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* 饼图,选自《剑桥雅思真题集11》



通过找异同(similarities and differences)确定分组(groups):

* North America and Europe一组。

* South America、Africa、Central Asia、Southeast Asia另一组。

* 同时,第二组内再进一步分组:1)Africa、Central Asia、Southeast Asia一组,和2)South America、单独一组。


Shown in the charts is how water is used in six regions of the world, and there are three uses — the industrial use, the agricultural use, and the domestic use. Overall, there are apparent similarities and differences between the six areas // the six areas can be divided into three groups.

* 第1句的句子开头的倒装,可以当成套话用。

* 第1句的句子末尾同位语。


North America and Europe are highly similar. In these two areas, roughly half of the usage of water goes to industrial production, and the agricultural sector uses 30% to 40% of the total usage, and water used in households account for 13% to 15%. Likewise, there is a high level of similarity between Africa, Central Asia and Southeast Asia. Agriculture uses over 80% or even almost 90% of the total usage of water, and accordingly, the other two sectors use rather small portions of water, and the individual percentage ranges from 5% to 12%.

* 这个段落遵循“总—分”原则展开写作。第1句“浓缩”为总写,后面把“浓缩”的内容解释清楚。第三句用样为浓缩总写,后面的内容把细节解释清楚。

* 下划线的部分构建了信息之间或句子之间的联系。建立语句间或信息间的联系很重要。

South America is a special area. Although it is another area where agriculture is the predominant water user, which takes 71% of the total usage, it has the greatest proportion of domestic use of water (20%) among all the six regions.

* 这个段落依然遵循“总—分”原则展开写作。第1句“浓缩”为总写。后面一句把“浓缩”的内容解释清楚。

* 首先注意:不要在数据上面面俱到,要有数据上的取舍。取舍的原则很简单:main features一定写,其它可以按需取舍。

* 主体部分的两个段落中,句子主语或开头的多样性是得分点。文中分别用了地区名、用水部门、用水量、百分比等概念为主语。

* 两个段落中,总写的句子都是采用了“短句”的模式,从而在文中形成长句与短句的搭配。


In general, there are apparent similarities and differences between the six areas. 

