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翻译哲学硕士博士衔接课程之课程设置课程分组攻读学位哲学硕士哲学博士 取得博士候选资格前I. A组课程(必修)学分TRA6010 翻译理论33TRA6030 翻译研究方法33II. B组课程(选修)TRA5311 计算器辅助翻译6(任选两门) 15(任选五门) TRA6020 翻译教学法TRA6101 翻译与大众传播TRA6102 翻译与文化研究TRA6103 社区口译研究方法TRA6104 艺术翻译理论TRA6105 口译职业伦理TRA6106 话语分析与翻译研究TRA6107 认知、文体与文学翻译TRA6110 口译研究TRA6111 翻译发展史TRA6112 法律翻译研究TRA6113 专题翻译研究TRA6114 西学东渐与中国的现代化TRA6115 中国翻译理论研究III. C组课程(必修)TRA6210 指导阅读(一)33TRA6220 指导阅读(二)33IV.论文研究课程 (学生每学期都须修习此课程)TRA7010A 论文研究6 学分/学期6 学分/学期V. 其他课程 (学生须每学期修习TRA7020并在取得博士候选资格前通过TRA7030)TRA7020A 研究专题报告与研讨会00TRA7030 论文撰写与演讲/0  取得博士候选资格后VI. 论文研究课程 (学生每学期都须修习此课程)TRA7010B 论文研究/12学分/学期VII. 其他课程(学生每学期都须修习此课程)TRA7020B 研究专题报告与研讨会/0学分分布  A组课程66B组课程615C组课程66论文研究课程6 学分*学期数量6 学分*取得博士候选资格前的学期数量 +12学分*取得博士候选资格后的学期数量 其他课程00   注意事项:  1. 凡超过常规修读期的哲学硕士学生,每名学生须每学期修习TRA7010A论文研究课程(6学分/学期)。2. 凡超过常规修读期的哲学博士学生,每名学生须在取得博士候选资格后每学期修习TRA7010B论文研究课程 (12学分/学期)和TRA7020B研究专题报告与研讨会(0学分)。





Study PeriodThe study periods for students of different streams/ stages under the framework of the new MPhil-PhD Programme are summarized below:DegreeModeMaximum Pre-Candidacy Period 1Normative PeriodMaximum PeriodMPhilFull-time--24 months48 monthsPhD (entering with a research master’s degree)Full-time24 months 248 months72 monthsPhD (entering without a research master’s degree)Full-time36 months 2,360 months84 monthsNotes:1 Maximum period to pass the candidacy requirement, counted from first entry.2 A student who fails to pass the candidacy requirement within the maximum pre-candidacy period is required to withdraw from the PhD study.3 A student without a master’s degree who fails to pass the candidacy requirement within the maximum pre-candidacy period is allowed to switch to MPhil study. 


Course and Unit Exemptions:


1. MPhil Stream: Students may be granted course and/or unit exemptions if they have taken similar or equivalent postgraduate courses with satisfactory performance (“B” grade or above). Supporting documents such as academic transcripts, course syllabus must be provided. Exemption for a maximum of six units may be granted. The application should be approved by the Dean of the Graduate School after the endorsement of the Programme Director/Coordinator and the Graduate Panel Chair. 

2. PhD Stream: Students may be granted course and/or unit exemptions if they have taken similar or equivalent postgraduate courses with satisfactory performance (“B” grade or above). Supporting documents such as academic transcripts, course syllabus must be provided. Exemption for a maximum of nine units may be granted. The application should be approved by the Dean of the Graduate School after the endorsement of the Programme Director/Coordinator and the Graduate Panel Chair. 
