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第一部分  选择题



1、 What was the use ______ up so early, when you had to wait for one hour still?

A. to get             B. of getting           C. of taking           D. to take

2、 You'll find taxis waiting at the hotel front gate ______ you can hire to reach the airport.

A. which              B. where               C. what                D. as

3、 It is requested that every student ______ a paper on environmental protection.

A. writes              B. wrote               C. writing              D. write

4、 She didn't like her magazines ______, so she threw them away.

A. not more           B. no longer           C. any longer          D. no more

5、 I asked the woman at the booking office ______ I could have two tickets.

A. which             B. if                 C. that               D. what

6、 English learners should take every ______ to improve their oral English.

A. thing               B. time                C. ease                D. chance

7、 The couple decided to ______ three children though they had a boy and a girl of their own.

A. adapt              B. receive              C. adopt               D. bring

8、 The price of the fruits has been raised ______ 15% since last year.

A. to               B. till               C. by               D. for

9、 Everything is vivid in her mind as if it ______ just a moment ago.

A. took place                                  B. has taken place

C. was taken place                            D. had taken place

10、 We moved to Seattle ______ we could visit our grandparents more often.

A. in ease            B. even if              C. so that              D. no matter



Bees are flying insects that are found all over the world. There are over twelve thousand different species of bees, but only about two thousand of these occur in North America.

Bees can be divided into two groups according to their living styles. Solitary (独居的) bees live alone. On the other hand, social bees, like ants, live in groups. Only about six hundred species are of this social category.

Social bees are interesting because in their "society" there are different classes of bees. Each class performs a different task. Queen bees lay eggs. Workers, underdeveloped females, work in the hives but never reproduce. Males do not work: their only task is to mate with the queen. Solitary bees occur as males and females. Every female makes nests in the ground where she will lay her eggs. The nest consists of many cells. After an egg is laid and put in a cell, the female also adds some pollen and honey for food. Then she seals the cell. The female then goes elsewhere to build a new nest or die. When eggs hatch, the larvae(幼虫) will feed on the pollen and honey which the female left for them.

11、 Which one of the following is the best title for the passage? ______

A. An Interesting Insect                      B. North American Bees

C. Social Bees                                D. Solitary Bees

12、 The word "reproduce" in the third paragraph could mean ______.

A. develop                                   B. come back

C. eat much                                  D. give birth to young

13、 It may conclude that ______.

A. North America has more bees than Asia

B. solitary bees have classes

C. ants are social insects

D. male bees are the main workforce in their society

14、 According to the passage, queen bees ______.

A. only lay eggs                              B. are solitary bees

C. are the main workforce                     D. build nests in the ground

15、 After the cells are sealed, the larvae will feed on ______.

A. eggs and cells                             B. pollen and leaves

C. honey and insects                         D. pollen and honey

Laptop computers are popular all over the world. People use them on trains and airplanes, in airports and hotels. These laptops connect people to their workplace. In the United States today, laptops also connect students to their classroom.

Westlake College in Virginia will start a laptop computer program that allows students to do schoolwork anywhere they want. Within five years, each of the 1,500 students at the college will receive a laptop. The laptops are part of a $10 million computer program at Westlake, a 110-year-old college. The students with laptops will also have access to the Internet. In addition, they will be able to use e-mail to "speak" with their teachers, their classmates, and their families. They can work with them at home, in a fast-food restaurant or under the trees—anywhere at all.

Because of many changes in computer technology, laptop use in higher education, such as colleges and universities, is workable. As laptops become more powerful, they become more similar to desktop computers. In addition, the portable computers can connect students to not only the Internet, but also libraries and other resources. State officials are also testing laptop programs at other universities, too.

At Westlake College, more than 90 percent of the staff uses computers. The laptops will allow teachers to use computers in their lessons. As one Westlake teacher said, "Here we are in the middle of Virginia and we're giving students a window, through which they can see everything."

