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2014年6月11日,中共中央政治局常委刘云山访问丹麦期间,参加了“欧洲学者眼中的中国共产党国际研讨会”并发言,主办方是丹麦哥本哈根商学院和中国当代世界研究中心。李世默在研讨会上做了题为“从全球视角看中国研究的新动向和中共形象的新变化”的发言。 译文出自:(以下版本稍有调整,仅供参考)

现代西方的中国学研究大致经历了两个代际的变化。第一代是历史主义流派,第二代是意识形态流派。当代西方对中国的认知,不论是学术界或大众媒体,都深受这两大代际流派的影响。In the modern era, Chinese studies in the West have gone through two main generations: the generation of the historic school and the generation of the ideological school. Contemporary Western perceptions and understanding of China, in both the academic world and popular press, have been informed by the methods and aims of these two schools. 现代中国学研究的第一代,可以追溯到20世纪初。他们用历史主义的语境研究中国,研究方法深受传统文化影响,研究领域涵盖了中国的政治、历史、社会状况和中国历史上重要的领袖人物。The first generation has guided the world’s understanding of China since the early 20th century. They seek to study China in a historical context. Their methods are deeply cultural. Their studies encompass China’s politics, historical and social conditions, and the personalities who drove China’s history. 中国学的第二代,始于1989年,在后冷战时代的意识形态狂热中诞生。这一时期的研究,陷入自由民主或专制独裁的意识形态两元对立。在研究取向上,强调政治立场先行和意识形态挂帅,目的只有一个,即证明中国的政治制度必然崩溃。可惜,这一代流派的研究一再被中国成功发展的事实证伪,备受质疑。The second generation materialized after 1989 in the context of the post Cold War ideological fervor. The entire school was defined by the ideological dichotomy between liberal democracy and authoritarianism. The aim of their studies carried an overtly political and ideological agenda - to prove the Chinese political system is on an inevitable course towards eventual collapse. This school has been largely discredited by facts on the ground and their impact on the future will be limited at best. 第三代中国学发端于新的形势背景下,研究方法和取向都不同以往。这一代流派的演进,将推动中国学从基础结构上发生转型,并使世界对中国的认知产生决定性影响。这对中国共产党来说意义深远,作为中国政治治理模式的核心。A third generation is emerging. This new generation is approaching China with new methods and different aims within different contexts. This development has placed the fundamental frameworks of Chinese studies in transition. How this evolves will have decisive impacts on the world’s interpretations of China. 最近几十年来,中国全方位快速崛起,全球政治、历史、经济研究的顶尖人士,纷纷聚焦中国,希望探究这一历史重大事件的深远含义。这个群体不再象前两代那样限于中国通,而是来自各个领域。With the dramatic rise of China in all aspects of its national power in recent decades, some of the brightest minds in political science, history, and economics are beginning to examine closely what it all really means. Many of them are no longer China experts but generalists. 一个趋向可以称为实证派,即以收集客观数据为基本研究方法,从历史和现在的角度客观分析中国的治理模式。A much more interesting emerging trend is the empirical school. In this approach, the methods center around empirical data and the aim is the objective understanding of Chinese governance in both historic and contemporary contexts.

