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The tea ceremony presents people’s inner spiritual qualities, such as humility, restraint, simplicity and so on.A:错,B:对Nowadays, drinking tea has become part of Chinese people’s daily life and tea houses can be seen everywhere.A:对,B:错Pigs are usually used as sacrifice for ancestors or gods.A:对,B:错Chinese people are descendants of Yandi and Huangdi.A:对,B:错Chinese people always have Tangyuan during Dragon Boat Festival.A:错,B:对Which of the following is not a subsistence crop?A:Broomcorn.,B:Cotton.,C:Rice.,D:Wheat.What is the meaning of “耕耘”?A:To reap.,B:To plough.,C:To sow.,D:To harvest.Where can we find the earliest cultivation of millet and rice?A:Banpo (半坡).,B:Lintong (临潼).,C:Shandingdong (山顶洞).,D:Hemudu (河姆渡).In the 9th century B.C., Chuting was struck with a severe natural disaster and five gods dressed in _____ robes came to help them.A:orange,B:green and purple,C:red,D:yellowWhich of the following descriptions about Leizu are correct according to the lecture?A:It is said that she had contributed greatly to the invention of sericulture.,B:She was believed to be the empress of the Yellow Emperor.,C:She was appointed by Chiyou as the leader in charge of fashioning of the garments.,D:Leizu was also called Xi LingLei is the bottom part for digging, and Si is the handle.A:错,B:对Primitively, slash and burn technology brought only poor harvests, which urged Emperor Yan to improve sowing and planting methods.A:错,B:对The shadoof applies the lever principle.A:错,B:对Gao Zhuan Tong Che was depicted by Liu Yuxi in his Notes of Water Drawing Machine.A:对,B:错Push sickle, which first appeared in Song and Yuan dynasties, is one of the most important winnowing tools in ancient time.A:对,B:错Who wrote Waterwheel Poem?A:Liu Yuxi.,B:Liu Zongyuan.,C:Zhang xi,D:Chen Tingzhang.Which of the following is NOT a threshing tool?A:Sieve.,B:Stone roller.,C:Threshing bucket.,D:Flail.Which of the following correctly express the right time in which the farm tools were developed?A:Bronze tools in Xia, Shang, Zhou dynasties.,B:Iron tools since Warring States period.,C:Stone tools in Neolithic age.,D:Iron tools since Neolithic age.What do people call chain pump in Chinese?A:Fan Che,B:Long Gu Che,C:Tong Che,D:Shui CheWhich of the following modern farm tools are developed based on push sickle?A:Reaper-binder.,B:Grain drill.,C:Combine-harvester.,D:Reaper.Both the alternating fields method and pit fields method are invented in the Tang dynasty.A:错,B:对The alternating fields method and pit fields method are two key farming techniques in maintaining a drought-proof agriculture in ancient China.A:对,B:错The ever increasing population in South China put great pressure on food and land, which was one of the reasons why terraces came into being.A:错,B:对Rainfall and mountain springs were important sources of water in the mountainous areas.A:错,B:对Shelf fields are artificial fields floating on the surface of water.A:对,B:错________ invented the alternating fields method.A:Zhao Guo,B:Fan Shengzhi,C:Ban Gu,D:Lin ZexuWhich of the following is NOT included among the contribution of terraces?A:They decrease water conservation.,B:They scientifically minimize the soil erosion.,C:They improve the soil fertility.,D:They reduce soil surface runoff.Concerning the alternating fields method, which of the following are TRUE?A:The furrows and ridges of the field are rotated every year.,B:Crop seeds are sowed on the ridges in order to help them resist wind and preserve moisture.,C:Crop seeds are sowed in the furrows in order to help them resist wind and preserve moisture.,D:ThTerraces can be found in __________.A:Hunan Province,B:Jangxi Province,C:Fujian Province,D:Guizhou ProvinceWhich of the following statements are right?A:The sandy layer on top of sandy fields absorbs the