首页 >  雅思柱状图作文真题范文  > 4月23日雅思柱状图范文:欧洲国家人均消费苹果和橘子对比


4月23日雅思柱状图范文:欧洲国家人均消费苹果和橘子对比2022-04-27 18:24:53来源:新东方在线雅思柯林斯词典











Para 1 = 题目改写 + 概述

Para 2 = 描写苹果的数据

Para 3 = 描写橘子的数据


The bar chart illustrates how many apples and oranges each individual in five nations in Europe consumed in 2013. Overall, while the consumption of oranges per person was higher than that of apples in Austria, Turkey, and Spain, every Italian loved apples more than oranges; meanwhile, people in Denmark had the same preference for the two fruits.

Regarding apples, the consumption per capita in Denmark was by far the largest, at slightly over 30 kilograms whereas the quantity in Spain was the least, at about 7 kilograms. In Italy, everyone ate 25 kilograms, and this figure was nearly twice higher than that in Austria and Turkey, at roughly 13 kilograms and 12 kilograms respectively.

Turning to oranges, Turkish people ate considerably more than those in any other country, at 37 kilograms. Residents in Denmark consumed approximately 31 kilograms, followed by some 37 kilograms in Spain, 20 kilograms in Italy, and around 17 kilograms in Austria.

(155 words)


1.each individual 每个人

2.nations in Europe 欧洲的国家

3.consume (v.) 消耗

4.preference for 对…的偏爱

5.per capita 每个人

6.slightly over 刚超过

7.considerably more 多得多

8.any other country 任何一个国家
