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2025届普通高20等2学4年校普招通生高全国等统学一校考招试生模全拟国试统题(一一模)拟【考新试高考卷适用】英 语 答题卡姓 名 _____________________________贴 条 形 码 区准考证号考生禁填 1. 答题前,考生须认真核对条形码上的个人信息,然后将本人姓名,考生号填写在相应位置。缺考考生,由监 注 2. 答选择题时,必须使用 2B铅笔将对应题目的答案标号涂黑,修改时用橡皮擦干净,再 正确填涂样例考员用2B铅笔填 意 选涂其他答案。涂下面的缺考标事 3. 答非选择题时,必须使用0.5 毫米的黑色字迹签字笔书写。要求字体工整,笔迹清晰。记。 严格按题号所指示的答题区域作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效:在试题卷,草稿纸 错误填涂示例项 上答题无效 v w x y缺考标记 4. 保持答题卡清洁、完整。严禁折叠,严禁在答题卡上做任何标记,严禁使用涂改液、胶带纸、修正带第Ⅰ卷 客观题(需用2B铅笔填涂)(共95分)1 A B C 6 A B C 11 A B C 16 A B C2 A B C7 A B C 12 A B C 17 A B C3 A B C8 A B C 13 A B C 18 A B C4 A B C9 A B C 14 A B C 19 A B C5 A B C 10 A B C 15 A B C 20 A B C21 A B C D 26 A B C D 31 A B C D 36 A B C D E F G22 A B C D 27 A B C D 32 A B C D 37 A B C D E F G23 A B C D 28 A B C D 33 A B C D 38 A B C D E F G24 A B C D 29 A B C D 34 A B C D 39 A B C D E F G25 A B C D 30 A B C D 35 A B C D 40 A B C D E F G41 A B C D 46 A B C D 51 A B C D42 A B C D 47 A B C D 52 A B C D43 A B C D 48 A B C D 53 A B C D44 A B C D 49 A B C D 54 A B C D45 A B C D 50 A B C D 55 A B C D第Ⅱ卷 主观题(需用0.5mm的黑色签字笔书写)(共55分)56._______________ 57._______________58._______________ 59._______________60._______________ 61._______________ 62._______________ 63._______________64._______________ 65._______________请在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出黑色矩形边框限定区域的答案无效【英语答题卡】第1页 共2页请在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出黑色矩形边框限定区域的答案无效▲第一节(15分) A CrossCountry Running Race________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________▲第二节(25分)Para1: Ariana nodded, beginning to feel guilty. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Para2:Sadness for Ashley filled her heart and Ariana decided to make friends with Ashley. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________请在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出黑色矩形边框限定区域的答案无效【英语答题卡】第2页 共2页2025 届普通高等学校招生全国统一考试模拟试题(一)【新高考卷适用】 A. The one about nature. B. The one about films. C. The one about education.听第 8 段材料, 回答第 10 至 12 题。英 语 10. Why does the woman take her cat to the vet's A. It needs a bath. B. It has to have a routine checkup. C. It had a poor appetite yesterday.(考试时间:120 分钟 试卷满分:150 分)11. What does the woman feel about bathing her cat herself 注意事项:A. It's challenging.B. It's time- consuming. C. It's easy.1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。12. What do the speakers mainly talk about at the end of the conversation 2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,A. The time for a medical check. B. The place to do some shopping. C. The tips for bathing a cat.再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。听第 9 段材料, 回答第 13 至 16 题。3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。13. Whose birthday will be celebrated in January 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)A. Jimmy's. B. Millie's. C. Noah's.第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)14. What did Noah do to learn baking 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,A. He took classes. B. He bought books. C. He found a part- time job.你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。15. What is Noah's attitude toward Millie's suggestion 1.What does the woman want to be A. Favorable.B. Casual. C. Unfavorable.A.A doctor. B.A teacher.C.A nurse.16. Why did Millie cancel her plan 2.On which days doesn’t the man’s son work A. She wanted to visit a cold place. B. She had to help the man. C. She didn't get the train ticket.A.Monday,Wednesday and Friday. B.Tuesday,Thursday and Sunday.听第 10 段材料, 回答第 17 至 20 题。C.Monday,Friday and Saturday.17. What is the speaker doing 3.Which of the following is true A. Chairing a meeting. B. Teaching a class.C. Giving a speech.A.The man did not study.B.The woman did not study.18. How many qualities does the speaker mention C.The woman is a bit nervous.A. One. B. Two.C. Three.4.Where does the man live 19. What is an advantage of good team work according to the speaker A.1212 East 32nd Street. B.1120 East 32nd Street. C.2012 East 32nd Street.A. It makes people gain confidence.5.Who is the woman talking with B. It is good for making friends.A.A mailman.B.Her husband.C.A house painter.C. It helps students work in the real world.第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)20. What does the speaker think can encourage team work most 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并A. Sports games.B. Dram a performances.C. Group presentations.标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)听第 6 段材料, 回答第 6、7 题。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。6. What can we say about the salad AA. It's not to the man's taste.International Summer Program: Spiderman at Hoyts Cinema CarouselB. It's made by the woman.Join us for an afternoon of superheroes as you watch Spider-Man: No Way Home at Hoyts, and catch up with other CurtinC. It's a mixture of fruits and vegetables.international students also staying in Perth over the summer break.7. What is the probable relationship between the speakers ScheduleA. Mother and son. B. Brother and sister. C. Chef and customer. 1 pm: Students arrive at Hoyts, sign in and purchase any food or drink that they would like.听第 7 段材料, 回答第 8、9 题。 1:30 pm: The film begins!8. Where does the woman get the news from 4 pm: The film concludes, and students leave the cinema.A. The TV.B. The radio.C. The newspaper.As Curtin has paid part of the cost of the film, the reduced student ticket is $10. If you would like any food or drink, please9. What type of talk show is the man passionate about bring additional money to purchase it.英语试卷第 1 页 共 8 页 英语试卷第 2 页 共 8 页姓名:__________________准考证号:__________________This activity is only available to international students who have applied for a course at Curtin University now. 24. What do we know about street art according to paragraph 2 Places are limited so book your spot now! Please use your Curtin student email to register for the event.A. It centers around Olympic events.Important InformationB. It helps strengthen social connections.By signing up for this activity, you declare that you are a Curtin international student over the age of 18 and have read theC. It encourages cooperation between artists.information above. You also agree to:D. It is displayed in open-air galleries in Paris.* Declare all your medical or accessibility requirements that organizers must be aware of and inform the organizers if you 25. What do the Olympics and street art have in common have any illnesses or injuries on the day.A. They have strict standards to follow.