sun’s heat into the soil more slowly.,B:The sandy layer on top of sandy fields allows more rainfall to soak into the soil if it rains.,C:The sandy layer on top of sandy fields dissipates the soil heat iDayu proed the concept of Jiuzhou.A:对,B:错Dayu was the first person to build water engineering projects in the world.A:错,B:对The Grand Canal has been listed as World Heritage by UNESCO in 2014.A:错,B:对Feishayan helps to prevent water running out of the water channel.A:错,B:对When Li Bing built Yuzui Isle, he used Zhulong and Macha, a highly effective yet low-cost method, to prevent dirt and stones being washed away by fast running water.A:错,B:对Which of the following statements is true about Dayu?A:He built a lot of water engineering.,B:He put forward the taming philosophy in ancient China.,C:He was unwilling to go back home in his long journey.,D:He was Yao’s son.Dujiangyan is located in the city of _____.A:Guilin,B:Chengdu,C:Yichang,D:ChongqingWater engineering projects are crucial in agricultural development because __________.A:Water is key resource in planting,B:Water engineering could adjust the time of planting,C:Water engineering reflects the wisdom of Chinese,D:The amount of water changes a lot in seasonsThe Grand Canal was the example of _______.A:national independence,B:national power,C:creation of human,D:military powerThe three key components of Dujiangyan are __________.A:Feishayan,B:Yuzui,C:Mount Yulei,D:BaopingkouThe 24 Solar Terms was listed as Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO.A:对,B:错The 24 Solar Terms is based on the ar calender.A:错,B:对It is vital for farmers to prevent and clear the pests since the Awakening of Insects.A:对,B:错Dragon is regarded as thedeity in charge of fire.A:对,B:错The Son of Heaven refers to the emperor in ancient China.A:对,B:错How many solar terms are there in each season?A:Six.,B:Seven.,C:Five.,D:Four.On which solar term was the Jitian Ritual held in the Ming and Qing dynasties?A:Pure Brightness.,B:Beginning of Spring.,C:Spring Equinox.,D:Awakening of Insects.Which of the following activities should be done on the Dragon Head Raising Festival?A:Getting a haircut.,B:Sprinkle water to the front door.,C:Spreading ashes around jugs.,D:Sewing with needlesWhich of the following is one of the three wheels moved on Grain Buds?A:The spinning wheel.,B:The water wheel.,C:The oil wheel.,D:The steering wheel. Who are suped to be the gods of summer?A:Emperor Yan.,B:Dayu.,C:Emperor Huang.,D:Zhu Rong.The altar of god was a spot for worshiping the tribe ancestors and gods by the emperors in the Tang dynasty.A:对,B:错Yu Wenyong initiated a reform to confiscate the land of 40,000 temples.A:对,B:错Wang Anshi, once the Prime Minister during the reign of Shenzong in the Song dynasty, enforced the farm-loan system to encourage agricultural production.A:错,B:对When Jun Tian Zhi (均田制) was practiced in Bei Wei (北魏), women were allowed to get land, too.A:错,B:对When Jun Tian Zhi (均田制) was practiced in the Tang dynasty, everyone was given the same amount of land.A:对,B:错Which of the following is not included among the main types of agricultural taxes in ancient China?A:Labor Tax.,B:Annual Tax.,C:Zu Yong Diao.,D:Chu Shui Mu.Labor tax is the form of agricultural tax in the ______.A:West Zhou dynasty,B:Ming dynasty,C:Qing dynasty,D:Spring-Autumn PeriodThe land policies of __________ are discussed in detail in this section.A:Tun Tian Zhi (屯田制),B:Jing Tian Zhi (井田制),C:Zhan Tian Zhi (占田制),D:Jun Tian Zhi (均田制)Jun Tian Zhi (均田制) is characterized as _________.A:land distributing by head,B:everyone getting the same amount of land,C:land distributing to both men and women,D:the fairest land policy for the average people in ancient ChinaConcerning Liang Shui Fa (两税法), which of the following are TRUE?A:It was meant to replace Zu Yong Diao (租庸调).,B:It was