首页 >  英语语音课教案面试真题初中  > 2021上半年初中英语教师资格证面试真题(已更新)








Helen: Michael, what time do you usually get up on weekdays?

Michael: I always get up at about six o clock.

Helen: The early bird catches the worm. How do you usually come to school?

Michael: I usually come to school on foot, but sometimes by bike. How about you?

Helen: I seldom walk to school. I often come by subway. What about you,Sally? .

Sally: I never come to school by subway. I always take a bus.






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Step 1: Warming-up

1. Greetings.

2. Sing a song named Never say never by Justin Bieber. The lyrics like this.

And. never say never

I will never say never!

I will fight till forever!

Whenever youl knock me dowm

I will not stay on the ground

Pick it up

Invite students to share their feelings after singing and find out which word repeated most.

Tell stuidents this song is full of fighting spirit and“never" is repeated most. Then 1ead in the topic.

Step 2: Presentation

1. Read the dialogue for students and ask them to get the main topic.

2. Ask students to listen to the tape and find out the differences of the way to school among

three characters.

3. Write these answers on the blackboard and 1ead them to observe the underlined adverbs'

meanings they stand for. (I usually come to school on foot. I often come by subway. I always take

a bus.)

4. Make a conclusion and explain their usage to students.:“never" means not on any occasion,

“seldom" means not often, "sometimes" means occasionally rather than all of the time, “often”

means many times, “usually" means most often and“always" means on every occasion.

Step 3: Practice

1. Mechanical drill

Ask students to fill in the blanks according to the pictures on the screen with the adverbs of

frequency they ve 1earned.

(1) Lenny

plays basketball with his friends, he watches TV at home and he does the housework. (often, seldom, never)

(2) Mariais a shy girl. She___goes shopping even she is invited and she____ eat by herself. (never, always)

2. Meaningful drill

Encourage students to talk about their daily activities and use some adverbs of frequency.

Five minutes will be given to students.

Step 4: Production

Instruct students to have a discussion about the saying“The early bird catches the worm”,

and then share with class what they think about.

Step 5: Summary and homework

Summary: invite a student to be a little teacher and summarize today's lesson, and remind them to foster a healthy and scientific 1ifestyle.

Homework design a schedule for themselves and introduce in next class.





End of the Year Party

l want you to remember the rules for school parties.Don' t wear jeans! lf you wear jeans, we won’t let you in.

Don ' t bring food to the party. If you do,the teachers will take it away.

Don' t leave the gym during the party.If you do, the teachers will call your parents.

Don ' t run or shout at the party. lf you do, you’ll have to leave.

Please bring your ID card. If you don't have your IDcard, you can't go to the party.


( 1)配合教学内容适当的板书;




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Step 1 Lead-in

Free talk: show some picture about some behaviors in library ,and ask them these behaviors are right or wrong. if it's wrong and teacher can use Don‘t

Step 2 Presentation

(1) teacher show the whole pictures about the party and ask them to answer whether is correct.(For instance, if the behavior is wrong ,students should use the structure of"Don’t--lIf you… will/won’t…”)

(2) give students the whole text .Students pick out the sentences with the structure of"Don' t---If you--- will/won' t…”are, and underline them.

(3) Students work in pairs to paraphrase the sesentences and try to undersiand the meaning of“Don't…if you… will/won't…”.

(4) Tht teacher explains the usage and important points of the negative form of imperative sentence and draw the conclusion about the structure “Don't…-lf you… will/won't…”.

step 3 Practice

(1) Using structures

Show exercises on the ppt

Answer the following questions using the structure"Don'…”.

What' s the rule when you watch a movie?

What kind of notice signs can you find in school?Do you know some school rules on our campus?

(2) Make sentences

Make some sentences with the structure" lf you do …, …. will/won't…”.

Step 4 Practise

The teacher give a topic about the class rules: the necessity of class rule. (For instance: Do you think it is necessary for us to make some rules in our class?) Students can make a list of their class rules and discuss their opinions with their partner according tothe grammar structure “Don’t….”.

Step 5 Summary

Students summarize what they have learned today and the important points of the usage of the structurc“Don’t…lf you… will/won't…”. The teacher stressesthe importance of obeying the rules in different places.

step 6 Homework

Make rules for themselves using " Don 't… lf you…will/won' t-….”.They can share it next class.

Blackboard design:略




In North America, most students go to school on the school bus. Some students also walk or ride bikes to school.In other parts of the world, things are different. In Japan, most students take trains to school, although others also walk or ride their bikes. In China, it depends on where you are. In big cities, students usually ride bikes to school or take buses. And in places where there are rivers and lakes, like Hongshanhu and Kaishandao, students usually go to school by boat. That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus.





