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2023高考英语二轮复习:阅读理解专题应用文应用文是高考英语阅读理解的常见文体。高考试卷的应用文阅读材料大多来自真实的生活,充满浓郁的时代气息,具有鲜明的语言特色。它们种类繁多、涵盖面广,包括广告、书信、海报、指南、产品介绍、启事、招聘、书评等。一、考情分析1. 考查情况应用文一般出现在阅读理解的A篇。应用文阅读材料题材丰富多样,标题、小标题以及重要的信息通常会以加粗字体或标下划线的形式突出呈现,文章所提供的信息丰富,语言简明扼要,难度不大。2. 考查角度从命题上看,应用文主要考查细节理解,近年来也会考查推理判断、写作意图以及读者对象等。应用文阅读材料简单明了,主要考查考生快速而准确地获取和理解文中具体细节信息的能力。从近三年命题的发展趋势来看,应用文阅读理解试题难度会保持相对稳定,阅读材料会翻新,但会继续考查考生快速而准确地获取和理解文中具体细节信息的能力。二、文体特点与阅读策略1. 语言与结构特点应用文语言简练,就其用词来看,文章里有大量生僻的专有名词,如地名、人名、机构名、组织名、书名、作品名等。应用文主要用于传递信息。高考卷中所采用的应用文通常有两种行文方式:一种是文中的几则信息构成平行并列结构,即每一则信息中的项目及其位置有一致性和对应性,几则信息前有时会用一个段落对文章信息作整体上的说明;另一种是针对某一主题分项,分条目地呈现信息,每个段落围绕小标题呈现某一方面的信息。2. 答题误区应用文阅读理解试题难度不大,故答题时要谨防过于草率。出错的原因有可能是看信息时看错位,也有可能是为了追求速度只凭大致印象答题。因此,做题时一定要看准信息并在文章中找出相关信息以确保万无一失。另外,不要一字不落地阅读全文,这样会浪费很多时间,而是应该有选择地快速筛选和获取答题所需要的信息。3. 阅读策略应用文阅读理解总体上要做到稳、准、快,在确保准确率的基础上提高阅读速度,以节省时间。解题时,要做到:(1)快速浏览主题。快速浏览加粗字体的标题、小标题或加下划线的语句等最重要的信息,以了解语篇提供的是哪方面的信息,并判定行文方式。(2)速读题干,跳读定位信息。接下来阅读每一道试题,根据题干定位信息点,并在文章中找出答案或相关信息。在定位和寻找信息点的时候,可以充分利用加粗字体的标题、小标题、加下划线的语句等重要信息提高阅读和解题速度,如果每则信息的项目及其位置具有一致性和对应性,就可利用其一致性和对应性快速查找答案,查找信息时不一定要读完全文。(3)细读解题信息。最后,根据查找的相关信息,经过思考后选出正确答案。三、实战演练【原创试题(一)】Marydale Lodge is a warm and welcoming environment that provides secure accommodations with education for young people aged 11 to 18.We are currently recruiting: Associate Head TeacherLocation: St Helens, MerseysideHours of work: 37 hours per week — based on Teachers Terms & ConditionsWe are pleased to advertise for an experienced, qualified teacher to join our passionate education team within our secure children’s setting.The successful candidate will have significant knowledge and experience within education of young people with special needs and have the ability to encourage their attendance and raise their aspirations (志向).You will be able to coordinate the teaching of all curriculum areas across the key stages, develop and strengthen our education setting and ensure that our staff have the understanding and knowledge to provide an outstanding provision.Our benefits include:● Salary of 41,988 to 47,498 per year plus Special Education Needs and Security allowance● Teachers’ Pension Scheme & Life Assurance Scheme● Full induction (就职), regular supervision and annual appraisal (评价) schemes● Career progression opportunitiesFor an informal discussion about this role, please contact Marie Higgins, Registered Manager of Marydale Secure Unit, on 0824-24140.For more information, please visit our website or you can contact our 24-hour recruitment line on 0351-269-2045.1. Who could get an education at Marydale Lodge A. Children aged 6. B. Children aged 15.C. Teens aged 19. D. Teens of all ages.2. What is the associate head teacher responsible for A. Teaching mathematics to kids. B. Making teaching plans.C. Encouraging children’s attendance. D. Providing the information about the job.3. Which of the following is a benefit offered by Marydale Lodge A. A security allowance paid twice a year.B. Comfortable housing and secure food.C. Opportunities for career advancement.D. Pension Scheme based on annual appraisal.【原创试题(二)】UMass Lowell’s OAP TripsUMass Lowell’s Outdoor Adventure Program offers all kinds of outdoor trips to people. Below is the information about our trips.HIKINGSome of the most beautiful mountains are only a few kilometres away from UMass Lowell. No matter what season it is, we explore these great places. We climb mountains to watch the bright fall colors or fresh green of spring. We experience the wonderland (仙境) of winter on our winter day hikes. Whether it is your first time or 50th, these hiking trips are packed full of fun and adventure.BIKINGOur biking trips include day road biking trips and overnight biking trips. On day trips, we enjoy local greenways like the Nashua River Rail Trail or the Minuteman Bikeway. On overnight trips, we may travel to places like Cape Cod. We also take breaks to enjoy the beaches, lighthouses, parks and small towns that we pass along the way.SURFINGOur surfing trips travel to Hampton Beach, New Hampshire in the fall and Narragansett, Rhode Island in the spring. Beginners spend the first 1―1.5 hours with a surfing instructor starting on land and then getting into the water. The rest of the time is available to catch waves.SNOWBOARDINGNew England winters are known for the snowfall. Our snowboarding trips take advantage of winter conditions to get members out on the white snow. We spend one weekend at a popular place like Killington, Vermont, which offers different paths. We spend an evening at Crotched Mountain, which offers campfires and live music to enjoy.1. What do we know about the hiking trip A. It usually lasts a few days. B. It may involve big dangers.C. It’s available all year round. D. It’s especially fit for beginners.2. What can we do in the biking trip A. Climb some famous mountains. B. Visit some places as a tourist.C. Enjoy some seafood. D. Live in small towns.3. Which trip should you choose if you want to enjoy music around campfires A. HIKING. B. BIKING. C. SURFING. D. SNOWBOARDING.【真题