advocated by Yang Yan (杨炎).,C:Tax was mainly paid in the form of money.,D:It was practiced in the early years of the Tang dynasty.As was recorded, after coming into China, potato immediately became a delicacy of the imperial family and later a staple for common folks.A:错,B:对When Zhang Qian was sent on his first expedition westward, the emperor of China was Hanjing Di.A:对,B:错Zhang Qian was captured several times during his first expedition to the Western Regions.A:对,B:错In memory of Zheng He’s contribution, July 11 was regarded as the “Sailing Day” by the Chinese government in 2005.A:对,B:错In the 18th century, the East India Gotheborg had travelled to China three times.A:错,B:对When did the Overland and Maritime Silk Routes reach their “Golden Age”?A:In the Qin and Han dynasties.,B:In the Sui and Tang dynasties.,C:In the Tang and Song dynasties.,D:In the Ming and Qing dynasties.What’s the sible greatest contribution made by Zhang Qian on his first expedition to the West Regions?A:Creating a tragedy for China’s history.,B:Bringing back reliable information about the Western Regions.,C:Building up an alliance with Darouzi (大月氏).,D:Introducing China to other nations.“Seres” in Greek means _________.A:the country of sun,B:the country of salt,C:the country of silk,D:the country of scienceBesides silks, what were the goods dispatched by the maritime trade between China and foreign countries?A:Ironware and bronze ware.,B:Spices and flowers.,C:Porcelain and tea.,D:Farm products and tools.During Yongle Da Di’s reign, what American plants were introduced into China through south-east Asian countries?A:Tobacco.,B:Cucumber.,C:Potato.,D:Tomato.The tea ceremony presents people’s inner spiritual qualities, such as humility, restraint, simplicity and so on.A:对,B:错Nowadays, drinking tea has become part of Chinese people’s daily life and tea houses can be seen everywhere.A:对,B:错Pigs are usually used as sacrifice for ancestors or gods.A:错,B:对Chinese people are descendants of Yandi and Huangdi.A:错,B:对Chinese people always have Tangyuan during Dragon Boat Festival.A:对,B:错Which of the following is not a subsistence crop?A:Broomcorn.,B:Cotton.,C:Wheat.,D:Rice.What is the meaning of “耕耘”?A:To harvest.,B:To sow.,C:To reap.,D:To plough.Where can we find the earliest cultivation of millet and rice?A:Lintong (临潼).,B:Banpo (半坡).,C:Hemudu (河姆渡).,D:Shandingdong (山顶洞).In the 9th century B.C., Chuting was struck with a severe natural disaster and five gods dressed in _____ robes came to help them.A:yellow,B:orange,C:red,D:green and purpleWhich of the following descriptions about Leizu are correct according to the lecture?A:She was believed to be the empress of the Yellow Emperor.,B:Leizu was also called Xi Ling Shi.,C:She was appointed by Chiyou as the leader in charge of fashioning of the garments.,D:It is said that she had contributed greatly to the invention of sericulLei is the bottom part for digging, and Si is the handle.A:错,B:对Primitively, slash and burn technology brought only poor harvests, which urged Emperor Yan to improve sowing and planting methods.A:错,B:对The shadoof applies the lever principle.A:对,B:错Gao Zhuan Tong Che was depicted by Liu Yuxi in his Notes of Water Drawing Machine.A:对,B:错Push sickle, which first appeared in Song and Yuan dynasties, is one of the most important winnowing tools in ancient time.A:错,B:对Who wrote Waterwheel Poem?A:Liu Zongyuan.,B:Liu Yuxi.,C:Chen Tingzhang.,D:Zhang xiWhich of the following is NOT a threshing tool?A:Threshing bucket.,B:Sieve.,C:Stone roller.,D:Flail.Which of the following correctly express the right time in which the farm tools were developed?A:Stone tools in Neolithic age.,B:Bronze tools in Xia, Shang, Zhou dynasties.,C:Iron tools since Neolithic age.,D:Iron tools since Warring States period.What do people call chain pump in Chinese?A:Shui