(4)试讲时间: 10 分钟。


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Teaching procedures:

I. Lead in

1. Greeting.

2. Free talk with students to review some words about transportation that they know.

II. Pre-reading

Present some pictures about transportation. Ask students how they go to school every day.

II. While-reading


Students read the passage quickly and try to answer what the passage is about.


(1)Students read the passage again and complete the following questions:

How many countries are mentioned ?

How many tranportation mentioned in the passage?

(2)True or false

a. In America, students can go to school by bus.

b. In Hongshanhu, most students go to school by train.

3. Intensive reading

Students read for the third time and underline some key words while reading. Then invite students to fill in the blanks.(teacher make a table about the passage)

IV. Post-reading

1. Students to retell the passage according to the mind-map in the last part.


The teacher guides students to make a summary about this lesson.

VI. Homework

Search for more ways of tranportation and try to find how to say in English.





The forty thieves killed Ali Baba’s brother. This made Ali Baba very angry. The next day, the thieves wanted to know how the brother got inside the cave. The leader bought some big jars and put a thief inside each one. The leader took the jars to Ali Baba' s house. Ali Baba's wife

saw the men in the jars.“ Who are those men in the jars? Are they your friends?" asked his wife." Sh, quiet!" said Alito his wife. Ali Baba was clever. He killed the thieves and their leader. His family was now safe and they were rich,too.






(5)试讲时间: 10分钟。

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Teaching procedures:

一.Lead in

1. Greeting.

Show students some about Ali Baba and fourty theives . Students canguess what will happen in the pictures.


1. Students read the text about Ali Baba and forty thieves and the teacher invites one student to tell the main idea.

2. The teacher reminds students to pay attention to the second sentence in the passage and guide them to analyze components of the sentence.

3. The teacher explains the concept and usage of the object clause, and introduces other connective adverbs that can be used in the object clause, like why, when and where.


Activity 1 Fill in the blank

1. Tom wants to know__ he can get the present.

2:Jenny is excited for the following holiday even though she doesn' t know ___ they ! will spend the summerholiday.

IV. Consolidation

students should act the fable out,and the teacher will choose the best performers.

V. Summary

Students make a summary of this lesson.

VI. Homework

Prepare a fable they like best and share with others next time.





Disneyland will bring you into a ' magical world and make your dreams come true, whether travelling through space,visiting a’pirate ship or meeting your favorite’ fairy tale or’Disney Cartoon character. As you wander around the’fantasy amusement park, you may see Snow White or’ Mickey Mouse in parade or on the street.





(4)试讲时间: 10 分钟;


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Teaching Procedure:


PIay a short video about Disneyland of Shanghai. Ask students whether they are interested in Disneyland and which character do they like best.

II. Presentation

1. Present the short passage about Disneyland and ask students to read by themselves and answer the following question.

What can people do and see in Disneyland?

2. Play the tape of the passage for students. Students listen carefully and work in pairs to figure out the differences between their own reading and the tape’s.

Students work in pairs to mark the stresses in the passage according to the tape.

3. The teacher marks the stresses of the passage and asks students to check their own marks. Then, the teacher asks students to discuss the function of these stresses and figure out what kinds of words are stressed.

4. The teacher summar izes the function of stresses and words to be stressed in this text according to students conclusion.

5. Students read the short passage again following the tape.

III. Practice

1 Give students another passage and they should read it with full emotion.

2. Students work in pairs to explain why they stress those nouns.

IV. Consolidation

1. Students work in groups to talk about what they want to do and expect to see in Disneyland,and write it down.

2. Students mark the stresses in their passage. And then share with others.

V. Summary

Students summarize what they have learnt today.

VI. Homework

Students search the Internet for more information about the Disneyland and choose the things they want to do most in the park and make a tourist plan.





Mr. Jackson: OK,listen up! Before we can enjoy ourselves on the Great Wall, there are a few rules and suggestions, OK?

All: Yes, Mr. Jackson.

Mr. Jackson: First, you must keep to the path. You mustn’t walk along the edge because you might fall and hurt yourself. ls that clear?

All: Yes.

Mr. Jackson: And you have to keep together. You mustn't go off on your own, because you might get lost.

All: No, Mr. Jackson.

Daming: Can we have something to eat now? I'm starving!

Mr. Jackson: No, you can't, Daming! I think we should start walking, and then stop at noon for our picnic.