* Behave according to the Curtin Student Charter (章程) and accept that going against the Charter may result in yourB. They reflect the creativity of communities.removal from the activity.C. They emphasize the importance of competition. If you're under 18, please call 9266 3954 for further information on how to proceed.D. They inspire individuals to pursue their full potential.21.Who is the activity targeted at 26. Which of the following statements will JonOne probably agree with A.International students in Perth. B.Students desiring to attend Curtin University.A. Art should be integrated with the Olympic Games.C.Students loving superhero movies.D.Current Curtin international students.B. Artists deserve respect from people from all walks of life.22.Which of the following might result in disqualificationC. Street artists should make use of the Olympics to gain popularity.A.Being under the age of 18.B.Failing to follow the Charter.D. The Olympics motivates many artists to create pioneering works.C.Bringing food and drink privately.D.Registering with Curtin email addresses. 27. What is the best title for the text 23.What is the textA. Street Art Honors Olympic AthletesA.A film review. B.An admission notice.B. Street Art Adds Colors to the OlympicsC.A theatre programme. D.An activity announcement.C. The Olympics Draw Global Attention to ArtistsBD. The Olympics Make Art Walk into People’s LifeParis embraces the Olympic spirit with a burst of creativity, as nearly 30 colorful street art pieces have transformed the Ccity into an open-air gallery. These artworks, capturing scenes such as the dynamic French fencer Ysaora Thibus and the As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. While it may sound like good advice, it’s not the best or fastest path becausecalm boaters on the Seine River, have made a lasting impression on people. practice can only get you so far, says Scott Young, author of Get Better at Anything: 12 Maxims for Mastery.Street artists come from different countries. Their pieces not only capture the essence of Parisian life, from the busy “Practice is not a cure-all,” Young explains. “It doesn’t necessarily improve your skills but rather makes them morecoffee shops to the charming bookstores, but also extend to airports in Lille, Lyon, and Marseille. These cities are co-hosting automatic and fluent.” In his book, Young clarifies this concept with the game Tetris, where players fit falling blocks to completesome of the Olympic events. Street art bridges the gap between high culture and everyday life, making art accessible to lines. The more you practice, the faster and more accurate you become at placing the blocks. However, simply practicing doesn’teveryone. It promotes shared appreciation, inspiring conversations in public spaces like subway stations and airports and guarantee higher scores. To reach higher proficiency (精通度), one must go beyond repetitive practice and use the correctencouraging interaction among people of different backgrounds. techniques.The Olympics follow strict guidelines and show national spirit, while street art is freer and shows many different Young said, “It’s important to do the correct technique from the beginning. That’s why piano teachers and tennis coachescultures from the community. Despite their differences, both the Olympic spirit and the world of art share a common platform prefer to train someone who has had no experience rather than someone who has had a lot of experience. By starting with thecorrect techniques, beginners can grasp skills more quickly. Without established habits to break, they are more likely to build aof values that celebrate the pursuit (追求) of excellence, encouraging individuals to reach their highest potential. Creativitystrong base for long-term improvement.”and innovation are central to both, driving artists to create with every brushstroke and athletes to excel in every performance Malcolm Gladwell popularized the 10,000-hour rule in his book Outliers: The Story of Success, suggesting that proficiencyas they both explore new heights of achievement. in any field requires about 10,000 hours of practice. Yet Anders Ericsson, whose research was a big inspiration for this concept,Art competitions first appeared at the Olympics in 1912 in Stockholm, with medals awarded in five categories: disagreed. He argued for the idea of deliberate practice, which was not just practice but practice under the guidance witharchitecture, literature, music, painting and sculpture. However, the International Olympic Committee ended the competitions immediate feedback (反馈) about your performance. He stressed that learning from outcomes through corrective feedback isin the 1948 Games. Now, the spirit of the Olympics is reflected in the street art that brightens every corner of Paris. “Artists essential for developing true proficiency, otherwise you just spend time getting fluency and confidence.are like athletes. They also require a lot of effort and determination,” said JonOne, who is a pioneer of street art. “I respect Getting high-quality feedback will depend on how you ask for it. Simply asking someone, “What do you think ” is notathletes in basketball and runners. Art is not really a sport, but it should be included in the Olympics. Just surviving as an enough. “There’s just no way in our social network that someone could give you really harsh feedback and not cause harm toartist is an Olympic sport.” the relationship,” Young says. Instead, he suggests asking, “If you were going to make this better, what would you do ” Byasking how to improve it, we shift the focus from judgment to practical steps for addressing any concerns.英语试卷第 3 页 共 8 页 英语试卷第 4 页 共 8 页28. What idea does Scott Young put forward in his bookC. By securing the position of these objects at first.A. Achieving high scores requires consistent practice.D. By combining suction with trunk movements flexibly.B. The key to reaching fluency is to practice regularly. 34. Why do researchers translate the biological data C. Success cannot be guaranteed by using correct techniques. A. To test the safety of the robotic arm.D. Practice doesn’t necessarily contribute to high proficiency. B. To improve the behavior of the robot.29. What is paragraph 3 mainly aboutC. To upgrade the appearance of the robot.A. The methods of breaking established habits in practice. D. To study the structure of muscle tissues.B. The importance of building a strong base to learn skills. 