首页 >  高考英语主语从句真题  > 2022届高考英语复习主语从句练习(含答案)



主语从句练习题含答案一、用适当的词填空,使句子意思完整。1._______he didn't attend the meeting yesterday wasn't quite clear.2.The Foreign Minister said,"It is our hope_______ the two sides will work towards peace.3._______team will win the match is still unknown.4._______comes to the party will receive a present.5._______Mary has left is still a question.6.It's reported_______ three people were killed in the accident and five were hurt badly.7._______he solved the problem successfully interested all of us.8.We usually think we can't get _______seems better than what we have.9.It is a fact_______ English is being accepted as an international language.10._______is to be sent there to solve the problem hasn't been decided.二、下列各句中均有一处错误,请改正。1.That the old man's son wanted to know was where the gold had been hidden.2.It is reported when China has successfully sent Shenzhou VI spaceship into space.3.If he can finish his task on time is of great importance.4.Whether his brother will come back home from abroad excited the whole family.5.After Yang Liwei succeeded in circling the earth, which our astronauts desire to do is walk in space.6.Whatever leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights.7.Why they will solve the serious problem today has not been decided.8.When will win the English competition is still a problem.9.How our spring sports meet will be held or not this week is not known yet.10.It's strange when he should have gone away without telling us.三、单项选择1.They lost their way in the forest, and _______made matters worse was that night began to fall.A.it B. which C. that D. what2.It has come to my notice_______ some of you have missed classes.A. what B. which C. that D. when3.It is pretty well understood_______ controls the flow of carbon dioxide in and out the atmosphere today.A. that B. when C. what D. how4._______she couldn't understand was fewer and fewer students showed interest in her lessons.A. What ;why B. That;what C. What ; because D. Why ; that5._______we are doing has never been done before.A. That B. What C. Which D. Whether6._______she was invited to the ball made her very happy.A. What B. That C. When D. Because7._______has helped to save the drowning girl is worth praising.A. Who B. The one C. Anyone D. Whoever8._______medicine works in a human body is a question not everyone can understand fully.A. How; that B. That;which C. That; which D. What ; that9._______nearly all behavior is learned behavior is a basic assumption of social scientists.A. / B. That C. It is acceptable D. When10._______seems strange to us is _______the troublesome boy is getting along well with all his teachers.It;that B. That; how C. It; how D. What; that11._______words I use cannot express my appreciation of your timely help.A. Whatever B. How many C. No matter what D. Whichever12._______climber gets to the top first will get a5 ,000 prize.A. No matter when B. Whichever C. No matter which D. Whenever13._______some teenagers don't realize is _______difficult life can be after they get addicted to drugs.A. What;how B. That;how C. That;what D. What;what a14._______sometimes keeps her awake at night _______Tom is getting more and more quiet at home.A. That;which B. It;that C. Whether;what D. What;that15.It isn't expected_______ he said caused so much discussion at the meeting.A. that B. what that C. what D. that what16.Some language experts think we learn languages in the same way _______we learn other things, and _______we are born with is a general ability to learn and adapt.A. / ; that what B. which;whatC. that;what that D. in which ; that17._______the sports meet will be held depends on the weather.A. Whenever B. If C. Whether D. That18._______all the inventions have in common is _______they have succeeded.A.What;what B. That; that C. What; that D That ;what19._______is not known yet.A.When she has gone B. Where she has gone C.How did she leave D. Why did she go20._______is unfit for the office.A.It seems to me that B. It seems to me that he C.That seems he D. That seems to him that21._______surprised me most was_______they had finished it so quickly.A.What, whatB. That, that C. What, thatD. That, what22. In some countries,_______is called what “equality” does not really mean equal rights for all people.A. Which B. that C. whatD. One23. _______they won the game was _______we had expected.A. That ;which B. Whether ;that C. What;thatD. That ; what24._______we can't get seems better than_______we have.A. What ; what B. What;that C. That;that D. That;what25._______surprised me most was_______he was too late for the important meeting , for he was chairman of it.A. What ;whyB. That;how C. What;howD. That;why26._______beat Xiao Wang black and blue is not known.A. Whom B. Whoever C. WhoD. What27._______the boy didn't take the medicine made his mother very angry.A. ThatB. What C. HowD. Which28._______David says sounds right to Helen. That's why she has made up her mind to leave with him_______happens.A. Whatever ; whateverB. No matter what ;whateverC. No matter what; No matter what D. Whatever ;however29._______is still a question_______ will win.A. It;thatB. It;whoC. That ;whoD. This;that30. It is said_______ _______was all_______ he said.A. that ; that ; thatB. what; what ; whatC. that; which; what D. that ;that ; which31._______he won't go there is clear to all of us.A. HowB. What C. WhyD. This32._______you come or not is up to you.A. WhatB. IfC. WhyD. Whether33._______makes mistakes must correct them.A. WhoB. AnyoneC. WhoeverD. Anybody34._______team will win the match is a matter of public concern.A. Which B. That C. If D. How35. The problem is_______will go to the meeting.A. whyB. when C. whatD. who36. That is,_______he likes the place so much.A. thatB. what C. whyD. how37. That is_______Lu Xun once lived.A. whatB. where C. thatD. why38. What I'm considering now_______ the money we need.A. is B. areC. wereD. was39. Can you tell me______ A. who is that gentleman B. that gentleman is whoC. who that gentleman is D. whom is that gentleman40. We should think carefully about______ Mr. Needham said at the meeting.A. thatB. whatC. which D. /[参考答案]一.用适当的词填空,使句子意思完整。1. Why2. that3. Which 4. Whoever5. Whether 6. that 7. How 8. what 9. that 10. Who二.下列各句中均有一处错误,请改正。1. That→What2. when →that3. If→Whether4. Whether →That5. which →what6. Whatever → Whoever7. Why→ How8. When→Who9. How →Whether10.when→that三.单项选择1- 5DCCAB6-10 BDABD11 -15 ABABD16-20 ACCBB 21- -25 CCDAA26-30 CAABA 31-35 CDCAD36-40 CBACB