(5)试讲时间: 10 分钟。

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Teaching procedures:

I.Lead in

Free talk about what rules should we obey in our life

II. Pre-speaking

1. Show some pictures about the Great wall and ask students to guess and whether have they been there before.

2. Then the teacher invites several students to make a prediction of the dialogue.

II. While-speaking

1. Students listen to the tape and summarize the main idea.

2. Play the tape again and students answer the following questions.

(1) Where are they going?

(2) Can students walk along the edge and why?

(3)what rules should they obey?

3.The teacher reminds students to pay attention to the words like“you must","mustn' t”,“because", “you have to”, and"we should”and explains their meanings and the differences.

IV. Post-speaking

Create some situations and students work in groups to discuss what they can/cant or should/shouldn' t do in the situations. And then, teacher choose some groups to share.

V. Summary

Students summarize what have learnt today.

VI. Homework

1. Finish the exercise on the book.

2. Think about the rules they have to obey in family and write it down.





A: You are new here, aren't you? ↗

B: Yes, I am. My name is Bill. You're Tony, aren't you? ↗

A: That's right.

B: It's really crowded here, isn't it?↗

A: Yes, it is.






(5)试讲时间: 10 分钟。

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Teaching aims

Students can understand the main idea of the conversation.

Students can master the intonation rules of disjunctive question.

Students become willing to make friends with others.

Key and difficult points

To master the usage of intonation rules of disjunctive question.

To apply the intonation rules of the disjunctive question and learm to show their feeling by

using different intonation.

Teaching procedures

Step 1: Warming-up

1. Greeting.

2. Show a dialogue on the screen about a girl who is buying something in supermarket and has a conversation with the shop assistant. And ask students to answer the question: Does the shop assistant pass what the girl want? Give the reason. And students may give the answer: the assistant didn't give the things the girl want. Because she said sorry.

3. Then play the tape and check their answers. Students may change their answers because

when the girl asked the assistant to pass the newspaper, the boy said sorry by using rising

intonation, which doesn't mean refusing to help the girl. It means he didn't hear it and made a

request for girl's repeating. Then lead in today's topic.

Step 2: Presentation

1. Play the tape and students should answer the question: what are they doing in

the dialogue? and remind students to notice three questions and show two of them on the blackboard.

2. Read the dialogue. Require students to pay attention to the intonation of each sentence and mark the intonation of the sentences on the blackboard.

3. Invite some students to conclude the intonation rules: disjunctive question, falling-rising tone.

Step 3: Practice

1. Imitation: play the tape and ask students to read it.

2. Role-play: ask students to practice the dialogue with partner and show it in front of classmates.

Step 4: Production

Let students make a brief introduction about themselves and make a dialogue with their partner. They should use the pronunciation nules as well.

Step 5: Summary and Homework

Summary: invite students to make a summary about today's lesson.

Homework: to surf the internet to find out more intonation rnules of other kinds of sentence

patterns. Share it in the next class.

Blackboard design 略




Last month,I went to swim in the sea. I swam really far, past the rocks and out to sea. Then I saw something moving towards me. It was huge and grey, with a large fin. It was a shark! I began to swim back, but the beach was too far away. The shark started to swim around me. I was really scared. Suddenly another creature appeared next to me in the water. It was a dolphin! It pushed me away from the shark. I sat on its back as it swam towards the beach. Soon we were near the beach. The shark did not follow us. As soon as I stepped onto the beach, the dolphin swam away. I will always remember how this friendly animal saved my life.






(5)试讲时间: 10 分钟。

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Teaching aims

Students can understand the main idea of the passage.

Students will improve their reading abilities.

Students will enhance the awareness of protecting animals and improve their interest in English learning.

Key and difcult points

To understand the main idea of the reading material.

To improve reading abilities and learning interests.

Teaching procedures

Step 1: Warming-up

1. Greeting.

2. Show a video about dolphin swimming in Yangzi river. Invite students to share their feeling about it and share their favourite animals.

Step 2: Pre-reading

1. Show some pictures to teach the difficult words, such as scared, shark,dolphin.

2. Ask students to predict what will happen in the story according to the three words.

Step 3: While-reading

1. Skimming

Students read the passage with three minutes and answer the question: what's the main idea of the passage.

2. Scanning

Let the students read the passage for the second time within 5 minutes. And ask them to find

out the storyline by catching key words. Four minutes latter, invite some students to give their opinions.

Step 4: Post-reading

Four students in group to share the most impressive experience related to animals to each other and make a story with it. Then invite them to share in front of classmates.

Step 5: Summary and Homework

Summary: make a summary about today 's lesson.

Homework: ask students to draw a picture of their favorite animal and share it with

classmates in next class.

Blackboard design:略




