


河北省高二年级上学期10月联考英语参考答案听力部分录音材料听力部分。该部分分为第一、第二两节。注意:做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。停顿00'10”现在是听力试音时间。M:Hello.International Friends Club.Can I help you W:Oh,hello.I read about your club in the paper today and I thought I'd phone to find out abit more.M:Yes,certainly.Well,we are a sort of social club for people from different countries.It'squite a new club-we have about 50 members at the moment,but we are growing all thetime.W:That sounds interesting.I'm British actually,and I came to Washington about threemonths ago.I'm looking for ways to meet people.Er,what kinds of events do youorganize M:Well,we have social get-togethers,and sports events,and we also have languageevenings.W:Could you tell me something about the language evenings M:Yes.Every day except Thursday we have a language evening.People can come andpractice their languages-you know,over a drink or something.We have differentlanguages on different evenings.Monday-Spanish;Tuesday-Italian;Wednesday-German;and Friday-French.On Thursday we usually have a meal in a restaurant foranyone who wants to come.W:Well,that sounds great.I really need to practice my French.M:OK.Well,if you can just give me your name and address,I'll send you the form and somemore information.If you join now,you can have the first month free.试音到此结束。听力考试正式开始。停顿00'10请看听力部分第一节。第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并【高二英语·参考答案第1页(共6页)】·24-75B·ikepiasaK uemoM ay o pauaddey M'Lowoisno dLA e w aySY'T!ew-ue Iamsue 01 10810]aysiuewoM ay o1 Suyeads uew ay s!AyM'OIssejo e inoqe urelduoo o1 Vialqnon s ueur ayl si 1e4M'IIi1xau op ue1 IIIM M'IwioJ [epoads e peojuMo(I'Vsiy puy o n uolinedwo ayl saop yM'Iiuonpaduo a dn us adoad pmnoys MoH21700.03kklood BurwMs Mau ay inoqe Aes uewoM ayl saop 1eyM '91iKueduo quasoid ay1 18 uoM uaaq ayeds ay sey Suol MOH'LI37va/2l10109810ysIeak 08 inoqe Io91620'Kepud拟9161'KepsiyL'导'I8asdn 'g21.914VyIOM 01 uIn3I uetom 3y1 IIIM Aep yoiya uo'I'AepsoupaM'Viop O1 HuEM S11eM woL p!p eyM'inf'vipunos uetom ayl saop MoH '9分海班密封线内不要题'wsAs uoo yM suOITIAed Suplinq g''auo leuopuolu!ue jo peeisu!aoy Ieusppoe ue sII'Iiiqey I nqy u Buipling ay:uo paxij sellarqwn aqn inoqe Moux am op 1eyM 'ZIneu Kq pardsul oe xayL'V'Kerds M yIM poddinba ane AyLTELSE aAnoajai Jo apeu e AayL'op o eury woIj pouinoI isn!pey oyM ossajord e Jo awoy ay 0 uaM ay Kep au)'oyep eyL's aayams ou isn[w,I paiesay pue dew ay ie payool uapurI'ury)'eoy sty uI wseisnylua ayl pasnoreufueN o1 aww uayl pue uId u!apino epau ueuauy ue i0]1odaIe aweaq 'suossalSBM a!1 KuuyO Suo 1JV SuueN u uApnis osTe SeM oq ueHouy-asouyp!esay 'paaueyo AIleoSuowe euryo go Bupueisopun pue ssouuado owoid o1 ay [emimo s,uy Jo&Ieis ysaIf B IOI BuIy'sMOyEM uopaun nomI AeJsy BuryOo1 Auino!Mue uoueuun noyz!X !e pareAos!p Aay1 900 [nunSupuey u sasnoq ueaqIL plo puiqo!juasid syo appoop yds ay p!p AyM '6Iisannp s.rayeads ayl jo auo si Sumollo]aql to yoIyM '0'sano oj awes ay s I uMop [ooo pue uns ayl jo ino 1a8 o1 sn io]awn s,!pmb sasis1!daoy o1 saoerd oqnd Iemo pue siaans squojioeM syed u poqued,,uaaq aAgy snxe suOITAed asayL 'eay lawwns ayl u!o8 o1 as13 ayMou aAey Aayl uoyM Jooo suaz!!auy ay Aofua ueo suaznio qoryM ynon waisAs Suooo uuonipuoo-e ay qiM paddmbaayL ued AnoJ eay e o dray ayl qiM ioroo anq u aoejms peol ay jued o1uo!spapday.oL 601 s AJemnBar someiadua1 aym 1sap aq u!paleool sI IqeyI nqysiousap q.I Jooo SuAeis iof seloiqun o1 urum ey s3uipl!nq awos ey eq'sAou!siuapadeys-ellaqumn jo lys e u sIIeM no ,s3upi!nq ay paddeM'uns aun Aq ysnoig ieoy ay1 Buizrumi 'uns aya jo uied ayl yIm Jo io uo suino1 dn suado qoyM ([ssnu a woj s!Suplinq ap jo adeys ay jo eap!aqL y awumsqeyd nqv