35. Which of the following is the best title for the text C. The advantage of beginners in grasping correct techniques. A. Elephant Trunks: The Inspiration for Soft RoboticsD. The difficulty of experienced learners in mastering new skills. B. Elephant Trunks: The Theory of Movement in Robotics30. What does Anders Ericsson advocateC. “Soft” Robotic Arms: An Innovation in 3D-printed RobotsA. Practicing with effective guidance. D. “Soft” Robotic Arms: A Major Breakthrough in Material ScienceB. Increasing the frequency of practice. 第二节(共 5 小题:每小题 2. 5 分, 满分 12. 5 分)C. Enhancing the fluency of performance. 阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。D. Building confidence from positive feedback. Being overly emotional may mean reacting to negative feelings quickly instead of letting your intelligence weigh in.31. Which of the following questions is more likely to help get high-quality feedbackChances are that you are relating to your emotions in a way that isn’t always constructive if you feel overly emotional.36A. Is it good or bad B. Do you like it or not Here are approaches to make it.C. What do you think of it D. What can I do to improve it Identify your emotions. It’s important to know what you feel so that you can address each emotion appropriately.37D If you feel anger, for instance, you may start to notice your breathing quickening, your muscles tensing, or your skin feelingElephants are the largest land mammals on Earth, and understanding them better could lead to big scientific breakthroughs flushed. If you’re happy, you may notice smiling or feelings of lightness in your limbs.in science. Both delicate and sturdy, elephant trunks (象鼻) can grasp a single leaf but can also carry nearly 600 pounds. Interpret each emotion’s message. 38 For instance, you may feel anxiety as a way to express fear of something.Scientists think that they are an incredible inspiration for the next generation of bio-inspired robots. Emotions can set off emotional or physical perceived stressors that we choose to move toward or away from. When yourBy conducting a high-resolution motion capture analysis of elephants’ trunks, researchers found elephants have a set of emotions come up, ask them what they are conveying to you.simple movements that they can integrate freely to handle objects of various shapes and sizes. For example, elephants use Increase your empathy ( 共情 ) . Empathy means observing your emotions less but thesuction (吸力) to pick up lightweight objects. However, to pick up heavier things, they use suction to secure the position of the emotions of those around you more. If you find yourself focusing largely on your own emotions, take a step back and noticeobjects and trunk wrapping to hold and lift things. “It’s not the whole trunk that is lengthening or shortening — it’s different the emotions of the people around you.39 Increasing your empathy helps you relate to people more effectively,parts, depending on what the elephant is doing,” said Milinkovitch, professor of the physics of biology at the University of respect their emotional experience, and take the spotlight off of yourself.Geneva, Switzerland. 40 Sometimes it’s difficult to relate to your emotions positively or cannot find ways to control your emotions. AResearchers also performed CT scans and MRIs on the trunk of a dead elephant. They used high-resolution cameras to therapist (治疗师) can help you process your difficult emotions while also providing an opportunity for you to release yourcreate a 3D model of a trunk, allowing them to better understand the structure of an elephant’s muscle groups, skin and emotions in a positive and constructive way.connective tissues. The study data will be used to help design an innovative “soft” robotic arm. “The data is exceptional, but Your therapist should be someone you can trust and with whom you are comfortable sharing personal or embarrassingnow the effort is to translate this biological data into some engineering specifications,” Milinkovitch said. “We need to extract things.some simplifying principles that can make the robot’s behavior simple enough to be effective and adaptable to changes.” A. Turn to professional aid.The project is also fueling advancements in material science, as researchers have developed a new material similar to theB. Challenge your negative emotions.useful properties of elephant skin and can be 3D printed for robotic prototypes (原型 ). The new materials may becommercialized for a wide range of uses. C. Often, you feel emotions as a communication system.32. What does the underlined word “sturdy” in paragraph 1 probably meanD. However, it’s vital to listen to your emotions in beneficial ways.A. Broad. B. Strong. C. Rough.D. Sensitive. E. Consider their emotional experience and recognize how they feel.33. How does an elephant handle different objectsF. Reflect on how your body reacts when you notice an emotion coming through.A. By sucking them with all the strength.G. It means you allow your thoughts to come and observe them without judgement.B. By stretching its trunk based on things’ sizes.英语试卷第 5 页 共 8 页 英语试卷第 6 页 共 8 页姓名:__________________准考证号:__________________第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分) memorable scenes, even without sunlight shining on the golden statues as originally 65._________(expect).第一节(共 15 小题:每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分 40 分)阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 第一节(满分 15 分)Theophilus Tetteh is an African contemporary artist from Ghana. He 41 himself in the study of graphic design and假定你是李华,上周日你校举办了 5 千米越野赛跑活动。请你为校英文报写一篇报道,内容包括:painting at school while experimenting with 42 themes, ranging from politics to entertainment.1.参加人员;Now we hear about African painters stepping into the spotlight, but it might be 43 for Ghanaian artists to bring theircareers to 44 success and critical recognition. The art market as such is not yet 45 in Ghana. The country doesn’t even 2.跑步路线;have a national gallery to 46 and promote Ghanaian art works. It can be a 47 for young painters who cannot afford to 3.活动反响。move to Europe or the US to 48 their art works. Besides, many young artists can even have trouble getting painting 注意:写作词数应为 80 左右。