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4月27日的考试听力部分,总体难度正常。题型方面也比较常规,P1 和P4仍然是同学们较为熟悉的填空题,P2和P3以选择和匹配为主。P1为投诉场景,涵盖数字、日期、地址等常规的个人信息考点,P4为学术笔记填空。P2考察多选和地图题型,难度正常,此类题型搭配也比较常见,P3为选择和匹配题型,主题为化学报告的学术讨论,难度较大。




1.Problem started: 12 November

2.Date for replacement: Thursday, 7.30 am

3.The key is : with the neighbor

4.Address: 33 Jaydell Avenue

5.Cell phone: 0450775231

6.Everydan 210: too much noise

7.Always sunny 410: only willing to pay $ 450

8.Has same screen

9.Solarbay 5100: not the right size

10.Likes the color


P1 点评:部分题型为常规的填空题,主题是顾客投诉太阳能,难度一般,考察常规的个人信息考点,包括长数字、地点、日期等,出现长数字和字母拼写题,学生需要听题时集中注意力。值得关注的是,第6题很多学生反映填了noisy,本题在听前要做好词性预判,too much 后应该加名词,too much noise才是正确表达。




11-14 多选

Hospital volunteers must:

11.A wear a uniform

12.C be in perfect physical condition


Benefits of hospital volunteers:

13.B lifelong friendship

14.E a certificate


15-20 地图

15.Office for coordinators: B

16.Newstudy car park: A

17.Music hall: G

18.Patient gathering point: F

19.Childcare center: H

20.Library: D


P2点评:第二部分考察选择和地图题型,出题比较常规,内容是医院志愿者的培训,难度正常。此类背景和题型考察较为频繁,4.20 part2 也是相似题型和主题,同学们可以翻看之前的考试回忆查看。多选题型需要学生在审题时关注到如must、benefits等题干限定信息,同时考察对信息改写的熟悉度和敏感度,同学们在听题时也同时需要注意出现原词干扰的选项。最近地图题考察比较频繁,在听前要对图中已给信息熟悉,做到心中有图,听题时能够结合方位信息能够快速对应。


Part 3:化学生与导师讨论实验报告




21.For her last experiment, Lelia would have liked more information on

A taking measurements

22.What general problems has Leila had with her reports?

A getting started

23.In feedback to the introduction of her report, Leila was criticized for

B her explanation of the importance of the experiment

24.What was good about the results and discussion in Leila’s last report?

B the organization of the information

25.Leila agrees she might find a mentor useful in helping her to

B organize her reading

26.How will Leila find a mentor?

A.through Dr. Lewis


27-30: 匹配

A.Its approach is rather old fashioned

B.It is rather expensive

C.It is not available at present

D.The practical applications are good

E.It is rather too general in its approach



27.Chemistry 3 ------ D

28.The chemistry of water ------ C

29.Introduction to chemical bonding ------ B

30.Basic inorganic chemistry ------E


P3 点评:第三部分考察长选择和匹配题型,背景为学生和导师关于化学的实验报告讨论,难度较大。听前需要学生对题干的定位信息和关键提问方向做简单圈划,同时对选项的重点有所把握。听题时也比较要求学生能够对同义替换快速反应,对替换敏感度的要求较高。


Part4:Graphic symbol



Graphical symbol

- include the logographs in Egyptian hieroglyphic writing and ancient Chinese pictograms

- found in Africa, the America, and Oceania

- still has something to do with 31. commercial use today


Ancient graphical writing systems

Researchers obtain a wide range of 32. knowledge about past civilizations.

In those symbols 33. Lines are used to depict various meanings


Camera obscura

34.Photography helps people understand history better

Some charities will 35. advertise many endangered species.

A camera was tied to the one 36. foot of a bird

More 37. objects will be included in the future with the developments of photography companies would like to invest a lot to advertise in 38. newspapers

Designing appealing 39. packaging is used as a way of effective branding

Graphic writing systems are of great importance in the subject of 40. math


P4 点评:第四部分题型常规,词汇难度较大,内容为关于图形符号的介绍,部分同学可能对graphic这个词不太理解,或者此类主题不够熟悉。答案词的预判难度不大,根据用词搭配大致能预判到答案词的词性,但是要注意单复数问题,如37 和38 两题要关注到名词单复数,39 packaging一词也要注意拼写。