16、 What is the main purpose of the laptop program? ______

A. To give each student a laptop for their schoolwork.

B. To give each student access to the Internet.

C. To give each student a laptop for their housework.

D. To give each student a connection to libraries.

17、 Why is the word "speak" in the second paragraph in quotation marks(引号)? ______

A. They use the computer language.           B. They don't really talk.

C. Laptops have speakers.                   D. They speak a different language.

18、 Which of the following is NOT true about Westlake College? ______

A. Teachers can use computers in their lessons.

B. Each of the students will receive a laptop.

C. Students there can do everything.

D. It is a 110-year-old college in America.

19、 According to the passage, laptops ______.

A. are too good to be true                     B. are very inconvenient to use

C. replace libraries of the university           D. connect people to their workplace

20、 What can we infer from the passage? ______

A. The program is very successful.            B. The program is not quite workable.

C. The program is an ongoing one.            D. The program is much too expensive.

Severe winter storms have worsened the nation's usual post-holiday blood shortage, prompting an urgent call today for people to donate blood. Type O blood is the most urgently needed, because it is the universal blood type, meaning it can be safely transfused to most people in an emergency.

The Red Cross reported having less than one day's supply of Type O blood on hand in 18 of the organization's 38 collection regions. The Red Cross provides about half of the nation's blood supply. America's Blood Center, which supplies most of the rest, also has reported shortages.

Reacting to the shortage, a Pittsburgh blood bank asked 40 hospitals in western Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Ohio to postpone elective operations through Wednesday. At least 1,000 donors are needed each day for the next several days to stabilize (稳定) the supply, said Mark Lynch, spokesman for the Central Blood Bank. "We are talking about postponing orthopedic cases (矫形外科手术病例). These are sick people who need an operation, but it's not life-threatening," he said. When its blood supply is stable, the blood bank needs about 700 donors each day to maintain normal inventory(库存). The Pittsburgh Blood Bank last asked hospitals to postpone elective operations because of a blood shortage in October 2017. Such procedures were canceled for almost a week.

Nationwide, donations typically fall off during the holidays, when donors become too busy to give blood regularly. Bad weather increases shortages both by blocking blood drives and by causing increased blood demand to treat accident victims.

21、 The organization which supplies most of the blood need of the American is ______.

A. the Blood Center                          B. the Red Cross

C. the Pittsburgh Blood Bank                D. the Central Blood Bank

22、 Bad weather created the blood shortage because ______.

A. it badly affected blood-collecting efforts

B. it made blood donors too busy to give blood

C. it postponed elective surgeries in hospitals

D. it led to less injuries which needed urgent treatment

23、 Which of the following statements is TRUE about Mark Lynch? ______

A. He is the spokesman for the Central Blood Bank.

B. He asked 40 hospitals to postpone small surgeries.

C. He canceled several operations for almost a week.

D. He canceled blood drives because of severe storms.

24、 In Paragraph 3, "elective operations" refer to ______.

A. those that should be conducted promptly

B. those that should be done by other doctors

C. those that could be conducted later

D. those that must be done in big hospitals

25、 According to the passage, Type O blood is the most urgently needed blood because ______.

A. it can be used by all of the people

B. it is the universal blood type

C. many people were injured

D. there are not enough donors



26、 The successful completion of the assignment is the result of the cooperation of the whole class. ______





27、 It is impolite not to return e-mails, regardless of whom they are from. ______





28、 Seen from the tower at night, the theme park looks even more magnificent with all its lights on. ______





29、 Some 1.3 million firms have opened their doors over the past four years of economic growth. ______







London has a new magazine. Different  30   appear all the time, but this one is more than just different—it is revolutionary. Everyone who has a television can receive it every day, because it is on TV. In order to read this magazine you have to have a "decoder", a small piece of equipment which  31   a pocket calculator. Each page is numbered, so you only have to dial the number to choose which subject you want to read  32  . There is a wide choice—every thing is included from recipes to  33   financial news. The service even has a system of subtitles for the deaf to use  34   they are watching regular television services.