materials. A Cross-Country Running RaceThings changed for Tetteh when he got 49 in BE OPEN Art, an online gallery of contemporary art. It was foundedby philanthropist Elena Baturina with a desire to provide 50 artists worldwide with an opportunity to showcase theirtalents. The platform 51 welcomes artists who don’t have resources or promotional opportunities.In December 2020, Tetteh was 52 the Artist of the Month by the visitors of the BE OPEN Art. The award brought第二节(满分 25 分)him favorable publicity, so he was noticed by the art 53 , the media, collectors, etc. All these things let the prices of the阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。artist’s work 54 upwards.Tetteh says, “The world can be a better place if young artists are guided on their way without any form of disregard, but Ariana tried to hold her breath. She moved away slightly, but Ashley only moved closer and continued talking.with 55 of the senior.” Ariana thought to herself, “Why does she always have to sit next to me ” Ashley didn't seem to notice that Ariana was41.A.competed B.resulted C.permitted D.buried trying to move away, and she leaned in closer. Ariana wanted badly to tell Ashley that she didn't smell very good, but how could42.A.fictional B.sensitive C.diverse D.distant she do that without hurting her feelings 43.A.challenging B.interesting C.thrilling D.threatening When Ariana got home from school, she complained to her mother. “There's a girl named Ashley who likes to sit next to44.A.economical B.commercial C.casual D.reliable me in school, but she smells bad. Nobody else likes to sit next to her, either.”45.A.established B.estimated C.expanded D.engaged“Well, try to be nice to her, ” said her mother. “Maybe she's having a hard time at home. You never knew what a person's46.A.remove B.digest C.preserve D.declare47.A.factor B excuse C effort D problem home life is like.” . . .48.A.pursue B.market C.identify D.purchase For the rest of the week, Ariana tried to be a good friend to Ashley. There were times when they had fun talking and playing49.A.satisfied B.featured C.trapped D.missed together, especially on the days when Ashley bathed. But on the days when she smelled bad, Ariana still found it very hard to50.A.convincing B.remaining C.emerging D.frustrating be her friend.51.A.occasionally B.rarely C.slightly D.especially One morning, while getting her hair combed for school, Ariana brought the subject up again with her mother.52.A.voted B.acted C.called D.shaped“I don't want to be friends with Ashley anymore,” she told her.53.A.community B.university C.occupation D.criterion54 A pile B inch C increase D roll Her mother's hands froze in midair. Ariana turned to see what the matter was. Her mother looked upset. Ariana wondered . . . . .55.A.exchange B.qualification C.support D.distinction what she had said to make her mother react this way.第二节(共 10 小题:每小题 1. 5 分, 满分 15 分) “I don't think you understand Ashley's situation, so let me ask you this...” Her mother's tone was serious. “Who makes阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 sure that your hair is combed every morning so you'll look nice when you go to school Who makes sure you're bathed andEven with trickling rain and imminent security risks dampening part of the mood, Paris has delivered on its promise of cleaned every day And who makes sure your clothes are washed and neatly ironed?”raising the curtain on the 2024 Olympics in its 56._________(unique) romantic manner. For the first time in the history of “You and Daddy,” answered Ariana.modern Olympics, the Games' opening ceremony was moved out of a stadium and 57._________(take)place in the heart“Do you live in a happy family Do you have a good dad and mom ”of the host city, with the Seine as the main backdrop, 58._________(make) the celebrations and artistic 59._________(perform) accessible to many more people than the traditional stadium crowd. The bold innovation, overcoming numerous 注意:1.续写词数应为 150 左右;logistical and organizational challenges, successfully took shape on the world's biggest stage, 60._________ world-famous 2.请按如下格式作答。singers such as Lady Gaga and Celine Dion performed to rousing reactions from spectators, echoing Paris 2024's Ariana nodded, beginning to feel guilty.61._________(office)slogan 'Games Wide Open'. Beginning from the Austerlitz Bridge, 62._________ parade of athletes,assembled behind their delegations' flag bearers on boats, sailed along the Seine, passing numerous monuments on both banks Sadness for Ashley filled her heart and Ariana decided to make friends with Ashley.63._________ 12 artistic tableaux set in the water and on land, as if the Olympians were revisiting the country's rich historyand cultural heritage. During a break in the boats' parade, 10 gilded statues of 64._________(influence) women from thecountry's history emerged from pillars set alongside the Seine to honor these heroines, creating one of the night's most英语试卷第 7 页 共 8 页 英语试卷第 8 页 共 8 页2025 届普通高等学校招生全国统一考试模拟试题(一)【新高考卷适用】英 语(考试时间:120 分钟 试卷满分:150 分)注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节(共 5小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 7.5分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.What does the woman want to be A.A doctor. B.A teacher.C.A nurse.2.On which days doesn’t the man’s son work A.Monday,Wednesday and Friday. B.Tuesday,Thursday and Sunday.C.Monday,Friday and Saturday.3.Which of the following is true A.The man did not study.B.The woman did not study.C.The woman is a bit nervous.4.Where does the man live A.1212 East 32nd Street. B.1120 East 32nd Street. C.2012 East 32nd Street.5.Who is the woman talking with A.A mailman.B.Her husband.C.A house painter.第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料, 回答第 6、7 题。6. What can we say about the salad A. It's not to the man's taste.B. It's made by the woman.C. It's a mixture of fruits and vegetables.7. What is the probable relationship between the speakers A. Mother and son. B. Brother and sister. C. Chef and customer.听第 7 段材料, 回答第 8、9 题。8. Where does the woman get the news from A. The TV.B. The radio.C. The newspaper.9. What type of talk show is the man passionate about 【高三英语试卷】第1页 共 8 页A. The one about nature. B. The one about films. C. The one about education.听第 8 段材料, 回答第 10至 12 题。10. Why does the woman take her cat to the vet's A. It needs a bath. B. It has to have a routine checkup. C. It had a poor appetite yesterday.11. What does the woman feel about bathing her cat herself A. It's challenging.B. It's time- consuming. C. It's easy.12. What do the speakers mainly talk about at the end of the conversation A. The time for a medical check. B. The place to do some shopping. C. The tips for bathing a cat.