首页 >  高中英语教资面试写作课真题记叙文  > 2020下半年高中英语教师资格证面试真题及答案






When Zhou Kai’s mother saw him heading towards the front door without a jacket on, she eyed him anxiously. “Zhou Kai, where are you going?” she asked.

“To the park. I’m going to play football,” said Zhou Kai.

“But it’s raining! You’ll catch a bad cold,” said his mother.

“No, I won’t. I’ll be fine,” said Zhou Kai, as he opened the door.

“Zhou Kai, you’ll get ill. You know you will. You can at least go and get your jacket.”

“OK, OK.” Zhou Kai went and did as he was told. 3.基本要求:


(2)配合教学内容适当板书。 (3)根据所给材料中的对话,设计概括主旨大意的听力教学活 动。

(4)试讲时间:10 分钟。



Teaching Procedures:

I. Lead-in

Free talk with students. Ask students what they can do when it is raining. Invite several students to present their answers.

II. Pre-listening

Present students a picture in which a boy is talking with his mother, with a football in his hand. Tell students that the boy’s name is Zhou Kai. Ask students to guess what the boy is going to do when it is raining, thus to make predictions about the listening material.

III. While-listening

(1) Play the conversation between Zhou Kai and his mother for students. After listening, ask students the following questions.

What are they talking about?

What was Zhou Kai going to do when it was raining?

Did his mother agree?

(2) Play the conversation for students again for more detailed information. Ask students to listen carefully and figure out whether the following sentences are true or false.

Zhou Kai was going to the stadium to play football.()

Zhou Kai didn’t believe that he would catch a cold.()

Mum asked Zhou Kai to take a jacket with him. ( )

Zhou Kai finally went out without a jacket. ( )

(3) Show students the listening material and ask students to act out the conversation with their partner vividly. IV. Post-listening

Students work in groups to discuss what they will do if their ideas are different with their parents’. They can work together and try to figure out some better ways to deal with different situations and problems. Then, the teacher invites several groups to share their ideas. V. Summary

Students summarize what they have learned in this lesson and the teacher makes supplements timely. Encourage students to solve their contradictions with their parents positively.

VI. Homework

Choose a film related to family education and watch it. Then, share their feelings about the film next class.



Suppose you are living ina New Zealand now. Your relatives or friends need your help. They want to take a holiday in New Zealand. Their schedule will only. allow them to spend one week in New Zealand and they want to do as much as possible. The flight will arrive in Auckland.






(5)试讲时间: 10 分钟。


Teaching Procedures:


Free talk with students. Ask students where they have been to for a trip. Invite students to introduce their favorite tourism places.

ll Pre-writing

(1) Show students some pictures of New Zealand. Ask students whether they know about these places and what their feelings are about these places.

(2) Present students a short video introducing the tourist sites in New Zealand. Ask students to watch carefully and take some notes about the places.

(3) Create the fllowing situation for students and show today's writing task. (阅读文本材料)

(4) Students work in groups to share the notes they have taken while watching the video. They can. put the information. together, discuss what to wite, and try to organize the information according to the writing requirement.

lll. While-writing

(1] Students write an outline of the letter by themselves.

(2) Students try tol put the information they, have discussed into sentences.

(3) Students organize the sentences into a letter according to the outtine. They can use some linking words to make the letter clearer. Meanwhile, they need to pay attention to the form of a letter and add proper greetings.

IV. Post-writing

(1) Self-check

Students check the letters by themselves.

(2) Peer-check

Four students in a group and check their group

members letters. They can assess from the following aspects.

Does the. letter provide enough information for the visitors?

Are the suggestions and plans in the letter reasonable?

What can you add to the letter you polish?


Students summarize what. they have learnt in this lesson and the teacher gives supplements if necessary. Meanwhile, the teacher encourages students to spare enough time to travel and enjoy life.

VI. Homework

Polish their ltters after class according to the suggestions from their classmates.




