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2018 年 08 月 07 日来源:朗播网

摘要:大家恐惧雅思写作的原因,无外乎是审题有误写跑题、思路混乱不知从何下笔或者语言能力不达标等。就算手握大量范文、天天读范文,也不知该如何吸收文章里的营养和精华,更难以将这些素材、思维方式和知识点运用到自己的写作里。针对这个问题,朗播雅思为大家精心准备了雅思小作文的范文解析,我们将从多个维度细致且深入地解构和探讨范文。今天讲解的题型是表格图,内容是两个年份里五个欧洲国家“公平贸易”咖啡和香蕉的销售额。## 题目The tables below give information about sales of Fairtrade-labelled coffee and bananas in 1999 and 2004 in five European countries. 题型:表格图 翻译:下列表格提供了 1999 年和 2004 年里五个欧洲国家“公平贸易”咖啡和香蕉的销售额。 ![表格图](https://ssl-opt.langlib.com/WQW-%E9%9B%85%E6%80%9D%E5%B0%8F%E4%BD%9C%E6%96%87%E8%8C%83%E6%96%87%E8%A7%A3%E6%9E%90%EF%BC%9A%E8%A1%A8%E6%A0%BC%E5%9B%BE+%E4%BA%94%E5%9B%BD%E5%92%96%E5%95%A1%E5%92%8C%E9%A6%99%E8%95%89%E9%94%80%E5%94%AE%E9%A2%9D-01-20180801.jpg) ## 写作结构开头段:交代表格主要介绍内容 主体段 1:描述咖啡和香蕉的在 1999 年的最高销售额国家 主体段 2:描述咖啡和香蕉在丹麦、比利时和瑞士的销售额并做比较(本段包含总结) ## 范文分析### 开头段交代表格主要介绍内容(改写题目)。The tables show the amount of money spent on Fairtrade coffee and bananas in two separate years in the UK, Switzerland, Denmark, Belgium and Sweden.It is clear that sales of Fairtrade coffee rose in all five European countries from 1999 to 2004, but sales of Fairtrade bananas only went up in three out of the five countries. Overall, the UK saw by far the highest levels of spending on the two products. ### 主体段 1描述咖啡和香蕉的在 1999 年的最高销售额国家,以及这两个数值在 2004 年的变化。 In 1999, Switzerland had the highest sales of Fairtrade coffee, at €3 million, while revenue from Fairtrade bananas was highest in the UK, at €15 million. By 2004, however, sales of Fairtrade coffee in the UK had risen to €20 million, and this was over three times higher than Switzerland’s sales figure for Fairtrade coffee in that year. The year 2004 also saw dramatic increases in the money spent on Fairtrade bananas in the UK and Switzerland, with revenues rising by €32 million and €4.5 million respectively. ### 主体段 2概括这两类产品在丹麦、比利时和瑞士这三个国家的销售情况,并比较其变化情况。此外,这一段中还包含了最后的总结。 Sales of the two Fairtrade products were far lower in Denmark, Belgium and Sweden. Small increases in sales of Fairtrade coffee can be seen, but revenue remained at €2 million or below in all three countries in both years. Finally, it is noticeable that the money spent on Fairtrade bananas actually fell in Belgium and Sweden. ## 重点表达 The tables show that… 表格表示…… A has the highest B. A 的 B 最多。 A see dramatic incerease in B. A 的 B 急速增长。 …increase in B can be seen. B 有所增长 remain at… 保持在…… It is noticeable that… ……是显而易见的。 看完以上范文细致解析,大家是否感觉比先前更豁然开朗了呢?当然我们还要友情提示一点:范文仅为考生提供某一角度的写作思路,建议大家充分利用朗播智能训练产品拓展思维,并学习借鉴范文的结构和表达方式,从而综合提高自己的写作水平。

