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雅思听力真题还原及解析:SECTION 3

SECTION 3 Questions 21-30 (2012 年11 月3 日 2008 年6 月21日 2006 年11 月18 日2006 年1 月21 日 2005 年7 月9 日)


Questions 21-26


Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.



21 What is the defining characteristic of a specialised course?

A taking a proficiency exam

B attending the class frequently

C compulsory and regular


22 The Microbiology courses are available for

A full-time and flexible study time students.

B Microbiology students only.

C the students on a flexible schedule.


23 The Biology courses are available for

A all the students.

B full-time students only.

C freshmen only.


24 Who are interested in Microbiology courses?

A people who need work experience

B people traveling from off campus

C people who work at hospital


25 A Medical Science course will be opened next year because

A there are no experimental facilities.

B the lab equipment is too expensive.

C the building is damaged.


26 Which is the quickest increasing subject in enrollment ?

A Medical Science

B Statistics

C Environment Science


Questions 27-29



Choose THREE letters, A-G.


Which THREE compulsory courses must be taken?

Question 30

Complete the sentence below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for the answer.

30 There are three full scholarships that cover tuition and provide $1,500 cash as a ...........




STUDENT: Hello…are you Professor Van Diezen?

PROFESSOR: Yes, I am. And who might you be?

STUDENT: Oh! Sorry, my name is Tina. I’m a freshman here. They told me I should ask you for advice in choosing courses.

PROFESSOR: Well, that’s part of what I’m here for. Please come in and sit down. Now, what are your questions?

STUDENT: I, I almost don’t know! Everything is so confusing! Like what is a “specialised course”?

PROFESSOR: Oh, easy. A specialised course is one that is compulsory, meaning it’s a requirement for your major and regular so you can’t place out by taking a proficiency exam.

STUDENT: That sounds pretty strict. Then what are all these general courses? I seem to have to take so many.

PROFESSOR: Nothing to be alarmed over. These are courses open to all students and not directly related to your major. The university offers these general courses to choose so that you can become more well-rounded individuals. For example, I see you’re a Microbiology major. So it might be a good idea to take some literature or history courses so that you can know something besides all science.

STUDENT: You mean these courses are, like, for fun?

PROFESSOR: That might be one way to look at it, but don’t tell the literature professor such a thing. Think of a general course as the opposite of a specified course. A specified course is one that pertains directly to your major.

STUDENT: So can I take any Microbiology course I want?

PROFESSOR: Let’s see. Oh, those courses used to be open to Microbiology students only. The good thing is, now it’s open to students on a flexible schedule, so it’s not only for full-time students. So the answer is yes, if you have the instructor’s permission. May I ask you why you chose Microbiology?

STUDENT: Well, I also like plain old Biology too. You know, full-sized animals. I might even become a veterinarian. Could I take some Biology classes?

PROFESSOR: Well, they are open to full-time students only, which I believe is what you are. I don’t know how a freshman would get along with Microbiology, though. I mean, most of the students presently looking into it are from off-campus.

STUDENT: Off campus?

PROFESSOR: Yes, you know, people who use it in their work at hospitals, laboratories, even a police detective. Why did you choose Microbiology, if I may ask? I don’t think you quite answered that.

STUDENT: Well eventually I want to be a doctor. At least my dad tells me so.

PROFESSOR: If I may say so, young lady, you seem a little uncertain. Still, I think that might be a good idea for a career. Of course, if you’re thinking about being either a doctor or a vet, you should take some Medical Science classes before you even think of applying to med school.

STUDENT: Great! What should I take?

PROFESSOR: There is one small problem. The new Medical Sciences building is under construction, so there are no experimental facilities available until next year. I’m afraid you’ll have to wait. But don’t forget to take those courses at the first opportunity!

STUDENT: Oh, bummer. Is there any other course you’d recommend for someone like me?

PROFESSOR: Well, since you seem to like animals, have you ever thought about looking into Environmental Science?

STUDENT: No, I never really thought about it before. Is it worthwhile?

