食物吃起来更美味。由此可以推知,此处指的是食品的包装也一样重要。package意为“包装”,符合语境。advertise意为“做广告”;produce意为“生产”;taste意为“品尝”。15.根据空后一句中的the product可知,此处指一个食品生产商分别用玻璃罐和密封罐包装同一种产品给一组人品尝。product意为“产品”,符合语境。water意为“水”;meat意为“肉”;coffee 意为“咖啡”。五、答案:(1)-(5)ABDBA (6)-(10)DBCDC(11)-(15)ADACD解析:(1)词汇辨析题。learn学习; doubt怀疑; grow生长; practice练习。句意: 罗马哲学家塞涅卡说: “我们一边教别人, 一边学习”。由下文“teaching is such a fruitful way to learn” 可知, 教学是一种卓有成效的学习方式, 所以, 我们要教学相长。(2)词汇辨析题。 value 评价, 重视; prove 证明; question 质疑; assume 假设, 猜想。句意: 他们正在证明为什么教学是如此富有成效的学习方式。根据下文描述可知, 科学家们所做的都是在证明这一说法。(3)词汇辨析题。 prepare 准备; preserve 保存; exchange交换; understand 理解。句意: 研究人员发现, 教别人知识的学生更努力地去理解材料, 并更有效地运用材料。学生要去教别人, 所以要努力地理解所教的材料。(4)词汇辨析题。officially 官方地; effectively 有效地; fluently 流利地; carefully 仔细地。句意: 研究人员发现, 教别人知识的学生更努力地去理解材料, 并更有效地运用材料。根据上下文可知教能促进学习, 因此会帮助学生更加有效地应用材料。(5)词汇辨析题。still 还, 仍然; even 甚至; though 然而; once 曾经。句意: “学生怎么能又自己学, 又教授他人呢 ”still意思是“还, 仍旧, 尚”。对想象中应该结束的动作或状态还在继续表示“惊讶”。本句是对自己学的同时又能教授他人感到惊讶。(6)词汇辨析题。 curious 好奇的; energetic 精力充沛的; independent 独立的; academic有学习天赋的 。句意: 一些研究发现第一个出生的孩子比他们后出生的兄弟姐妹更有学习天赋。由下文“their higher IQs result from the time they spend teaching their siblings. ”可知, 他们的高智商是因为他们花时间来教他们的兄弟姐妹。所以他们更有学习天赋。(7)词汇辨析题。 add加; apply 应用; offer 主动提供; show 向某人展示……。句意: 教育家们正进行实验, 将这一模式应用到家庭作业中。apply “应用”符合句意。(8)短语辨析题。as well 也, 同样地; at once 立刻; in turn 轮流, 依次, 转而; of course 当然。句意: 他们聘请大学本科生为高中生教授计算机科学, 这些高中生转而给中学生进行这方面的指导。in turn 轮流, 依次, 转而; 体现出高中生从学习者变为教授者的变化。(9)词汇辨析题。teacher老师; parent父母; sibling 兄弟姐妹; pupil 学生。句意: 电脑人物能够学习、尝试、犯错、提问, 就像一个现实世界中的学生。由“learns, tries, makes mistakes and asks questions ”可知, 电脑人物能够学习、尝试、犯错、提问, 所以电脑人物模仿的是现实世界中学生的行为。(10)词汇辨析题。arrange 安排; mark 标记; master 控制, 精通(语言), 掌握; link 连接。句意: 充当老师的学生们受到鼓舞并帮助 Betty 掌握特定的材料。充当老师的学生希望能教会它, 所以要帮助 Betty 掌握特定的材料。(11)词汇辨析题。thinking 思考, 见解; reading阅读; inspiration 灵感; guidance 指引。句意: 并且在学生们向它解释信息的时候, 他们也通过自己的思考发现了问题。发现了问题一定是通过思考的方式发现的。(12)词汇辨析题。shortly 立刻; hardly 几乎不; rather相当; further 进一步地。句意: 来自可教代理人的反馈又进一步促进了教师的学习。 further 是强调在程度上更深远, 强调的是深度, 这里指反馈又进一步促进了教师的学习。(13)词汇辨析题。 ways方式; cases例子; places地方; orders命令。句意: 代理人的提问能促使充当老师的学生用不同的方式思考和解释材料。看着代理人解决问题让人们的情感体验转化为行动。in different ways“以不同的方式”符合句意。(14)短语辨析题。 in all 总共, 合计; after all 毕竟; above all 首先, 尤其; for all 对所有人来说。句意: 人们在教的过程中所体会到的情绪尤其能帮助学习。 above all 首先, 尤其, 在这里强调情绪对学习的积极作用。故选C。(15)词汇辨析题。satisfied 满意的; sick 生病的, 恶心的; pleased 愉快的; upset 沮丧的, 失望的。句意: 当代理人失败的时候, 充当老师的学生会感到沮丧。但当这些学生从别人的成就中获得骄傲和满足时, 他们会感到高兴。由“their teachable agents fail”可知, 当代理人失败的时候。所以判断出学生会感到沮丧。故选D。六、答案:1-5.CCBDC; 6-10.BABCD; 11-15.CDDBC解析:1.结合空后内容和常识可知,随着中国与世界各国联系更加紧密,中国被西方时尚影响。故选C。2.结合语境可知,此处表示许多年轻人在服装的选择上回顾过去,穿起了传统汉服。