You are a producer of “green food”. | It is free of chemical frtlizers I and is grown away from! 1 industrial areas I and dirty water supplies. | It is certain to be healthy and safe | for people’s health. | You want to sell your“green food”,| but the problem is fletting people know about your food d and how good it is IIt is also more expensive | than other food |which is not so safe. ||






(5)试讲时间: 10 分钟。


Teaching Procedures:

I. Lead-in

Play a piece of video introducing healthy food. After watching, ask students what they think about the healthy food in the video and invite several students to talk about their own diet. Write the phrase“ green food”on the black board and ask students to make predictions about

the topic they are going to talk about today.

II. Presentation

(1) Read the short passage for students and then ask students the fllowing questions.

What is green food?

What about the price of green food?

(2) Play the tape of the short passage for students. Ask students to liten carefully and pay attention to the stops.

While listening, they can draw slashes where there is a stop.

(3) Students work in groups to share the stops they have marked. Then, they can discuss in groups about the regulation of stops in a passage. The teacher invites several groups to share their opinions.

(4) The teacher introduces the meaning of“ sense group” and the regulation of dividing sense groups in a passage on the basis of students discussion results.

ll. Practice

(1) Present students the fllowing sentences and ask students to try to divide the sense groups.

Repeating after tapes | is very important | for beginners.

Early to bed I and early to rise I makes a man | healthy, happy and wise.

Liu Xiang.I who is a billiant runner, | represented China | at the Olympic Games.

After school, | my classmates and | | are going to play basketball.

(2) Students work in groups to share their opinions about green food and while talking, they need to pay attention to the dividing of sense groups.

IV. Consolidation

Students work in groups to discuss the importance of dividing sense groups while speaking. Then, the teacher invites several groups to present their ideas. They can try to provide some examples to help them llustrate their ideas.

V. Summary

Students summarize the way to divide sense groups and the teacher emphasizes the importance of dividing sense groups.

VI. Homework



Yesterday. another student and l, representing our university’s student association, went to the Capital International Airport to meet this year ’s international students. They were coming to study at Beiing University. We would take them first to their dormitories and then to the student canteen. After half an hour of waiting for their flight to arive, 1 saw several young people enter the waiting area looking around curiously.I stood for a minute watching them and then went to greet them.





(4) 试讲时间: 10 分钟;

(5) 用英文试讲。


Teaching Procedures:

|. Lead-in

Show students some pictures of the international students, and let students guess who they are. Students have a free talk about their appearances and consider what to talk with them.

Il. Presentation

1. Students read the passage quickly for the first time and figure out what the passage is about.

2. Students read the passage again and answer the following questions:

(1) What did“we” do yesterday?

(2) What were the international students coming to do?

(3) What did these young people do?

(4) What did“I” do then?

3. From students'’

answers, the teacher will write the following key sentences on the blackboard.

(1) Yesterday, another student and l, representing our university’s student association, went to the Capital International Airport to meet this year ’s international students.

(2) | saw several young people enter the waiting area looking around curiously.

(3) I stood for a minute watching them and then went to greet them.

3. Ask students to observe these sentences, especially paying attention to the v.-ings used as adverbials. Lead students to summarize the usage of v-ings used as adverbials.

ll. Practice

(1) Play a short passage for students. Ask students to liten carefully can try to pick out the sentences that use v-ings as adverbials from the passage.

(2) Students make sentences using v.ings as adverbials. and share the sentences with their partner.

IV. Consolidation

lmagine what will happen next when they meet the international students at the airport. Students work in groups of four to continue witing the passage. While writing, they can try to use some v-ings as adverbials.

V. Summary

Students summarize the grammar rule of v.-ing. The teacher makes proper supplements.

VI. Homework



Last month | was lucky enough to have a chance to make a trip into space with my friend Li Yanping, an astronomer. We visited the moon in our spaceship!

Before we left, Li Yanping explained to me that the force of gravity would change three times on our journey and that the first change would be the most powerful. Then we were off. As the rocket rose into the air, we were pushed back into our seats because we were trying to escape the pull of the earth' s gravity. It was so hard that we could not say anything to each other.