PROFESSOR: Quite! In fact it’s the fastest growing subject on this campus.

PROFESSOR: I’m sorry, I couldn’t help noticing the long list of classes you’ve written out there. May I have a look?

STUDENT: Oh, sure.

PROFESSOR: Medical Science, Statistics, Laboratory Techniques, Medicine, Mathematics, Computing. My, my, a bit of everything here.

STUDENT: Is it too much?

PROFESSOR: For your first semester, yes. What I suggest is starting out by taking the compulsory courses. Like we said before, the Medical Science can wait. Consider taking that in your sophomore year. I think I’d put off Computing too. I recommend to all freshmen that I talk to to get the compulsory Mathematics out of the way as early as possible, so take that one. It’ll be one less difficult course you have to focus on when the science lab opens next year and you have to catch upon classes like Laboratory Techniques. Your major also requires Statistics so you have to balance two math classes, and no doubt you should take that. Otherwise, get your required Medicine course out of the way by taking something theory based. Oh, of course and your Environmental Science class if you’re interested. The others can wait, though I think Computing is definitely a good idea, even though it’s not required. I see too, on your paper there, you seem to have had high marks on the entrance exam.

STUDENT: Uhhh, yeah. I guess so.

PROFESSOR: Don’t be shy! Have you thought about applying for a scholarship?

STUDENT: Do they have any? I mean, my dad is always complaining about how much money it costs him.

PROFESSOR: In your department there are actually three full scholarships available. They cover tuition and provide $1,500 cash.

STUDENT: $1,500 cash?! PARTY!

PROFESSOR: Please, Miss. The money is intended more as a textbook allowance, not party money. If you promise to behave, I’ll show you how to apply.

STUDENT: Great, and thanks!


Section 3 解析


21 答案 C

本题难度不大,甚至可以根据常识直接判断出正确选项。题干中specialised course 为专业课,即必修课的意思。显然C 选项中compulsory 一词与其不谋而合。

22 答案 A

本题B、C 选项都不全面,根据原文“those courses used to be open to…, now it’s open to…”可知,曾经是只对Microbiology 专业的学生开放,现在则对flexible study time students 也开放了。

23 答案 B


24 答案 B

本题答案在前后文中有重合。Professor 说:I mean, most of the students presently looking into it are from off-campus. 而Student 又问:Off-campus? 对话中反复提及的内容应该引起注意,因为它极有可能成为谈话重点和答案。C 选项people who work at hospital 为干扰项,因为原文列举了很多,hospital 只是其中一项。

25 答案 A

本题答案比较直观。听到There is one small problem 时应该注意,因为随后就有问题的原因出现:There are no experimental facilities available until next year. 新的医学科学大楼正在建设中,直到明年才会有实验设备,这也是课程为什么明年才会开放的原因。所以A 为正确选项。

26 答案 C

本题答案不在附近,开始时Environmental Science 是Professor 提出的,而Student 又进行反问,这时Professor 的回答才包含the fastest growing subject,该信息与题干相吻合。其他选项具有干扰性,但是根据并列内容无法在单选题中进行选择这一原则,我们可以排除A、B 选项,这两个选项并列出现在随后的对话中。注意:并列干扰是选择题中的一种常见出题手段。

27-29 答案 C E F

多选题信息丰富,但是干扰项的出现方式和单选区别不大。C、E、F 这三个选项原文都有I recommend…,your major requires…,get your required…这样的肯定句,而提到干扰项Medical Science 时指出“…can’t wait. Consider taking that in your sophomore year.”,而Computing 是要put off;Laboratory Techniques 是在来年科学实验室开放后学习的;Environmetal Science 则是根据学生的兴趣选择学习与否。在排除了这些干扰项后,答案就一目了然了。

30 答案 textbook allowance

本题通过预判词性,可以得知此处应填写名词性词汇,录音原文提到$1,500 cash 后,说:The money is intended more as a textbook allowance. 在此根据介词不换原则,我们可知as 后面的名词就是要填的答案。
