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2021 is the year of the ox(牛). In March, a set of stamps about the famous Tang Dynasty painting, Five Oxen, came out.Itallows more people to know better the great art of ancient China, as well as the importance of agriculture(农业) in history.

Han Huang(723-787)was the painter of Five Oxen. He worked asa government official in the Tang Dynasty. His paintings were loved by many becausethe animals he painted were so alive. Unluckily, Five Oxen is probably his only painting left.

Five Oxenis one of the best animal paintings in China's art history. In the painting, the five oxen are in a line. They are of different colors and shapes. And each has a differentappearance(形态), walking or standing, holding their heads high or low. With lively expressions and bright eyes, the oxen show the spirit of doing hard work without complaints(抱怨). As the name suggests, ___▲__. It makes people focus()on the oxen themselves.

The painting was missing in 1900. Luckily, it returned to China during the early 1950s. However, it was terribly broken with many holes in it. Great efforts were made to save it. Now Five Oxen, probably the oldest Chinese painting on paper, is kept with care in the Palace Museum in Beijing.

52. The underlined word"It"in Paragraph 1 refers to "_____

A. The year of the ox

B. The set of stamps

C. The Tang Dynasty

D. The painting Five Oxen

53. Han Huang's paintings were loved by many because the animals he painted were so_____.

A. aliveB. bright C. lucky D. colorful

54. Which of the following sentences can be put in the ▲?

A. the ox is very popular in the Tang Dynasty

B. the ox is a symbol of Chinesetraditionalculture

C. the painting is of the five oxen with no special background

D. the painting wants to tell people to work hard and creatively

55. This passage mainly wants to tellus that____.

A. Five Oxenis Han's only painting left

B. oxen have different colors and shapes

C. oxen are very hard-working animals

D. Five Oxenis valuable and meaningful


Historically, most cars have run on gasoline(汽油), but that may change in the future: cars can also run on other liquid fuels(液体燃料)and electricity.

Gasoline is from oil. The energyin gasoline comes from hydrocarbons(碳氢化合物) Gasoline provides great power for cars. However, it causes environmental problems, like air pollution and temperature rise. So gasoline can't be the best fuel.

Another choice is electricity. Electricity cars can be as efficient(效能好的)as cars using gasoline, And they produce less pollution. But electric cars themselves are more expensive. Good news is that the cost has been lower and there are more and more places for the cars toget electricity ever since2010.

The other choices are other liquid fuels. Many of these can be stored in the same places as gasoline, and used in the samecars. They can also be friendly to the environment.

One way to make such fuels is to get CO2from the air and put it in water. Through chemical reaction, hydrocarbonscan be created. However, thesefuels take up more space.

Another way is to make such fuels from plants which take in carbon from the air. Thesefuels are greener in use. But not all of them can beas efficient as gasoline.

Forafuel to be thebest, people have to be able to afford it. Unluckily, almost every green technology is more expensive than that of using gasoline. Governments and car producers aredoing everything they car to cut down the costs. In the end, the best fuel will be both affordable for car users and green for our planet.

56. Gasoline provides cars with______.

A, great power

B. fresh air

C. clean water

D. enough space

57. According to Paragraph3, we can infer that electric cars_____.

A, produce less pollution

B. will become more and more expensive

C. will become more popular

D. are more efficient than those using gasoline

58.The structure of the passage may be_______.
