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武汉中2023-2024学年度下学期高三横拟考试10.What is Jack's impression on Ms.Wellington A.Her exams were difficult.英语试卷B.Her class was very boringC.She gave students lots of work听第8段材料,回答第1至13题。考诚时间:.2024年5月31日下午15:Q0-17:00试卷满分:150分11.What does the woman advise the man to do 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)A.Use the red color.第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.3分)B.Paint the walls again听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所轮的A、B、C.个选项C.Buy a new sofa.中选世最佳选项,并标在试卷的祖应位置。听完每毁对话后,你都有10秒钟的间12.When will the man buy the paintings 来回答有关小题利制读下一小题。每段对话仅读遍。A.Tomorrow.B.This weekend.C.Today.1.What kind of TV programs does the man like 13.What color would the man like to paint the wall A.Quiz showsB.Documentarics.C.Situation comedies.A.Bright colorsB.Soft colorsC.Dark colors.2.Where does the conversation probably take place 听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。主.n an office.B.in a resiaurant.C.In a convenience store.14.Why is the man going to the States 3.What are the speakers tallking about A.To visit places of interest.A.The weather.B.The pian for tomorrow.C.Writing skills.B.To study at a university4.When will the speakers go to watch the match C.To attend a conference.A.At7:00.B.At7:30.15.What does the man show to the woman CAt8:00.A.His certifications.5.What is the probable relationship between the spcakers B.The letter of invitation.A.Taxi driver and passenger.C.An admission letter from a university.B.Shop assistant and customer.C.Boss and secretary.16.When does (he man pian to leave for America A.On January 5th.第节〔共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)B.On January i0t恤听下面5段对活或独白。每段对话或独自后有几个小题,从题中所铃的A、B、C.On January 15thC三个选旷选出最佳进项,并标在试卷的祖成位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将17.What is the man doing 有时问阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟:听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时问。A.Applying for a passport.母段对话或独白读两遍。B.Conducting an intervicw.听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。C.Holding a meeting6.Why will Sarah go to the market 听第10段材料,诃答第18至20题。A.To get a clock.B.To get a record.C.To get a birthday cake.18.What are both live chat rooms and message boards good for 7.What do we know about Sarah A.Accuracy.B.Fluency.C.Patience.A.She isn't familiar with the surroundings.19.What should an active listener do B.She will go to the market with the man.A.Record all materials.C.She has never been to the market.B.Write down new words听第7段材料,回答第8至0题。C.Do group practicing.8.How did Jack spend the summer vacation 20.What is the speaker's last suggestion A.Taking a part-time job.B.Traveling around.C.Suudying a lot.A.Visit a website.9.What is Ms.Wellington like according to Jack B.Practice listening after class.A.She's easy-going.B.She's strict.C.She's careless.C.Do exercises in the textbook.等1页共10贞等2埃共10武汉二中2023-2024学年度下学期高三模拟考试听力原稿:Text1喜欢的电视节目英语试卷答案M:What do you like to watch on TV 第一部分听力(共20小题,满分30分)W:I love quiz shows and talk shows.What about you 1-5CABBA6-10BACBC11-15ACACB16-20 CABBAM:I like nature movies and situation comedies.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)W:I'm glad you don't like watching documentarics.第…节(共15题每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)Text2帮忙带食物21-23DBC24-27)BCC28-31BAD32-35 BBCBM:I'm going out to lunch.Do you nced anything while ['m out 第二节(共5小题每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)W:Yes,if you pass a convenience store,get me some chocolate -a Snickers bar,please36-40 BFTAC丁ext3计划与安排第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节完形填空(共15题,每题1分,满分15分)W:What are you going to do tomorrow 41-45BAD46-50 AABCB51-55 BCADDM:It depends.If it's fine,I'll go fishing.And if it rains,I'l stay indoors and do some writing.What about第二节(共10小题每小题1.5分,满分15分)you 56.publicly57.highlights58.are59.listed60.revealingW:I am not sure yet.61.which62.have been made63.an64.and65.0fTcxt4观看比赛的时间第四部分M:What time do you think would be (K for us to watch the match 第一节【参考范文】W:How about 7:00 Dear Ryan,M:Can we make it 30 minutes later Because I have a meeting at 7:()0.The match begins at 8:00.Thrilled to hear about your plans for the English Reading Bar,I would heartilyrecommend fanlasy novels as a captivating choice for our students.W:No problem.Filled with thrilling adventures and memorable characters,fantasy novels can transportText5乘坐出租车readers into magical and imaginative worlds.These narratives,ofien rich in detail andM:Where 1o,Miss creativity,spark the imagination and curiosity of young minds.Moreover,they encourage us:Please_重一at the King's Department Store..students to think outside the box and develop a deeper understanding of human nature andM:On the west side cthical dilemmas.By discussing these books,we students can engage in lively debates,exchange ideas,and broaden our perspectives,all enhancing our critical thinking skills.W:No,the east side,near the post officeIn conclusion.I firmly believe that fantasy novels will be a thought-provoking additionTcxt6告知去市场的路to the English Reading Bar,fostering a deeper appreciation for literature among our students.M:Sarah,did you remember to go to the market on the way Thank you for considering my suggestion.W:Oh no,I forgot.But why do I need to go again Best regards,M:To get one of those old Rock-Clock records for Fred's birthday,LiHuaW:OK,I bet I'll 2 trying to find the market.第二节【参考范文】M:Well,you need to walk past Causeway Inn to the bus stop,catch the bus to Notling-Hill station and thenBut I suddenly realized I had missed a sentence.At that momont,so neryous was I that Idid not know what to do.To my surprise,I happened to spol my drama teacher standing rightthe train to South City.It should take about an hour this time of day.in the audience area.Her encouraging smile made mc feel ease.Taking a deep breath,IW:OK,but here's one small problem.Whcre's Causeway Inn found my way back to the best state of myself.Refreshed and confident,I continued myM:Oh Sarah!Don't you know anything The Causeway Inn is about 100 meters down this streetperformancc without being affected much by the minor mistake.When the drama ended,theW:(h,good!That should be casy to find.Thanks.I'll be back soon.theater was flooded with the thunderous applauseText 利用假提前学习1 bowed to the audience excitediy and went back to my drama teacher.I had thoughtW:Hi,Jack.How was your vacation that I would get a scolding for my mistake.However,to my surprise,my drama teacher justM:Hey,Sunny.It was pretty good.I had to study a lot,though.patted me on the shoulder,sayingYour performance may not have been perfect but for theW:Why Did your teachers give you a lot of summer homework first time,it was great."ITearing that,I hugged her tightly,with tears blurring my eyes.IM:No,it's not that.Ms.Wellington is going to be one of my teachers this yearmade up my mind to do better on stage next time,for life is not a rehearsal and every day is aW:I've never been in her class.Is she tough live broadcast