故选C。3.这些具有历史意义的汉族服饰正在经历着复兴,部分原因是政府正在推广传统文化,以增强爱国主义和民族认同感。故选B。4.参见上题解析。national identity"民族认同感"。故选D。5.历史剧也促进了人们对中国传统服饰的兴趣的增加——以宋朝为背景的电视剧《知否知否应是绿肥红瘦》三天内就吸引了超过4亿观众。故选C。6.参见上题解析。attract"吸引"。故选B。7.汉服没有统一的定义,因为每个朝代都有自己的风格,但宽松、飘逸的长袍和长至膝盖的袖子是汉服的特点。uniform"统一的"。故选A。8.参见上题解析。characterize"以……为特征"。故选B。9.在我们小的时候,我们会披上床单和毯子,以假装自己穿着漂亮的衣服。pretend"假装"。故选C。10.结合上下文内容和选项可推知,他的老师和同学们应该是支持他的。故选D。11.政府对中国文化的支持给汉服群体以激励。boost在此处作名词,表示"帮助,激励"。故选C。12.2019年4月,中国共产主义青年团举行了为期两天的会议,讨论包括汉服在内的中国传统服饰。故选D。13.来自北京墨舞天下汉服社的一位成员说,服装是"文化的标志"。symbol"标志"。故选D。14.联系上文中的"The support of the government"并结合选项可知,funding"资金"符合题意,故选B。15.如果我们甚至都不了解我们的传统服装,或者不穿它们,我们怎么能谈论我们文化的其他重要部分呢 故选C。七、答案:1-5 BCBAB 6-10 DACBA 11-15 DCADD解析:1.全文讲的是军训的经历,因此此处应指"我们"站在那里一动不动,没有发出任何声响。make a noise为固定搭配,意为"制造噪音"。故选B项。2.军训是大多数高中让高一学生做的事。故选C项。3.句意为:我们在封闭的环境中度过了四天。spend意为"度过"。故选B项。4.此空需要一个跟difficult并列且含义相近的词来表示军训的辛苦。strict 意为"严格的"。故选A项。5.根据"我们年轻幽默的教官有一口搞笑的口音"可知,他是"我们"那些日子里真正的乐趣(pleasure)。故选B项。6.根据 telling true stories about his life 可知,此处是说听教官讲他的真实生活。refer to意为"提及;参考";devote to意为"奉献,投入";turn to意为"转向;求助于";listen to 意为"听"。故选D项。7.根据第一段中的The sun was shining brightly over our heads and sweat was pouring off our backs and faces. 可知,"我们"在烈日下军训,汗流浃背,故此处是说军训不止有阳光和汗水。故选A项。8.此处是说军训给予"我们"的不仅仅是阳光和汗水。offer在此处意为"给予"。故选C项。9.根据下一段中的Military training taught us perseverance and determination. 可知,这次军训后,"我们"的意志比想象的更加坚定了。determined 意为"意志坚定的"。故选B项。10.根据语境可知,此处是说"我们"比预想的更勇敢,expect意为"预期",故选A项。11.仍是对第一句的举例:挨罚的男生立刻跑到操场,开始跑步。rush 意为"冲,跑"。故选D项。12.根据下段中的shouted so loud可知,此处是指喊得比其他班更大声,需要用louder,故选C项。13.句意为:在训练的最后一天,可以在我们的脸上看到自信。故选A项。14.根据We shouted so loud可知,这里是指"声音"响彻云霄,故选D项。15.此处作为结尾句,应表达一种积极美好的含义,故应是太阳正冲着"我们"微笑。smile at sb意为"冲某人微笑",故选D项。八、答案:1-5.BDCAA; 6-10.CCBAD; 11-15.BADCB解析:1.根据"I learned patience the hard 5."可知,无论什么时候,我们都要保持耐心。2.根据"even if it may be the smallest thing, like greeting someone with a smile"可知,我们需要把注意力集中在做好事上。3.根据"even if it may be the smallest thing, like greeting someone with a smile"可知,一个微笑会点亮别人一天的生活。4.根据"It all starts with your small but sincere smile!"可知,虽然是一个小小的微笑,然而也会成就一个大大的改变。5.根据"I was too busy trying to speed things up, but things just weren't 7, so I finally gave up."可知,作者在学会耐心的过程中走了很艰难的路。6.根据"and wondering when my life would change"可知,作者把自己和家人、朋友作比较。7.根据"so I finally gave up"可知,作者急于看到起色,但是却毫无进展。8.根据"However, when I continued to help people and do little things I could every day to make a difference"可知,生活会报答作者。9.根据"no matter how unjust people are towards you"可知,我们应有实事求是的目的。10.根据"I believe you will be successful"可知,后句解释你会成功的原因,所以用连词because。11.