(5)试讲时间: 10 分钟。


Teaching Procedures:

l. Lead-in

Show the students the video of chang' e-5 spaceship in the sky and ask students their feelings after watching it.

ll. Pre-reading

1. Show students some pictures about astronauts, and ask students to introduce them as much as possible.

2. Write several key words and phrases on the blackboard like visit the? moon, gravity, rocket, say something and so on and invite students to guess what the passage will talk about.

Il. While-reading

Activity 1: Skimming

Students read the passage quickly to check their predictions and get the main idea by doing the multiple


What is the best tile of this passage?

A. A Visit to the Moon

B. The Pull of Gravity

C. The Science of the Star

D. A Bridge to Space

Activity 2: Scanning

Students are asked to read the passage again and answer the questions.

1. When did my friend and | go to the space?

2. What did Li Yanping tell me before we left?

3. Can we talk to each other in space?

Activity 3: Intensive reading

Students are encouraged to read the passage for the third time.

1. Students underline the difficult points and discuss with parlners.

2. Do the multiple choice:

①From the passage, we can learn that.

A. walking on the moon was very easy

B. the writer was too frightened to speak

C. the writer became taller and faller on the moon

D. the pull of gravity on Earth is stronger than that on the moon

②Where does this text probably come from?

A. Science fiction.

B. A science report.

C. An advertisement.

D. Children’sliterature.

IV. Post-reading

Group discussion: Divide students into four groups and

hold a discussion according to the questions below.

①What do you think will be like on the moon?

②What do you think you can see?

③Do you think there' s life on the moon?

④What do you want to know about the space?

After fifeen minutes, choose group representatives to make an introduction.

V. Summary

Students summarize what they have learnt in this lesson and the teacher gives supplements if necessary, and reminds them that China has made brillant achievements in aviation and space industry in the past decades.

VI. Homework

Search for the answers to the questions in Post-reading part and share with classmates next class.

板书设计: 略



Susan: What are you reading?

Robbie: An article in the newspaper about aliens. It' s very interesting.

Susan: Aliens? You don' t believe in aliens, do you?

Robbie: Wel, I didn' t before | read this article. But there' s some interesting evidence. There are probably aliens living here on earth.

Susan: Oh, come on! Ican' t believe you said that!

Robbie: Yes, il' s quite possible.

Susan: | don’t believe a word ofit! It' s a crazy idea!

Robbie: Well, you never know. Strange things have happened.

Susan: You must be joking! There aren’t any aliens here

一it simply isn' tpossible.

Robbie: Well I’m not so sure.

Susan: You can’t be serious!

Robbie: Well, the writer is absolutely sure it' s true.





(4) 试讲时间: 10分钟;



Teaching Procedures:

l. Lead-in

Show some reports about UFO and aliens. Ask students if they believe that that are aliens in the world.

ll. Presentation

1. Listen to the tape and answer the fllowing questions.

(1) How many people are there in the dialogue?

(2) What are they talking about?

2. Listen to the tape again and decide whether the following sentences are correct or not.

(1) Robbie didn' t believe in aliens before he read this article. ( )

(2) Susan does believe in aliens. ( )

(3) Robbie is sure that there are some aliens here. ( )

I. Practice

1. Students listen to the tape together and imitate it, paying attention to the attitudes through the intonation.

2. Students read the dialogue in pairs. Then exchange roles. Then the teacher invites some groups to act the dialogue out in the front, choosing the best one by using an intonation.

IV. Consolidation

Students work in groups to discuss whether they believe in aliens and why. During their conversation, they should pay attention to their intonation, through which others can know their attitudes towards the thing. Ten minutes laler, the teacher inviles several groups lo share.

V. Summary

Students summarize what they have learnt in this lesson and the teacher gives supplements if necessary, and reminds them of paying attention to their intonation in daily communication.

VI. Homework

Surf for more information about aliens and share it next time.



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