听第 9 段材料, 回答第 13 至 16 题。13. Whose birthday will be celebrated in January A. Jimmy's. B. Millie's. C. Noah's.14. What did Noah do to learn baking A. He took classes. B. He bought books. C. He found a part- time job.15. What is Noah's attitude toward Millie's suggestion A. Favorable.B. Casual. C. Unfavorable.16. Why did Millie cancel her plan A. She wanted to visit a cold place. B. She had to help the man. C. She didn't get the train ticket.听第 10 段材料, 回答第 17至 20题。17. What is the speaker doing A. Chairing a meeting. B. Teaching a class.C. Giving a speech.18. How many qualities does the speaker mention A. One. B. Two.C. Three.19. What is an advantage of good team work according to the speaker A. It makes people gain confidence.B. It is good for making friends.C. It helps students work in the real world.20. What does the speaker think can encourage team work most A. Sports games.B. Dram a performances.C. Group presentations.第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50分)第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AInternational Summer Program: Spiderman at Hoyts Cinema CarouselJoin us for an afternoon of superheroes as you watch Spider-Man: No Way Home at Hoyts, and catch up with other Curtininternational students also staying in Perth over the summer break.Schedule 1 pm: Students arrive at Hoyts, sign in and purchase any food or drink that they would like. 1:30 pm: The film begins! 4 pm: The film concludes, and students leave the cinema.As Curtin has paid part of the cost of the film, the reduced student ticket is $10. If you would like any food or drink,please bring additional money to purchase it.【高三英语试卷】第2页 共 8 页This activity is only available to international students who have applied for a course at Curtin University now.Places are limited so book your spot now! Please use your Curtin student email to register for the event.Important InformationBy signing up for this activity, you declare that you are a Curtin international student over the age of 18 and have readthe information above. You also agree to:* Declare all your medical or accessibility requirements that organizers must be aware of and inform the organizers ifyou have any illnesses or injuries on the day.* Behave according to the Curtin Student Charter (章程) and accept that going against the Charter may result in yourremoval from the activity. If you're under 18, please call 9266 3954 for further information on how to proceed.21.Who is the activity targeted at A.International students in Perth. B.Students desiring to attend Curtin University.C.Students loving superhero movies.D.Current Curtin international students.22.Which of the following might result in disqualification A.Being under the age of 18.B.Failing to follow the Charter.C.Bringing food and drink privately.D.Registering with Curtin email addresses.23.What is the text A.A film review. B.An admission notice.C.A theatre programme. D.An activity announcement.BParis embraces the Olympic spirit with a burst of creativity, as nearly 30 colorful street art pieces have transformed thecity into an open-air gallery. These artworks, capturing scenes such as the dynamic French fencer Ysaora Thibus and thecalm boaters on the Seine River, have made a lasting impression on people.Street artists come from different countries. Their pieces not only capture the essence of Parisian life, from the busycoffee shops to the charming bookstores, but also extend to airports in Lille, Lyon, and Marseille. These cities are co-hosting some of the Olympic events. Street art bridges the gap between high culture and everyday life, making artaccessible to everyone. It promotes shared appreciation, inspiring conversations in public spaces like subway stations andairports and encouraging interaction among people of different backgrounds.The Olympics follow strict guidelines and show national spirit, while street art is freer and shows many differentcultures from the community. Despite their differences, both the Olympic spirit and the world of art share a commonplatform of values that celebrate the pursuit (追求) of excellence, encouraging individuals to reach their highest potential.Creativity and innovation are central to both, driving artists to create with every brushstroke and athletes to excel in everyperformance as they both explore new heights of achievement.Art competitions first appeared at the Olympics in 1912 in Stockholm, with medals awarded in five categories:architecture, literature, music, painting and sculpture. However, the International Olympic Committee ended thecompetitions in the 1948 Games. Now, the spirit of the Olympics is reflected in the street art that brightens every corner ofParis. “Artists are like athletes. They also require a lot of effort and determination,” said JonOne, who is a pioneer of streetart. “I respect athletes in basketball and runners. Art is not really a sport, but it should be included in the Olympics. Justsurviving as an artist is an Olympic sport.”【高三英语试卷】第3页 共 8 页24. What do we know about street art according to paragraph 2 A. It centers around Olympic events.B. It helps strengthen social connections.C. It encourages cooperation between artists.D. It is displayed in open-air galleries in Paris.25. What do the Olympics and street art have in common A. They have strict standards to follow.B. They reflect the creativity of communities.C. They emphasize the importance of competition.D. They inspire individuals to pursue their full potential.26. Which of the following statements will JonOne probably agree with A. Art should be integrated with the Olympic Games.B. Artists deserve respect from people from all walks of life.C. Street artists should make use of the Olympics to gain popularity.D. The Olympics motivates many artists to create pioneering works.27. What is the best title for the text A. Street Art Honors Olympic AthletesB. Street Art Adds Colors to the OlympicsC. The Olympics Draw Global Attention to ArtistsD. The Olympics Make Art Walk into People’s LifeCAs the saying goes, practice makes perfect. While it may sound like good advice, it’s not the best or fastest path becausepractice can only get you so far, says Scott Young, author of Get Better at Anything: 12 Maxims for Mastery.