根据"and yours is definitely coming"可知,是你的也肯定会来,你需要的只是多等一会儿。12.根据"so kind and sweet, always trying to surprise me in the most 13 ways"可知,作者最终遇到了那个值得等待的人。13.根据"always trying to surprise me"可知,总是出其不意地给作者惊喜。14.根据"Now, every day is something bigger and better"可知,那种感觉妙不可言。15.根据"and I finally feel better"知,作者曾经一直与之作斗争。九、答案:1-5 DABCD 6-10 CBDBA 11-15 BCAAD解析:1.根据下文的"Having a Master's in Nutrition"可知波顿是学营养学的, 故选D项。2.根据上文的"Soon, her mother was diagnosed with cancer."可知她的妈妈也生病了, 故此处需用"照顾", 故选A项。3.根据上文的"Soon, her mother was diagnosed with cancer."可知此处表示"艰难的日子", 故选B项。4.根据下文的"Soon she was7meals for patients referred to her by social workers, nurses and doctors in the area."可知此处用"饮食"符合语境, meals是原词复现, 故选C项。5.结合常识可知, 营养物质对于病人来说很重要, 故选D项。6.结合句意可知, 此处考查短语reach out, 故选C项。reach out试图联系。7.结合上下文可知, 波顿成立的"Revive and Thrive"就是为病人准备健康饮食的组织, 故选B项。8.结合句意可知, 此处是指波顿去和每个病人见面来了解他们所需营养的情况, 故选D项。9.结合上下文可知, 此处是指波顿了解了病人的需求后, 开始营养餐的准备工作, 故选B项。10.此处是指帮助病人学会生活和工作技能, 故选A项。11.根据上文"Serving meals to patients is equally important as teaching them to cook healthy foods"可知此处用"服务"符合语境, 故选B项。12.结合语境可知, 主厨的任务是开发和制作营养餐, 故选C项。13.结合语境可知, 此处是指抗击疾病所需的营养物质, 故选A项。14.根据"by yourself"可知此处表示"独自", 故选A项。15.结合上下文可知, 此处是指病人知道有人关心自己的饮食, 会让他们受到鼓舞、精神振作, 故选D项。十、答案:1-5 CBADD 6-10 CBCDB 11-15 ADBCA解析:1.根据空前的"I went to the barber shop where I always went" "there was an assistant"以及"recently"可知,此处是说一位助手最近加入了(joined)作者经常光顾的这家理发店。2.根据空前的"I sat for the haircut"以及空后作者的回答可知,此处是说理发师问作者的头发想留多长(how long)。3.根据句中的"the last time"可知,上次理发时,作者的爸爸吩咐(instructed)理发师头发留多长。invite邀请; promise承诺; convince说服,使确信。4.根据生活常识并结合上文中的"I sat for the haircut"可知,此处是在开始理发(haircut)之前理发师说的话。5.根据空后的"So I joked too"可知,前后两句话之间存在因果关系,即因为作者知道(knew)他是在开玩笑,所以作者也给他开了个玩笑。6.此处是作者对理发师开玩笑的回应,表示"我不能保证(guarantee)你的店到时候会发生什么"。7.由空后的"from behind"以及这个助手说的话"How dare you say that! Who are you to take our shop down, eh "可知, B项符合语境。urge敦促; shout大声说,大喊。8.根据文章开头可知,作者此时才10岁,面对理发师助手的大声质问,当时肯定是吓坏(scared)了。9.结合第8空前的"too"可知,作者当时十分害怕,所以这位理发师应该是一副尴尬的(awkward)表情,毕竟把10岁的小孩子吓坏了。anxious焦虑的; appealing吸引人的,引起兴趣的; encouraging令人鼓舞的。10.根据上下文可知,作者通过理发时开玩笑的不愉快经历,学到的教训是不要拿别人的职业和工作开玩笑。从那天起,作者彻底(completely)不再拿别人的职业和工作开玩笑。suddenly突然地; temporarily临时地; regularly有规律地。11.根据空后的"which taught me..."得知,作者认为这件事是很重要的(important)一件事,因为它教会了作者一个道理。12.根据上句中的"stopped joking about anyone's profession and work"可知,作者认为理发时开玩笑的不愉快经历教会了他要尊重(respect)一个人的职业和工作,无论它们多么渺小。13.参见上题解析。14.根据空后的"that made me rethink the power of my words"可知,作者对这件事情是很感激的(grateful),因为它让作者重新思考了言语的力量。15.根据空前的"the power of my words"可知,言语是有力量的,可以造成影响。make a difference有影响,起作用; make a mistake犯错误; make a choice作出选择; make a joke开玩笑。

