首页 >  雅思大作文真题及范文环境  > 2018年9月8日雅思大作文写作真题范文解析:社会资源浪费问题


2018年9月8日雅思大作文写作真题范文解析:社会资源浪费问题2018年09月11日19:17 来源:小站整理作者:小站雅思编辑参与(4)阅读(29253)摘要:2018年9月8日场的雅思大作文真题为:Nowadays people are living in a “ thrown-away” society where they use things for a short time and then throw away.探讨原因及及影响,请看本期范文:

2018年9月8日的雅思大作文终于考到了环保类话题,Nowadays people are living in a “ thrown-away” society where they use things for a short time and then throw away. What cause this and what problem it may lead to?探讨社会中出现的一次性社会(浪费型社会)的形成原因及影响。


范文解析 本题属于社会生活类话题。题目问题要求阐述导致“ thrown-away” society 的原因以及该现象导致的问题。属于说明文类型的文体。考生在答题时,切忌看清题目要求,不要惯性思维写原因和解决方法。此外,思考思路时务必结合现实情况,如个体本身没有这样的习惯则联想身边有该类特征的人群,以便快速得到论点。

文章结构 P1:改写现象并写出承接句。




P5: 总结上文内容。



two contributing factors can be identified 两个促成(该现象)的理由可以被证实

it is precisely because of… 正因为。。。。。。

would do sth rather than… 宁愿做。。。。。。而不。。。。。。

brand new 崭新的

be exposed to 被暴露在。。。。。。之下

glamorous 富有魅力的

dump 丢弃

decompose 分解

landfill 垃圾填埋法

materially abundant but spiritually barren 物质丰富但是精神贫瘠

be discouraged from 被阻止。。。。。。


it is a ubiquitous tendency that… 同位语从句

the most apparent reason is that… 表语从句

…as much as… 比较状语

Another ground why…is …. 定语从句

Inevitably,… 副词放在句首

…, contaminating… 现在分词做结果状语



In this fast-paced society, it is a ubiquitous tendency that modern people throw away things utilized for a short period of time. As far as I am concerned, two contributing factors can be identified as below.


The most apparent reason is that massive production conduced by technological advancement renders cheap products are available for most consumers. It is precisely because of the fact, the public do not value what they have owned as much as they used to. A case in the point is that, once the hairdryer worth around 100 yuan fails to function well, its owner would discard it rather than repairing it as the expense of buying a brand new one is not quite high.


Another ground why people refuse to wear the same dress or use the phone for years is the impact of advertising campaigns. Being exposed to intensive advertisements, which inform customers of new goods whose appearance looks gorgeous and performance seems unparalleled; as well as create a trend for them to chase, it is difficult for viewers to resist the temptation of being fashionable and glamorous by purchasing the latest smart phone or lipsticks. Obviously, the old-fashioned things are dumped in the garbage can.


Inevitably, this trend gives rise to several problems and the first one is environmental pollution. As a matter of fact, some waste such as electronic and plastic products can be hardly decomposed; worse still, in most cases, landfill is a common approach to dispose them, contaminating the soil and even the underground water. In addition, an unhealthy lifestyle may emerge. In an attempt to become fashion chasers, people especially the younger generation would waste a great deal of money and time on trying diverse commodities, being materially abundant but spiritually barren.


In conclusion, considering detrimental effects of this phenomenon on both environment and individuals, people are discouraged from throwing away old things in daily life.


