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近几年英语六级考试作文真题及参考范文:(十四)时间:来源:阅读:次四六级资料下载收藏 已收藏分享到:英语六级备考建议大家多多积累英语作文的重点词汇,记些亮点词汇和固定句型,这样在写作的时候才能拿上分,今天文都老师们为大家盘点近年作文真题及范文,大家赶紧跟着小紫一起来练一练吧~


2023年12月  一套

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay that begins with thesentence “As is known to all, gaining a sound knowledge ofthe basics is ofvital importance forstudents to master an academic subject, " You can make comments, cite examples or use yourpersonal experiences to develop your essay. You should write at least 150 words but no more than200 words (not including the sentence given).


       题目要求围绕“拥有扎实的基础知识对学生掌握一门学科至关重要”这一主题写一篇150 字到 200 字的作文。考生可以从不同角度进行论证,重点强调掌握扎实基础知识的重要性。注意严格按照题干要求中给出的提示语开篇。


一段:引出文章主题--拥有扎实的基础知识对学生掌握一门学科至关重要。 二段:分析拥有扎实的基础知识带来的好处。 三段:概括总结全文。


sound [saund]a.坚实的,可靠的      algebra ['eld3ibre]n.代数 expertise [,eksp3:'ti:z]n.专长,专门的知识      cohesive [kau'hi:sry]a.团结的,有凝聚力的 subject ['sabd3rkt] n.学科,科目      with ease 熟练地,不费力地 fundamental[.fndo'ment(a)l]n.基本原理 q.基本的      concept ['kpnsept]n.概念,观念 arithmetic [a'ri0matik]n.算术,计算


      As is known to all, gaining a sound knowledge of the basics is of vital importance forstudents to master an academic subject. It serves as the foundation upon which furtherunderstanding and expertise are built. Without a firm grasp of the basics, it becomes challengingto delve into more complex concepts and apply them in practical situations.   Firstly, learning basic knowledge is the first step for academic success. The full and cohesiveunderstanding of any subject is built on a solid possessing of basic concepts. For example, inmathematics, understanding the fundamental concepts of arithmetic and algebra is essential forsolving complex problems. In English, a sound mastery of suficient words, combined with athorough mastery of grammar rules, is vital to read any English materials. Secondly, a strongfoundation in basics enables students to progress in their learning journey. Once they havemastered the fundamentals, they not only can explore new areas of the subject with ease, but alsohave a full comprehension of the broader academic landscape.   In conclusion, the significance of solid basic knowledge in mastering a subject cannot beoverstated. By mastering the basics, students are able to retain information better, progress in theitlearning journey, and ultimately achieve academic success. 

作文模板    As is known to all, gaining a sound knowledge of the basics is of vital importance forstudents to master an academic subject. It serves as the foundation upon which furtherunderstanding and expertise are built. Without a firm grasp of the basics, it becomes challenging to delve into more complex concepts and apply them in practical situations.

   Firstly, learning basic knowledge is the first step for academic success. The full and cohesiveunderstanding of any subject is built on a solid possessing ofbasic concepts. For example,____.Secondly, a strong foundation in basics enables students to progress in their learning journey.Once they have mastered the fundamentals, they not only can____, but also____.   In conclusion, the significance of solid basic knowledge in mastering a subject cannot beoverstated. By mastering the basics, students are able to retain information better, progress in theirlearning journey, and ultimately achieve academic success.以上就是文都老师们整理的2023年12月大学英语四六级作文真题的范文,同学们在考前结合真题与方法重点练习,希望大家能够在最后的复习阶段有更好的突破,最终在考试中取得好成绩!




【2021年12月英语六级真题解析汇总 】