“Practice is not a cure-all,” Young explains. “It doesn’t necessarily improve your skills but rather makes them moreautomatic and fluent.” In his book, Young clarifies this concept with the game Tetris, where players fit falling blocks tocomplete lines. The more you practice, the faster and more accurate you become at placing the blocks. However, simplypracticing doesn’t guarantee higher scores. To reach higher proficiency (精通度), one must go beyond repetitive practice anduse the correct techniques.Young said, “It’s important to do the correct technique from the beginning. That’s why piano teachers and tennis coachesprefer to train someone who has had no experience rather than someone who has had a lot of experience. By starting with thecorrect techniques, beginners can grasp skills more quickly. Without established habits to break, they are more likely to builda strong base for long-term improvement.”Malcolm Gladwell popularized the 10,000-hour rule in his book Outliers: The Story of Success, suggesting thatproficiency in any field requires about 10,000 hours of practice. Yet Anders Ericsson, whose research was a big inspirationfor this concept, disagreed. He argued for the idea of deliberate practice, which was not just practice but practice under theguidance with immediate feedback (反馈) about your performance. He stressed that learning from outcomes throughcorrective feedback is essential for developing true proficiency, otherwise you just spend time getting fluency and confidence.Getting high-quality feedback will depend on how you ask for it. Simply asking someone, “What do you think ” is notenough. “There’s just no way in our social network that someone could give you really harsh feedback and not cause harm tothe relationship,” Young says. Instead, he suggests asking, “If you were going to make this better, what would you do ” Byasking how to improve it, we shift the focus from judgment to practical steps for addressing any concerns.【高三英语试卷】第4页 共 8 页28. What idea does Scott Young put forward in his book A. Achieving high scores requires consistent practice.B. The key to reaching fluency is to practice regularly.C. Success cannot be guaranteed by using correct techniques.D. Practice doesn’t necessarily contribute to high proficiency.29. What is paragraph 3 mainly about A. The methods of breaking established habits in practice.B. The importance of building a strong base to learn skills.C. The advantage of beginners in grasping correct techniques.D. The difficulty of experienced learners in mastering new skills.30. What does Anders Ericsson advocate A. Practicing with effective guidance.B. Increasing the frequency of practice.C. Enhancing the fluency of performance.D. Building confidence from positive feedback.31. Which of the following questions is more likely to help get high-quality feedback A. Is it good or bad B. Do you like it or not C. What do you think of it D. What can I do to improve it DElephants are the largest land mammals on Earth, and understanding them better could lead to big scientificbreakthroughs in science. Both delicate and sturdy, elephant trunks (象鼻) can grasp a single leaf but can also carry nearly600 pounds. Scientists think that they are an incredible inspiration for the next generation of bio-inspired robots.By conducting a high-resolution motion capture analysis of elephants’ trunks, researchers found elephants have a set ofsimple movements that they can integrate freely to handle objects of various shapes and sizes. For example, elephants usesuction (吸力) to pick up lightweight objects. However, to pick up heavier things, they use suction to secure the position ofthe objects and trunk wrapping to hold and lift things. “It’s not the whole trunk that is lengthening or shortening — it’sdifferent parts, depending on what the elephant is doing,” said Milinkovitch, professor of the physics of biology at theUniversity of Geneva, Switzerland.Researchers also performed CT scans and MRIs on the trunk of a dead elephant. They used high-resolution cameras tocreate a 3D model of a trunk, allowing them to better understand the structure of an elephant’s muscle groups, skin andconnective tissues. The study data will be used to help design an innovative “soft” robotic arm. “The data is exceptional, butnow the effort is to translate this biological data into some engineering specifications,” Milinkovitch said. “We need to extractsome simplifying principles that can make the robot’s behavior simple enough to be effective and adaptable to changes.”The project is also fueling advancements in material science, as researchers have developed a new material similar to theuseful properties of elephant skin and can be 3D printed for robotic prototypes (原型). The new materials may becommercialized for a wide range of uses.32. What does the underlined word “sturdy” in paragraph 1 probably mean A. Broad. B. Strong. C. Rough.D. Sensitive.33. How does an elephant handle different objects A. By sucking them with all the strength.B. By stretching its trunk based on things’ sizes.【高三英语试卷】第5页 共 8 页C. By securing the position of these objects at first.D. By combining suction with trunk movements flexibly.34. Why do researchers translate the biological data A. To test the safety of the robotic arm.B. To improve the behavior of the robot.C. To upgrade the appearance of the robot.D. To study the structure of muscle tissues.35. Which of the following is the best title for the text A. Elephant Trunks: The Inspiration for Soft RoboticsB. Elephant Trunks: The Theory of Movement in RoboticsC. “Soft” Robotic Arms: An Innovation in 3D-printed RobotsD. “Soft” Robotic Arms: A Major Breakthrough in Material Science第二节(共 5 小题:每小题 2. 5 分, 满分 12. 5 分)阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Being overly emotional may mean reacting to negative feelings quickly instead of letting your intelligence weighin. Chances are that you are relating to your emotions in a way that isn’t always constructive if you feel overly emotional.36Here are approaches to make it.Identify your emotions. It’s important to know what you feel so that you can address each emotion appropriately.37 If you feel anger, for instance, you may start to notice your breathing quickening, your muscles tensing, or yourskin feeling flushed. If you’re happy, you may notice smiling or feelings of lightness in your limbs.Interpret each emotion’s message. 