But how does it work in practice? If you want to read the news during breakfast, the first thing you have to do is turn  35   the index page which has an easy-to-remember paper number, 100 for example. Then you start choosing what you want to read. The news is on pages 101 to 108 so you push out the numbers and the news written  36   your screen appears. Perhaps you want to go shopping in the afternoon, so you dial 162 for a list of the week's best  37  . But should you drive or take the train? To answer that question you only have to press 189 for the traffic report. It is so simple to use—  38   complicated than fighting with a marmalade-covered (沾满了柑橘酱的) newspaper over the breakfast table. But probably the best thing about the service is that it  39   all the time.

30、 A. prints             B. newspapers          C. publications         D. books

31、 A. look like          B. look alike           C. looks alike          D. looks like

32、 A. about            B. out                 C. up                 D. at

33、 A. the last           B. the late             C. the latest           D. the later

34、 A. which             B. while               C. what                D. where

35、 A. over              B. to                   C. at                   D. from

36、 A. under             B. of                  C. across               D. to

37、 A. rooms             B. marks               C. names              D. bargains

38、 A. somewhat         B. a little              C. much more          D. much less

39、 A. is being updated                           B. is updating

C. has been updated D. has updated

第二部分  非选择题



40、 Whenever she has trouble, her father would come to help her without any (hesitate) ______.

41、 We must try our best to prevent the environment from (pollute) ______.

42、 A car ran into a bus, thus (cause) ______ the traffic jam.

43、 Their electronic products are of high quality and (reasonable) ______ priced.

44、 Tell him not to make any response if he (receive) ______ false information.

45、 The goods (buy) ______ on the installment plan are usually goods that will last.

46、 The manager asked him what he (do) ______ since he left college.

47、 The term national income refers to the total of goods and services (produce) ______ for consumption in a country in a year.

48、 The boss asked the secretary to (short) ______ the weekly report.

49、 When one doesn't have what most people have, he is said to be in (poor) ______.



A. —Personal information

B. —Password resetting

C. —Twitter account

D. —Login information

E. —Digital life

F. —Global positioning system

G. —App ID account

H. —Software installation

I. —WeChat

J. —Free download

K. —Network access

L. —Pre-loaded version

M. —Online security

N. —Mobile apps

O. —Cyber attack

P. —Micro blog














Who talks more, women or men? The seemingly contradictory evidence is reconciled (调和) by the difference what I call public and private speaking. More men feel comfortable doing "public speaking", while more women feel comfortable doing "private" speaking. Another way of capturing these differences is by using the terms report-talk and rapport-talk (闲谈).

For most women, the language of conversation is primarily a language of rapport: a way of establishing connections and negotiating relationships. Emphasis is placed on displaying similarities and matching experiences. From childhood, girls criticize peers who try to stand out or appear better than others. People feel their closest connections at home, or in settings where they feel at home during private speaking. But even the most public situations can be approached like private speaking.

For most men, the talk is primarily a means to preserve independence and negotiate and maintain status in a hierarchical(等级制的) social order. This is done by exhibiting knowledge and skill, and by holding center stage through storytelling, joking, or sharing information. From childhood, men learn to use talking as a way to get and keep attention. So they are more comfortable speaking in larger groups made up most of people they know less well, in the broadest sense, "public speaking". But even the most private situations can be approached like public speaking, more like giving a report than establishing rapport.

60、 According to the author, who feels comfortable doing "private speaking"?


61、 What is the other term for "public speaking"?


62、 What role does the language of conversation play for women?


63、 What role does a talk play for men?


64、 How do men approach the most private situations?





65、 Difficulties arise in the lives of us all. What is most important is dealing with the hard times, dealing with the change, and getting through to the other side where the sun is still shining just for you. It takes a strong person to deal with tough times and difficult choices. It takes courage. It takes being an active participant in our life. Hang in there and take care to see that we don't lose sight of the one thing that is constant, beautiful, and true. Everything will be fine.















②公司班车company shuttle bus


