首页 >  雅思小作文流程图真题  > 7月7日雅思流程图范文:玻璃杯的回收循环过程


7月7日雅思流程图范文:玻璃杯的回收循环过程2022-07-13 16:55:24来源:新东方在线雅思柯林斯词典








Para 1 = 题目改写 + 概述

Para 2 = 描写第一个阶段的内容

Para 3 = 描写第二个阶段的内容

Para 4 = 描写第三个阶段的内容


The flow chart clearly illustrates the way in which wasted glass bottles are recycled and reused. Overall, there are three stages in total, starting from collecting old glass bottles and culminating in delivering new products to supermarkets.

In the first stage, different types of glass bottles that are disposed of are initially gathered and then sent to a collection point. After that, these bottles are transported by lorries.

Turning to the second stage, the bottles are cleaned with high-pressure water before being classified by colours: clear, green, and brown. Following this, the categorised bottles are processed in a glass factory where they are broken into pieces and burned in a furnace at a temperature ranging from 600℃ to 800℃ to get liquid glass. Next, both recycled and new liquid glass are poured into a glass mould, with which new bottles are shaped and manufactured.

At the final stage, the newly made bottles are filled, after which they are transported to a wide range of supermarkets. These are the destinations where they are displayed on shelves and sold to customers.


1.reuse (v.) 再使用

2.culminate in 以…结束

3.be disposed of 被丢弃

4.gather (v.) 收集

5.lorry (n.) 货车

6.classify (v.) 分类

7.categorise (v.) 分类

8.pour (v.) 倾倒

9.transport (v.) 运输

10.destination (n.) 目的地

11.shelf (n.) 货架