38 For instance, you may feel anxiety as a way to express fear of something.Emotions can set off emotional or physical perceived stressors that we choose to move toward or away from. When youremotions come up, ask them what they are conveying to you.Increase your empathy ( 共情 ) . Empathy means observing your emotions less but theemotions of those around you more. If you find yourself focusing largely on your own emotions, take a step back andnotice the emotions of the people around you.39 Increasing your empathy helps you relate to people moreeffectively, respect their emotional experience, and take the spotlight off of yourself.40 Sometimes it’s difficult to relate to your emotions positively or cannot find ways to control your emotions. Atherapist (治疗师) can help you process your difficult emotions while also providing an opportunity for you to releaseyour emotions in a positive and constructive way.Your therapist should be someone you can trust and with whom you are comfortable sharing personal or embarrassingthings.A. Turn to professional aid.B. Challenge your negative emotions.C. Often, you feel emotions as a communication system.D. However, it’s vital to listen to your emotions in beneficial ways.E. Consider their emotional experience and recognize how they feel.F. Reflect on how your body reacts when you notice an emotion coming through.G. It means you allow your thoughts to come and observe them without judgement.【高三英语试卷】第6页 共 8 页第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30分)第一节(共 15 小题:每小题 1 分,满分 15分)阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Theophilus Tetteh is an African contemporary artist from Ghana. He 41 himself in the study of graphic design andpainting at school while experimenting with 42 themes, ranging from politics to entertainment.Now we hear about African painters stepping into the spotlight, but it might be 43 for Ghanaian artists to bringtheir careers to 44 success and critical recognition. The art market as such is not yet 45 in Ghana. The countrydoesn’t even have a national gallery to 46 and promote Ghanaian art works. It can be a 47 for young painters whocannot afford to move to Europe or the US to 48 their art works. Besides, many young artists can even have troublegetting painting materials.Things changed for Tetteh when he got 49 in BE OPEN Art, an online gallery of contemporary art. It was foundedby philanthropist Elena Baturina with a desire to provide 50 artists worldwide with an opportunity to showcase theirtalents. The platform 51 welcomes artists who don’t have resources or promotional opportunities.In December 2020, Tetteh was 52 the Artist of the Month by the visitors of the BE OPEN Art. The award broughthim favorable publicity, so he was noticed by the art 53 , the media, collectors, etc. All these things let the prices of theartist’s work 54 upwards.Tetteh says, “The world can be a better place if young artists are guided on their way without any form of disregard,but with 55 of the senior.”41.A.competed B.resulted C.permitted D.buried42.A.fictional B.sensitive C.diverse D.distant43.A.challenging B.interesting C.thrilling D.threatening44.A.economical B.commercial C.casual D.reliable45.A.established B.estimated C.expanded D.engaged46.A.remove B.digest C.preserve D.declare47.A.factor B.excuse C.effort D.problem48.A.pursue B.market C.identify D.purchase49.A.satisfied B.featured C.trapped D.missed50.A.convincing B.remaining C.emerging D.frustrating51.A.occasionally B.rarely C.slightly D.especially52.A.voted B.acted C.called D.shaped53.A.community B.university C.occupation D.criterion54.A.pile B.inch C.increase D.roll55.A.exchange B.qualification C.support D.distinction第二节(共 10 小题:每小题 1. 5 分, 满分 15 分)阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Even with trickling rain and imminent security risks dampening part of the mood, Paris has delivered on its promise ofraising the curtain on the 2024 Olympics in its 56._________(unique) romantic manner. For the first time in the historyof modern Olympics, the Games' opening ceremony was moved out of a stadium and 57._________(take)place in theheart of the host city, with the Seine as the main backdrop, 58._________(make) the celebrations and artistic59._________(perform) accessible to many more people than the traditional stadium crowd. The bold innovation,overcoming numerous logistical and organizational challenges, successfully took shape on the world's biggest stage,60._________ world-famous singers such as Lady Gaga and Celine Dion performed to rousing reactions from spectators,echoing Paris 2024's 61._________(office)slogan 'Games Wide Open'. Beginning from the Austerlitz Bridge,62._________ parade of athletes, assembled behind their delegations' flag bearers on boats, sailed along the Seine, passingnumerous monuments on both banks 63._________ 12 artistic tableaux set in the water and on land, as if the Olympianswere revisiting the country's rich history and cultural heritage. During a break in the boats' parade, 10 gilded statues of64._________(influence) women from the country's history emerged from pillars set alongside the Seine to honor these【高三英语试卷】第7页 共 8 页heroines, creating one of the night's most memorable scenes, even without sunlight shining on the golden statues asoriginally 65._________(expect).第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分 40分)第一节(满分 15 分)假定你是李华,上周日你校举办了 5千米越野赛跑活动。请你为校英文报写一篇报道,内容包括:1.参加人员;2.跑步路线;3.活动反响。注意:写作词数应为 80 左右。A Cross-Country Running Race第二节(满分 25 分)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。Ariana tried to hold her breath. She moved away slightly, but Ashley only moved closer and continued talking.Ariana thought to herself, “Why does she always have to sit next to me ” Ashley didn't seem to notice that Ariana wastrying to move away, and she leaned in closer. Ariana wanted badly to tell Ashley that she didn't smell very good, but howcould she do that without hurting her feelings When Ariana got home from school, she complained to her mother. “There's a girl named Ashley who likes to sit next tome in school, but she smells bad. Nobody else likes to sit next to her, either.”“Well, try to be nice to her, ” said her mother. “Maybe she's having a hard time at home. You never knew what a person'shome life is like.”For the rest of the week, Ariana tried to be a good friend to Ashley. There were times when they had fun talking andplaying together, especially on the days when Ashley bathed. But on the days when she smelled bad, Ariana still found it veryhard to be her friend.One morning, while getting her hair combed for school, Ariana brought the subject up again with her mother.