Che,B:Tong Che,C:Long Gu Che,D:Fan CheWhich of the following modern farm tools are developed based on push sickle?A:Reaper-binder.,B:Reaper.,C:Combine-harvester.,D:Grain drill.Both the alternating fields method and pit fields method are invented in the Tang dynasty.A:错,B:对The alternating fields method and pit fields method are two key farming techniques in maintaining a drought-proof agriculture in ancient China.A:错,B:对The ever increasing population in South China put great pressure on food and land, which was one of the reasons why terraces came into being.A:错,B:对Rainfall and mountain springs were important sources of water in the mountainous areas.A:对,B:错Shelf fields are artificial fields floating on the surface of water.A:对,B:错________ invented the alternating fields method.A:Ban Gu,B:Fan Shengzhi,C:Zhao Guo,D:Lin ZexuWhich of the following is NOT included among the contribution of terraces?A:They improve the soil fertility.,B:They scientifically minimize the soil erosion.,C:They reduce soil surface runoff.,D:They decrease water conservation.Concerning the alternating fields method, which of the following are TRUE?A:Crop seeds are sowed in the furrows in order to help them resist wind and preserve moisture.,B:The furrows and ridges of the field are rotated every year.,C:Crop seeds are sowed on the ridges in order to help them resist wind and preserve moisture.,D:ThTerraces can be found in __________.A:Hunan Province,B:Jangxi Province,C:Fujian Province,D:Guizhou ProvinceWhich of the following statements are right?A:The sandy layer on top of sandy fields dissipates the soil heat into the atmosphere moreslowly.,B:The sandy layer on top of sandy fields slows water evaporation down if it doesn’t rain.,C:The sandy layer on top of sandy fields allows more rainfall to soDayu proed the concept of Jiuzhou.A:错,B:对Dayu was the first person to build water engineering projects in the world.A:对,B:错The Grand Canal has been listed as World Heritage by UNESCO in 2014.A:错,B:对Feishayan helps to prevent water running out of the water channel.A:对,B:错When Li Bing built Yuzui Isle, he used Zhulong and Macha, a highly effective yet low-cost method, to prevent dirt and stones being washed away by fast running water.A:错,B:对Which of the following statements is true about Dayu?A:He put forward the taming philosophy in ancient China.,B:He was unwilling to go back home in his long journey.,C:He was Yao’s son.,D:He built a lot of water engineering.Dujiangyan is located in the city of _____.A:Guilin,B:Yichang,C:Chongqing,D:ChengduWater engineering projects are crucial in agricultural development because __________.A:Water is key resource in planting,B:The amount of water changes a lot in seasons,C:Water engineering could adjust the time of planting,D:Water engineering reflects the wisdom of ChineseThe Grand Canal was the example of _______.A:national power,B:creation of human,C:national independence,D:military powerThe three key components of Dujiangyan are __________.A:Feishayan,B:Mount Yulei,C:Baopingkou,D:YuzuiThe 24 Solar Terms was listed as Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO.A:错,B:对The 24 Solar Terms is based on the ar calender.A:错,B:对It is vital for farmers to prevent and clear the pests since the Awakening of Insects.A:错,B:对Dragon is regarded as thedeity in charge of fire.A:错,B:对The Son of Heaven refers to the emperor in ancient China.A:错,B:对How many solar terms are there in each season?A:Six.,B:Five.,C:Seven.,D:Four.On which solar term was the Jitian Ritual held in the Ming and Qing dynasties?A:Pure Brightness.,B:Awakening of Insects.,C:Beginning of Spring.,D:Spring Equinox.Which of the following activities should be done on the Dragon Head Raising Festival?A:Sewing with needles,B:Spreading ashes around jugs.,C:Getting a haircut.,D:Sprinkle water to the fro
