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Read the following dialogue with a partner to learn important vocabulary used for making doctor's appointments. Practice this dialogue with a friend to help you feel confident when you next make an appointment in English. Check your understanding with the quiz and review vocabulary.阅读下面的对话,了解医生预约时使用的重要词汇。和朋友练习这段对话,以帮助你下次用英语预约时感到自信。用测验检查你的理解并复习词汇。

Role Play: Making a Doctor's Appointment角色扮演:预约医生

Doctor's Assistant: Good morning, Doctor Jensen's office. How may I help you?医生助理:早上好,詹森医生的办公室。我能为您做些什么?

Patient: Hello, I'd like to make an appointment to see Doctor Jensen, please.病人:你好,我想预约看詹森医生。

Doctor's Assistant: Have you been in to see Doctor Jensen before?医生助理:你以前来看过詹森医生吗?

Patient: Yes, I have. I had a physical last year.病人:是的,我有。我去年体检过。

Doctor's Assistant: Fine, what is your name?医生助理:好的,你叫什么名字?

Patient: Maria Sanchez.病人:玛丽亚桑切斯。

Doctor's Assistant: Thank you, Ms. Sanchez, let me pull up your file... Okay, I've located your information. What's the reason for your making an appointment?医生助理:谢谢你,桑切斯女士,让我把你的档案取出来……好的,我找到了你的信息。你预约的原因是什么?

Patient: I haven't been feeling very well lately.病人:我最近感觉不太舒服。

Doctor's Assistant: Do you need urgent care?医生助理:你需要急诊吗?

Patient: No, not necessarily, but I'd like to see the doctor soon.病人:不,不一定,但我想很快去看医生。

Doctor's Assistant:  Of course, how about next Monday? There's a slot available at 10 in the morning.医生助理:当然,下星期一怎么样?早上10点有空位。

Patient: I'm afraid I'm working at 10. Is there anything available after three?病人:恐怕我10点钟上班。三点以后有空吗?

Doctor's Assistant: Let me see. Not on Monday, but we have a three o'clock opening next Wednesday. Would you like to come in then?医生助理:让我看看。不是星期一,但是我们的营业时间是下周三三点。那时候你可以来吗?

Patient: Yes, next Wednesday at three would be great.病人:是的,下个星期三三点可以。

Doctor's Assistant:  All right, I'll pencil you in for three o'clock next Wednesday.医生助理:好的,下周三我给你铅笔三点。

Patient: Thank you for your help.病人:谢谢你的帮助。

Doctor's Assistant: You're welcome. We'll see you next week. Goodbye.医生助理:不客气。下周见。再见。

Patient: Goodbye.病人:再见。

Key Making an Appointment Phrases预约关键词

Make an appointment: schedule a time to see the doctor预约:预约看医生的时间

Have you been in before?: used to ask if the patient has seen the doctor before你以前治疗过吗?:用于询问患者以前是否看过医生。

Physical (examination: yearly check-up to see if everything is okay.体检:每年检查一次,看是否一切正常。

Pull up a file: find a patient's information调出文件:查找患者信息

Not feeling very well: feel ill or sick感觉不太好:生病或生病

Urgent care: similar to an emergency room, but for everyday problems紧急护理:类似于急诊室,但用于日常问题

A slot: an available time to make an appointment时段:预约的可用时间

Is there anything open?used to check if there is an available time for an appointment有什么时间空挡吗?用于检查预约是否有时间

Pencil someone in: to schedule an appointment给某人打电话:预约

True or False?对还是错?

Preparing for your Appointment为预约做准备

Once you've made an appointment you'll need to make sure you're prepared for your doctor's visit. Here is a short overview of what you'll need in the United States.一旦你预约了,你就需要确保你已经准备好去看医生了。下面是对您在美国需要什么的简要概述。

Insurance / Medicaid / Medicare Card保险/医疗补助/医疗保险卡

In the US doctor's have medical billing specialists whose job it is to bill the correct insurance provider. There are many insurance providers in the US, so it's essential to bring your insurance card. If you are over 65, you probably will need your Medicare card.在美国,医生有医疗账单专家,他们的工作是给正确的保险供应商开账单。美国有很多保险公司,所以带上你的保险卡是很重要的。如果你65岁以上,你可能需要医疗卡。

Cash, Check or Credit/Debit Card to Pay for Co-payment现金、支票或信用卡/借记卡共同支付

Many insurance companies require a co-payment which represents a small portion of the total bill. Co-payments can be as little as $5 for some medicines, and as much as 20 percent or more of larger bills. Make sure to check with your insurance provider for much information on co-payments in your individual insurance plan as these vary widely. Bring some form of payment to your appointment to take care of your co-pay.许多保险公司要求共同支付,这是总账单的一小部分。一些药品的共同支付额可能只有5美元,而更大的账单则高达20%或
