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Sample Listening Multiple Choice (one answer) You will hear an extract from a Part 3 recording in which a student called Judy is discussing her research with her tutor and fellow students.For each question, click on the correct answer.点击此处开始做题 答案:点击下载PDF听力原文:点击下载PDF

Sample Listening Multiple Choice (more than one answer)You will hear an extract from a Part 1 recording in which two people are discussing a guide to a library.Click on the correct answers.点击此处开始做题 答案:点击下载PDF听力原文:点击下载PDF

Sample Listening Matching task A You will hear an extract from a Part 2 recording in which a woman is talking to new staff at a children's summer camp.For each question, click on the correct answer and move it into the gap.点击此处开始做题 答案:点击下载PDF听力原文:点击下载PDF

Sample Listening Matching task B You will hear an extract from Part 2 of the test in which a tour guide describes different places in a US town.For each question, click on the correct space in the table.点击此处开始做题 答案:点击下载PDF听力原文:点击下载PDF

Sample Listening Note Completion You will hear an extract from a Part 1 recording in which two people are discussing second-hand furniture.For each question, write your answer in the gap.点击此处开始做题 答案:点击下载PDF听力原文:点击下载PDF