“I don't want to be friends with Ashley anymore,” she told her.Her mother's hands froze in midair. Ariana turned to see what the matter was. Her mother looked upset. Ariana wonderedwhat she had said to make her mother react this way.“I don't think you understand Ashley's situation, so let me ask you this...” Her mother's tone was serious. “Who makessure that your hair is combed every morning so you'll look nice when you go to school Who makes sure you're bathed andcleaned every day And who makes sure your clothes are washed and neatly ironed?”“You and Daddy,” answered Ariana.“Do you live in a happy family Do you have a good dad and mom ”注意:1.续写词数应为 150 左右;2.请按如下格式作答。Ariana nodded, beginning to feel guilty.Sadness for Ashley filled her heart and Ariana decided to make friends with Ashley.【高三英语试卷】第8页 共 8 页2025 届普通高等学校招生全国统一考试模拟试题(一)【新高考卷适用】英语·答案及解析答案速对:1~5 BBABC6~10 CBAAC 11~15 ACABA 16~20 CCBCB21~25 DBDBD 26~30 ABDCA 31~35 DBDBA 36~40 DFCEA41~45 DCABA 45~50 CDBBC 51~55DAABC56. uniquely 57. took58. making 59. performances 60.where61. official 62. the 63. and64. influential 65.expected详解:第一部分答案 1~5 BBABC6-10 CBAAC11-15 ACABA16-20 CCBCBText 1M:Would you like to be a doctor W:No,I’m not interested in medicine. I have more interest in education.Text 2W:I hear your son is working part-time at the supermarket.M:Yes,he works on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 4 pm to 7 pm and all day on Saturday.Text 3M:I’m not prepared for the test. I’m a bit nervous. What about you W:No,not a bit.Text 4M:Hello,I want a taxi.W:OK.What address is it M:1120 East 32nd Street.Text 5M:Shall I start to paint the outside of your house now W:Not yet. I’ve not made up my mind about the color. I’ll have to wait until tomorrow when my husband comes back.Text 6W: What are you having A salad M: Yes. It's a watermelon salad.(6)W: That's a great choice. It's good to have some watermelon on such a hot day. But there are onions and olives in it. Doesn'tthat taste strange M: No. Actually, it's quite refreshing.W: Really You made it by yourself M: Yes. It's a Greek-style watermelon salad. And I learned about it on the Internet.W: Oh. It seems easy to make. I'll make one for lunch. Is there anything else I should put in it (6)M: You could add some vegetables, such as cucumbers and tomatoes.(6) We have everything you need. They are all herein the kitchen. If you want the original Greek watermelon salad,you'd better ask Mom for help.(7)watermelon salad 西瓜沙拉,是一种夏季沙拉,由西瓜、薄荷、奶酪和简单的香醋调味料以及其他成分(如黄瓜和红洋葱)制成。Text 7M: Lily,I have been listening to the radio in the morning recently.W: Really I hardly listen to the radio. Instead, I get the news from TV.(8)M: Well,I listen to not only the news but also other things.W: What else M: Morning talk shows. They focus on films, education and so on. I have a keen interest in talk shows about nature,which is much related to my job. (9)W: That's nice. I used to read the newspaper to get the news. Now, I don't even buy a newspaper.M: Same here. The Internet has changed our life greatly.【高三英语答案】第1页 共 7 页Text 8(第 12题为推断题)M: It's been a while since the last time you came here. What's wrong with your cat this time (10) W: She hardly ateyesterday.I thought there must be something wrong. So I brought her here. (10) M: Let me give her a check ... Oh, it'snothing to worry about. She has just had too much and lacked exercise.W: Well,what a relief!M: You can bring her here again next week for a routine examination. Besides, you should bathe her.(11)Herhair is not shiny.W: I don't want her to have a bath in a pet store. Some of the staff there are rude. But I'm a little afraid to do it on myown. I usually do it with my husband, but he has been away from home.(11)M: Bathing pets is not that hard. You only have to be careful with her head and her ears.W: Is there anything else I should know M: You will need rubber gloves, cat shampoo and a large towel.W: Thanks. I have to go to the pet store then.Text 9W: What are you planning to do this winter holiday, Noah (14)M: I'll learn how to bake a cake, Millie. (15)My brother Jimmy's birthday is in January. (13)I don't feel like ordering acake from the shop. I'll try to make one by myself. It will be cheaper and healthier. More importantly, it can show mysincerity.W: Fantastic.But how will you learn (14)M: I have already bought some books on desserts. (14)They tell me what I should prepare and how I can make a perfectcake.W: Well,why don't you get a part-time job at a bakery (15) You can learn directly from professionals there and even getpaid!M: How come I never thought of that You're a genius.(15) What about you I heard you are planning to gosomewhere warm.(16)W: That was the original plan. But the train tickets were already sold out. (16) I should have booked one earlier.M: There are still two weeks left before the holiday.You can try your luck sometime later.Maybe someone will refund theirtickets.W: Never mind, I don't want to bother. I can help you with the cake if you like.Text 10(第 17题为推断题)Good morning, everyone. I'm delighted to be here to celebrate our school's 25th anniversary.Till now,our schoolhas become one of the top five schools in this area. I joined this school as a teacher ten years ago, and saw many studentsgrow better and stronger. I believe schools play an important role in children's life. Today, I'm going to talk about thequalities of our school:inspiring confidence and encouraging teamwork. (18) We have the most professional teachersto help students broaden their knowledge and increase their confidence. With the help of these teachers,we havecreated a pleasant environment for students to study. All children should be encouraged to realize their full potential. Ibelieve students gain not only knowledge but also confidence here.Our school provides opportunities for studentsto learn mutual cooperation in a team,which is a vital skill in working in the real world. (19) Students learn aboutteamwork through various activities in school, such as sports games and group presentations. And I think students'drama performances can help them learn teamwork most...(20)第二部分第一节A【语篇解读】 文章介绍了一项面向在科廷大学就读的国际学生的假期活动。21.答案:D 根据文中的“This activity is only available to international students who have applied for a course atCurtin University now”可知,只有当下已经在科廷大学报读了课程的国际学生才能参加该活动。22.答案:B 根据 Important Information 部分中的“going against the Charter may result in your removal from theactivity”可知,违反科廷大学学生章程的行为可能导致你被取消活动资格,故选 B。23.答案:D 根据文章内容,尤其是文章标题及第一段内容可知,
